I thought Waterworld was fine.
He's going to sell Elon birthright citizenship somehow.
It's the best part of winter if we're honest with ourselves.
I just got my booster last week and this was the first one where I didnt need the next day in bed. I've never had the 'Rona (that I know of).
Mork of course.
No so stealthy camping.
Still sour about windmills off the coast of one of your golf courses.?
The owner of a previous company is a lot like that. He is way more comfortable walking around and seeing people toiling away. I told him I'm perfectly capable of sitting in the office and looking busy for 8 hours.
He treats the place like a convenience store and assumes everyone is stealing from the till.
If he had known before, he probably wouldn't have stored camp fuel and fireworks.
I definitely remember Ringo and George. I always assumed that is was just Ringo quit thing.
Or just pour it along the fence where the tall grass grows (before weed whackers)