Lol. Normally Elon just posts cringe that isnt funny in any way. But this is hilarious. "I love your transphobia, but have you tried thinking about literally anything else?" Like he wants her to start posting great replacement shit
Be sure to follow the rule before you head out.
Rule: You must post before you leave.
man i love this comment i wish lemmy had awards
Awards are just bespoke emoji. You can still react to a comment with a picture or emoji if you want.
IMO your comment, actually expressing explicit and specific approval, is worth more than, like... a picture of a little whale with money coming out of its blowhole, or whatever.
I fucking hate awards, they’re shit garbage and I’m so glad Lanny doesn’t have them
"X isn't just for Transphobia, it's also for racism"
Biologist here. The main problem with this argument is that Rowling is trying to win her argument through scientizing, and is not only doing it in an inept way, but in a way that’s completely ironic.
She’s invoking biology, but infortunately she’s adopting an approach that incorporates a high school level of biology. When we start teaching science, we start with highly simplified presentations of the major topics, then build both in breadth and depth from there. If you really want to get down the rabbit hole of sex determination (and multiple definitions of genetic and phenotypical “sex”), you really need to get into molecular biology, genetics, and developmental biology. She’s been advised of this multiple times by multiple experts, so at this point it’s willful ignorance.
The painfully ironic part is that she’s relying on an area where she has no expertise in order to make her point, while ignoring the fact that, as a world-known literary figure, she should know that the applicable part of the definition of “woman” is linguistic and semiotic - which is to say it’s cultural. The definition of “woman” was different in the 1940s South, among the 17th century pilgrims, the Algonquin tribes, cultures throughout sub-equatorial Africa, and so on.
The definition of “woman” was different in the 1940s South, among the 17th century pilgrims, the Algonquin tribes, cultures throughout sub-equatorial Africa, and so on.
Can you give an example? Not trying to be a bigot, just curious.
here's one example for you (click here) exploring igbo gender norms
here's a second report that's worth reading too (click here)
i don't have much knowledge about the other cultures suggested, others can provide info for those
Jesus, it's way more dehumanizing to be thought of only in relation to checks notes Large Gametes than it is to simply accept that people of the same gender can be born with different bits.
It's even worse than that. Individuals are a vessel for those gametes, not the gametes themselves. I'm sorry, but sperm aren't fucking people Robert Rowling. You aren't your cum or your period. Inhaling pollen during spring isn't killing trees.
Joanne Galbraith's conservative gender ideology values genes and bloodlines more than people. Living a good life doesn't matter, only reproducing like e coli.
Phobes want the world to make sense because they think it'll fill the emptiness in their soul. It'll never work. The void can't be filled that way.
AKA women who no longer produce large gametes are no longer women.
As a 58 year old, JK Rowling is, by her own definition, very unlikely to be a woman any longer.
That's why she's so mad all the time!
I mean at least read what she said. "Belongs to the sex class" doesn't mean you're a man at menopause.
She forgot to define "sex class", which could be all sorts of things. She did that because either she doesn't know shit about classes, or because she wants to just say "women are women goddamnit" without actually saying it.
A sex class is defined by the material conditions of the exploitation of labor it's members experience while producing their respective gametes. Obviously.
What's a sex class? How is it defined? Does it include age groups? How about hermaphrodites?
Of which the "class" of women after menopause would not be women then.
We haven't yet got a definition of a man though, so presumably most older 'women' are non-binary in their world
So as a likley post menopausal human. JK Rowling no longer belongs to the 'sex class woman' and likely has no 'sex class'.
Given she spends like 80% of her free time talking shit about a marginalized minority, she also has no class in general
Fuck that's a great burn.
"But I could in the past" or "I was meant to" or some other contrived bullshit that gets the end result she wants.
Of all hills to die on that ruin your reputation and legacy, why this one? I just don't get it.
I am a gen x cis heterosexual white male.
Transexuality is strange and foreign to me. I don't understand it. This gives me exactly zero right to take any stand against it. I'd say it gives me less right to express an opinion as how could I be knowledgeable on something I've just admitted I don't understand?
Let people live and go enjoy your billions.
Sup, fellow XCHWM here. My first thought was to agree and say something about how people’s right to exist and live the life that is normal to them doesn’t depend on anybody understanding or approving it. And assuming it’s peaceful and all that. You know, decent human stuff.
But then I reread your last line and got saddened by imagining the mental state of JKR. Imagine you are not just rich, but an adored famous artist, an American Dream success story, and doubly mega fucking rich to the point that you could just walk around giving random people life-changing amounts of money all day while funding other big amazing shit… and your mind is distracted by anger and fear towards the existence of other people you don’t even know. And now your famous name is attached to that awful attribute.
Completely agree with your broader points, and I know it's kinda nitpicky but
an American Dream success story
Dis lady hella British.
"belongs to the sex class"... The heck. Such a meaningless circular definition just to provide a veneer of justification for her transphobia.
3 Ways Squidward Makes It Really Difficult To Jerk Off To Him
What the hell is this website lmao. It's awesome.
It used to be owned by The Onion, but it’s since become its own thing. But it’s basically if The Onion was clickbait/buzzfeed.
She's so transparently working backwards from her original knee jerk judgement on her views on gender. I've never understood why people feel the need to die on this hill, change is scary sure, but it's not THAT big a deal is it?
Just because people are famous doesn't mean their opinions are valid.
I am not sure that just because someone produces sperm vs eggs delineates them as male vs female. You could produce sperm but have endocrinological phenotypes (driven by genes) affect your physiology, so it wouldn’t make sense to keep insisting that one is male then.
Also, how does this definition take into account intersex people who produce both types of eggs? They’re a man? Or woman? What subcriteria would you use to define them, and then why wouldn’t you use that same subcriteria on single-cell producers?
At a socio-political and cultural level, it seems useless to worry about how someone’s sex is defined. There’s no purpose served other than to create a class of people who can conveniently be othered and used as a means to distract from people who are truly damaging to society—the greedy and resource hoarders.
Cissexism often relies on denying the realities of intersex bodies. Or underplaying how common they are.
The reality is biological sex is clustered bimodal traits.
At a fundamental level her argument appears to be "I define biological sex and gender as the same thing, no other definition may exist".
How large do gametes have to be to be considered large?
I mean human gametes aren't very large compared to chicken gametes.
I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes.
TIL my grandma isn't a woman anymore.
That depends on which sex class she attended and whether or not her teacher was accredited.
A real feminist would have realized, he'd never say that to a man.
Nah he just calls them pedos when they irritate enough
LOL he just told her she'd be pretty if she smiled more. What an asshole. Being an asshole, to an asshole. There's no winner in that exchange.
I have a theory that JKR got sexually abused by a trans woman who had won and then abused her trust, and hasn't processed the trauma from it. And doesn't want to, nor feels she has to. So she just decided to hate that whole class of people instead.
Naw, I think she's just a midandrist with a penis phobia and sees transwomen as trojan horses to get the penises in her presence.
I think that's far too generous. It tries to justify her hate. I think it's far more likely she's just a conservative asshole. Most anti-trans people have never even had a conversation with a trans person. Ignorance is the true source of hate, not betrayal.
the title confuses me. umm... don't you think Elon would find most of us insufferable?
TERFs? Posting interesting and positive content? I don't think so, Elon - they're usually regurgitating same bullshit over and over, and being as miserable as possible. Just like the Twitter's usual far right user base, but somehow even more so.