
joined 5 months ago
[–] TexasDrunk 8 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

I see you've been to my hometown.

The other person that replied did mention a lot of cool things you can do in a rural community. But being half an hour from a grocery store that has something I actually want at a price that's reasonable (as reasonable as groceries get, I guess) sucks.

[–] TexasDrunk 17 points 7 hours ago

I had to go look and I'm still not sure I understand, but it seems like it's derogatory because whoever wrote the greentext is basically calling Indians "street shitters".

[–] TexasDrunk 28 points 7 hours ago (5 children)

It's less about what was done than the hypocrisy. Especially the hypocrisy of doing it while kids were around. Hell, I expect the hypocrisy out of her but that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore it.

It's the same reason we talk shit about all the Republicans that get caught doing gay shit. I don't care if someone enjoys doing gay shit. Good for them. But if you've voted for laws that harm the LGBTQ+ community and get caught sucking dick in an airport bathroom then I'm going to make fun of you.

[–] TexasDrunk 8 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

He waffled about what the book was really about. At first he said it was censorship. Later in life he said it was intended as a searing indictment of the looming cultural distraction of technology, most notably television according to his biographer Sam Weller.

Which is wild considering he wrote scripts for the Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents, then had Ray Bradbury Theater in the 80s.

[–] TexasDrunk 2 points 8 hours ago

This is not my usual kind of game but this one was very good. I played through it several times and still haven't got 100%.

I'm going to try to get all the trophies once I'm done with the Elden Ring DLC.

[–] TexasDrunk 3 points 3 days ago

Texas is racist, Florida is racist, but ain't neither of them got shit on Alabama and Mississippi. Texas and Florida are just louder.

[–] TexasDrunk 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I heard white racists make fun of black people for that a lot when I was younger. But we ate it when I was a kid because we were poor and that was cheap and delicious.

[–] TexasDrunk 2 points 3 days ago

I bet they even told him the plan and he forgot.

[–] TexasDrunk 4 points 3 days ago (5 children)

I picked Elden Ring back up today (why no, it has nothing to do with the DLC). I'm still garbage.

[–] TexasDrunk 9 points 3 days ago

Considering some of the sellers, they deserve each other. I have cash, don't want to haggle, and can pick it up whenever it's convenient. Three weeks later I'm either told it's gone or asked what time I can be there.

I could have been there weeks ago. I already purchased one elsewhere. No need to get pissy when it's been so long.

[–] TexasDrunk 17 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I was straight up told getting kicked into a new tax bracket would cost me money when I started working back in the 90s. By someone 3x my age. I believed it, being a wide eyed moron. I didn't figure out progressive tax rates for like a decade after.

[–] TexasDrunk 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

If I'm getting garbage pizza (yeah, sometimes you do want garbage) I'll usually go to the Cici's buffet. It's worse, but I get to keep going back for the terrible dessert pizza and it's dirt cheap.

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