Their four other kids recovered, so I suppose 4/5 isn't bad?
Honestly these religious communities need a purging. I am religious and I'd NEVER consider not availing myself of the miracles of medicine.
Their four other kids recovered, so I suppose 4/5 isn't bad?
Honestly these religious communities need a purging. I am religious and I'd NEVER consider not availing myself of the miracles of medicine.
Sure. This clearly demonstrates a lack of appropriate parenting skills and child safety. CAS would be involved for lots of cases like that.
You can give us Buffalo any day. I love that city so much.
I really like him lately! Sometimes I don't connect well with poems by guys, but this is really great.
They say it to each other as a greeting, usually they just say 88. Another great one is TTMFBBTT, which means they are Aryan Brotherhood members "til the motherfucking body bag toe tag". Or they say "wood wood", which is short for either peckerwoods or feather woods, which is a male and female AB member.
The Klan say KIGY, AKIA, and KLASP.
I had an American friend who married a Canadian. It took SO much work to get her permanent resident card, like a lawyer and everything.
I took no particular offense to it, because I was brought up Catholic but also to love queer people and accept them fully and that abortion was fine, so I was ignoring all their social bugaboos all along, but when I finished school I realized a volcel in a dress had nothing to say to a young girl, and my priest's brother was my high school chaplain who was gay as a day in May but in the closet, and they lived together in this grim sexless loveless house together until the chaplain died and the priest went to be a bishop in the North where he whittled out his days until his forced retirement at 75. He wrote some choice words about Pride parades, which I wish I would have known about when it happened because I would have fought back because his brother deserved his respect.
I'm in one way glad Reddit exists because there are kids of people like this who turn up there and tell people stuck in it how to get out. If nothing else.
Aww I didn't know you included me until now. Bones of the Moon is the title of a book about a magical kid named Pepsi actually, but space skeleton is cool.
Absolutely but only if you drop the Maga people off in Utah on the way out.
I go to church and am one of the bread bakers, we each volunteer one week per month. It's so easy to bake bread, which we all make a different type of every time, and we buy beautiful locally bottled grape juice from a nearby farm. One of the church members is a potter and made an absolutely gorgeous communion set complete with the crown of thorns. Catholics just have some volcel in a dress yapping and singing, and absolutely NOTHING for the children of the congregation, which is why so many grow away from it, myself included, because there is nothing for your age group to engage with. It's no wonder they're such a disaster. Church can be so nice if you pay attention to the details and make it a celebration every week, and we have such robust children's programming that we have 80 kids a week attending. The Catholics actually have very set education for every stage of a child's life, but they do nothing for them at service.
Believe it or not sovcits exist in 26 countries. But Poland I've never heard of.