
joined 1 year ago
[–] teft 5 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

A U.S. Patent and Trademark Office submission published July 18 titled “Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations” describes a way for Ford‘s vehicles to measure the speeds of nearby cars using cameras and sensors, and then potentially report those violations to the police.

Tell me how that would work if I have the right to face my accuser in court?

[–] teft 5 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

He wouldn't know how to get to Punt even if was written down on the walls of his tomb.

[–] teft 5 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

I give you Tut's nuts.

[–] teft 64 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

“Putin and President Xi of China, all over the world they’re watching this,” Trump said. “Kim Jong Un, he looks at us like we are a bunch of babies. They see that—that wouldn’t happen in their countries, it’s impossible for that to happen in their country.”

Saying the quiet part out loud again.

Yes, Donny. You can't do that in those countries because they are fascist authoritarian shitholes.

[–] teft 3 points 4 hours ago

It fully depends on where you live. If psychedelic mushrooms are illegal where you live then lab grown ones probably are. Most of the time spores aren't illegal to possess. Also did you know that a bag of uncle bens is a sterile bag of starches? Do with that information what you will.

[–] teft 5 points 4 hours ago (4 children)

They can be found in cow shit but they don't have to be. Modern lab grown mushrooms are grown in sterilized growing medium.

[–] teft 6 points 6 hours ago (5 children)

Urda, my friend, you are entering a world of yarn!

[–] teft 6 points 6 hours ago (7 children)

Far out, man.

[–] teft 2 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

Because if the fertility rate stays the same there will become a point where societies will become too small and disconnected to maintain technology. At that point people will probably have to fall back on farming in order to survive. When that happens you'll have to maintain large families in order to keep everyone fed.

It's not like our birth rates are falling due to some outside cause like disease. It's because modern societies don't require many children in each family. Give that reason to have large families back and the birth rates will explode.

[–] teft 8 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

even if it was the third one.

You have a third pinky?

[–] teft 2 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

As the population declines we would probably reach a point where we have to go back to agrarian societies and those pretty much need a bunch of child workers working the farm with the parents.

My thought would be no, we won't disappear unless it's a cataclysmic event that just wipes us all out at once. Also if we can get off this rock and establish a base somewhere else like the moon or mars that increases our chances of not being extinguished even higher.

[–] teft 8 points 7 hours ago

Remember the 2015 American Airlines strike, where pilots and flight attendants got a raise? The eminently guillotineable Citibank analyst Kevin Crissey declared: "This is frustrating. Labor is being paid first again. Shareholders get leftovers":

My first thought was there is no way he said that.

Spoiler: He really said that.


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Statuette of an Assyrian king

Description: The king stands on an elevated base. He is wearing a long robe to his feet. His feet can be seen through the robe. Details of the robe are incised. His hands are clasped together. A decorated gold inlay is on the middle of his chest. He wears a long stylized beard and wig. The general scholarly consensus is that this statue is not ancient.

Provenance: Said to have been found on the bank of the Tigris about 1875. By 1938: with Fahim Kouchakji; 1938: purchased by the MFA for $11,000.


A network of ultrawealthy Christian donors is spending nearly $12 million to mobilize Republican-leaning voters and purge more than a million people from the rolls in key swing states, aiming to tilt the 2024 election in favor of former President Donald Trump.

These previously unreported plans are the work of a group named Ziklag, a little-known charity whose donors have included some of the wealthiest conservative Christian families in the nation, including the billionaire Uihlein family, who made a fortune in office supplies, the Greens, who run Hobby Lobby, and the Wallers, who own the Jockey apparel corporation. Recipients of Ziklag’s largesse include Alliance Defending Freedom, which is the Christian legal group that led the overturning of Roe v. Wade, plus the national pro-Trump group Turning Point USA and a constellation of right-of-center advocacy groups.


Inspired by @[email protected]'s post

Edit: I love all these extra ones you guys made. You're all awesome.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/14552478

Might not be super obscure but as a lifelong LoTR fan and new Trek fan this was my first watch!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by teft to c/tenforward

Thanks to @ummthatguy for the template and font.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by teft to c/tenforward

Happy April Fool's Day. In reality I love all Starfleet ships equally. Except for the USS Equinox. That's a garbage ship for garbage people.

submitted 3 months ago by teft to c/tenforward
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