Alto yes, cirrus no. Cirrus is the shape
A french exchange girl asked us if we were serving her horse. As in horse meat. A few weeks later she left my brother in the Disneyland parking lot because of an issue with tickets. They left him there and went by themselves, with no way to contact them, with no way to go back to the village they were from etc.
Antidepressants aren't about making people happy. Happy pills don't exist.
Convo ends here because you lack arguments. Because contrary to what you want, there is no alternate history and communism was just as shit as nazism was.
Boy, tankies will pull out everything to defend an authoritarian regime that killed millions.
Wow, now we have reached alternate history levels of bullshit I see. Good job using my comment and thinking it's a "gotcha". Maybe I should respond back and replace with "gazillions".
Here, read up.
You are confused about what point you are trying to make. Communists have killed millions. So have nazis. Nazis aren't welcome because of that. Neither should communists. You launching into a tirade about capitalism is changing the subject and actually strawmanning.
"No true Scotsman" fallacy. All you are doing is rebranding communism as "something else". And yeah, they were communist countries.
USA isn't communist and I have no idea where you got that from.
A walkable city means you have everything you need to thrive within a 5 - 10 min walk. Not just "survive" - i.e a grocery store or whatever. Gyms, restaurants, local establishments, work, etc. Public transport gets you to the next region like that, and is necessary mostly to go somewhere because someone else you want to meet lives further away.
It is not "a bad faith argument", it's the truth. Capitalism has been "in force" since ancient times. Where there is money and private ownership, there is capitalism. And yeah, communism has killed more people than nazis ever did, not that it is a contest. The reality is people who have never had anything to do with communism romanticize it as some great solution that solves every problem, when in reality it results in murderous regimes that oppress their people, their neighbors and everyone else there is to oppress.
We don't say shit we just do. Tanks suddenly gone missing, someone takes a pic of them in Ukraine. Like a year before the entire "oh no should we send tanks, what if Russia would be mad :<". That's why the discussions were "western tanks" because "tanks" was out of the bag like 4 months after the war started.