
joined 2 years ago
[–] carl_dungeon 2 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Trump must give amazing head. Must be those soft fatty cheeks.

[–] carl_dungeon 37 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago)

Make sure you’re not mixing up MBps and Mbps. Internet speed is almost always measured in megabits (Mbps) not megaBytes (MBps), the former being 1/8 of the equivalent megabytes per second.

55 megaBYTES per second is just fine, that’s a full HD movie download in about 3 minutes. 55 megaBITS would be about 24 minutes for the same thing. Would that matter to you? No idea. But if you’re currently at 100, everything would take about twice as long as before the switch regardless.

[–] carl_dungeon 3 points 20 hours ago

Yeah- you make good points. I think what I was upset about was that we started with a given (they obviously work in space) and then half the class argued they didn’t for a while.

A better question would have been “how can they work since space has no air in space?” which leads to great q & a I think.

[–] carl_dungeon 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 20 hours ago) (3 children)

Yeah yeah, I know. I was mostly just kidding. Everything is magic if you’re ignorant and we shouldn’t shit on people for not knowing something and props to them for asking and seeking knowledge and all that.

But it’s really sad that very basic science like radio waves which are introduced in 5th or 6th grade could be so completely misunderstood.

I remember my 6th grade science class having a lively 15 minute discussion about whether or not rockets can work in space since there’s no air…. We’re looking at videos of rockets working in space and then debating whether or not they do. 🙄

[–] carl_dungeon 55 points 1 day ago (21 children)

There are some stupid questions.

[–] carl_dungeon 14 points 1 day ago

From what I’ve heard, they were basically allowing anything with a pulse to teach in AZ, so who knows, being taught by an occasionally hallucinating wiki engine might be an improvement over the wife of some national guard dude.

[–] carl_dungeon 1 points 1 day ago

Pretty fair review, and I agree fully about the peace of mind hands off part. Could I build some awesome zfs cluster that does amazing things? Sure! But do I want to deal with that day to day for my home storage needs or just plug something in that “just works” out of the box? With time getting shorter and shorter for me these days, every few hours I don’t spend fixing or configuring something means more time with fam or hobbies. I’ve used synology units for almost 15 years and have never had an issue- no plans to scrap it and do it all myself any time soon.

[–] carl_dungeon 8 points 3 days ago

I haven’t seen anyone feeling terrorized or bad- people wanna marry him and there’s an alibi meme going strong.

[–] carl_dungeon 13 points 4 days ago

Wow it’s really nuts, I’m starting to think all these statues might have involved people!?! I’m guessing the ancient aliens had a conspiracy around using humans as models for their primitive stone statues, that’s the real take away here.

[–] carl_dungeon 11 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Sad story, but I love the community sharing in the end. Maybe this will become solid open source tooling, and who knows, as the creators of it, maybe there are opportunities for them in the future with it.

[–] carl_dungeon 1 points 4 days ago

Not all servers are running on the public internet.

[–] carl_dungeon 2 points 4 days ago

That orange dickhead can get fucked

10,000 Guys in 2 Shitters (self.fakebandnames)
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