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[–] TommySoda 23 points 1 day ago (2 children)

When it comes to protesting like this I don't really give a shit if someone paints over parts of a building. But the books themselves? That's just fucked up. I understand they are trying to get people pissed over this but this is entirely the wrong way to do it. All this will do is make everyone pissed off at you instead. I'd say a good rule of thumb for protest graffiti is whether or not it can still be used after it's been covered in paint. Graffiti on a wall doesn't make the wall unusable. But if someone put graffiti on the windshield of my car I'd be so pissed off I wouldn't give two shits about the message.

[–] TommySoda 33 points 4 days ago (3 children)

If you read that whole section in that whole "project 2025" disaster they actually say that they want to outlaw porn entirely and imprison anyone that makes porn because it's "infected with transgender propaganda" or whatever. My new go to response for people saying they are gonna vote for Trump is asking if they watch porn. I quickly realized the majority of people that are voting for Trump that are my age don't even know the contents of Project 2025.

[–] TommySoda 25 points 4 days ago (1 children)

We're all kids. We just have responsibility now so we have to pretend we don't want to sit around and play with Legos all day. None of us have "figured it out" and the only reason it seemed like adults knew what they were doing when we were kids was because adults were old enough to have fucked everything up at least once.

[–] TommySoda 37 points 4 days ago

The best part about late stage capitalism is that all the worst people have all the money to do whatever the hell they want.

[–] TommySoda 2 points 6 days ago

The snow golem.

[–] TommySoda 83 points 6 days ago (1 children)

You're goddamn right I do.

[–] TommySoda 3 points 6 days ago

I don't know, this isn't blowing up in their face hard enough.

[–] TommySoda 1 points 1 week ago

It's crazy how fatal falls can be for ANYONE. Seriously. I've seen people fall off a 4 foot ladder and have it be fatal. Or slip on ice. Or just trip on something. I'm also a kinda tall clumsy person so I think about this a lot too. Plus I've taken OSHA classes on fall protection which only made it worse. :)

[–] TommySoda 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is a very common thing outside the bubble that is the US. In fact, before COVID it was totally normal to see people wearing masks when they were sick in public places. A little strange to see, but still normal and nobody really cared. People didn't give two shits back then versus now where they stick out like a sore thumb. Before you'd see someone wearing a mask and think "oh, they might be sick" and move on with your life before you even had a chance to put it into your long term memory. It's not that it's weird to wear a mask. It's that everyone forgot that it used to not be weird at all. The fact that they are getting judged in the first place would seem completely ridiculous 5 years ago.

[–] TommySoda 22 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

The fact that there is a stigma in the first place is incredibly silly. Masks are a great tool to prevent getting others sick. It's like if someone made fun of you for using a screwdriver instead of doing it by hand.

[–] TommySoda 46 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I wear one when I'm sick. Outside of places like the United States it's actually very common to wear masks when you are sick. There used to not be a stigma about masks even in the US before COVID. This is because masks were never meant to be used as a way to prevent getting sick but as a way to not get others sick, therefore slowing the spread of disease. Somewhere over the past few years the lines got crossed and everyone started calling masks bullshit because they misinterpreted the actual use for them. Doctors don't wear masks because they don't want to get sick. They wear them so they don't get their patients sick.

[–] TommySoda 27 points 1 week ago (14 children)

I wish Valve had some sort of monetary incentive to fix this. If this happened to the cash cow that is Counter Strike this would have been fixed already. It's sad to see this going on especially with the resurgence TF2 has been having lately.

Good job me boy! (


Good job me boy! (

Almost forgot this time. :)

Good job me boy! (
Good job me boy! (

Time to fill out those clam sheets!

Good job me boy! (

Don't forget to fill out your clamsheet for the week!

Good job me boy! (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by TommySoda to c/[email protected]
Good job me boy! (
Good job me boy! (
Good job me boy! (
Good Job me boy! (
Good job me boy! (
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