As an electrical engineer, the very thought of attempting to explain physics to these people makes me want to take a shower.
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of
I'd rather try and explain it to my cat. And I think I'd have the same chance of success.
Actually your cat already knows. He just doesn't care.
Obviously they know as they were the pharaohs back in ancient Egypt when they build those electrical generators we call "the pyramids."
I taught mine to turn off the lights and it gets a treat for it. It knows the trigger for a job done is the light turning off. I think you might have a better chance of teaching the cat
Mine figured out how to use a door handle, and I didn't even need to train him. He just wanted to be on the other side of the door, and made it happen.
Mine does that too, I used to live in an apartment where the bathroom had a really light door handle (door made of glass) so he went there and meowed in the shower since that was his favourite space to meow. Now I live in a flat with crooked door frames, so every door needs a solid push. The cat stands on the washing mashine with front paws on the handle, and meows at me since it isn't opening. He jumps at the door handle of the front door, gets spooked by the keys and runs full tilt to the living room to jump on a window. He knows the front door is locked, but I guess he doesn't care
Construct additional pylons.
We require more vespene gas
You really can't have enough pylons if you're trying to use the power of the universe.
Or warp in those heckin expensive templars
Here I was hoping Electroculture was a new branch of house music.
There's still time...
I misread but I'm going to reply anyways: The Electrocutes were a side project of The Donnas with all the same members.
Old man story time. Thirty-ish years ago someone from my grandfather's church tried getting him in on the free energy crap. I was very much a computer nerd and a science nerd in general. It had some sort of perpetual motion thing going on.
He handed the literature to me to look over because he wasn't a learned man, but he did respect people who were. I did and laughed. He said "That's what I was afraid of. They're always looking at some scam or other."
It still blows my mind that 30 years later they're peddling the same kind of shit in a new wrapper and people are still falling for it. These people used to be looked at as the morons falling for get rich quick schemes.
Common sense starts to become a lot less common when education systems start to fail.
IMO schools should have a subject like "media" which informs about how desinformation, conformation bias and social media algorithms work in creating filter bubbles and "alternate" facts.
Interestingly, when I was in high school some 15 years ago, we did have one week where we went over determining the reliability of a source and media literacy. (No social media algorithms though.)
Of course a bunch of the other kids in my class complained about it the whole time and said they would never need it. Judging from what I know of them now, they indeed never used those skills.
I genuinely thought this dude was trolling. Then I scrolled down.
once you start researching copper in history,and religion,and see for yourself the power it welds
I’ve never tried welding with copper, but now I feel like I’m missing out.
I wonder why nobody's welding with copper, imagine all the free energy we could be harvesting! Not like it's an absolute pain to weld with compared to steel or anything...
these people are going to lose it when they discover "solar panels"
All solar panels are up high. It’s just fucking copper thats high that does all the electricity. The panels are just fake so we don’t all just put copper up there.
I think you're on to something.
I wouldn't exactly be shocked if they felt they were hoaxes and were actually free energy devices but that's being hidden from us.
They took the fifth element out of the periodic table….
Yes the missing Boron.
No dummy, not Boron. May I recommend the excellent documentary The Fifth Element (1997) if you'd like to know more?
Was the fifth element Love?
I always knew there was a grand conspiracy against boron. We must fight back for this amazing element! #SaveTheBoron
No, no. They took the REAL fith element out of the periodic table and gave us boron as a cover. You can see it right there in the name, as it's a portmanteau of "boring" and "moron". #wakeupsheeple.
/s just in case.
These people are so fucking dumb I can’t even finish reading. They should be locked in a room and forced to read books for 5 years.
The first guy read a motorcycle manual that tries and fails to teach physics for some reason. Does that count?
Starting with thermodynamics. Well they’ll have to start more basic but work up to that asap
I remember being 12 and thinking I could invent infinite energy because I just learned how gears work. I was devastated to learn about torque.
Genuinely true: Knew a guy in our expat group who had a really unique conspiracy theory: Those electric windmills you see on the landscape? He though you’d need constantly gale force winds to move the blades an inch, so he was pushing this theory that they’re not there to generate electricity, but to secretly to consume excess electricity, basically burning it off to help keep energy/oil costs high.
Did anyone try to explain surface area or even, like, sails to him?
Didn’t matter. It was his windmill to charge..
Why did Rockefeller steal love? Am I missing something?
If you missed the "there is no bottom to the crazy here" in the headline, yes. Otherwise, no. You missed nothing.
I just wish they would include some whys sometimes. People with insane trails of reasoning are the best. I need the backstory of old timey robber barons stealing love.
Maybe they're mixing up their shit and Soros stole Milla? She's a Jewish/Ukrainian joint op to weaken American men by having a woman that consistently destroys monsters bare handed over like 35 fucking years. Milla Soyovich was her real name.
He didn't like Leon The Professional either, really put him off. Couldn't get into Fifth Element with that baggage. So. Yeah, discontinued education entirely.
What motorcycle manual is this? Lol.
I don't know, but it sure is odd that a motorcycle manual is attempting, and apparently failing, to give a physics lesson, so I'm going to suggest that it's the motorcycle manual the demons that whisper into their ears at night use when they ride their motorcycles over to their bedroom.
I never learned this in my studies, I'm sad this motorcycle manual wasn't required reading. I should probably just burn my degree.
The comment in the 2nd screenshot, talking about the "new electric transfer station in Freetown Ma" along with the accompanying image looks it comes straight from a SCP appendix.
Are you building an Interocitor in there?