Many years ago I noticed that using a paper almanac was very helpful in certain situations, actually helping me make more use of the Google Calendar. Two years ago I started using a bunch of notebooks (basically one notebook per topic) because writing ideas down is very helpful to me. Just at the end of the year I got a sketchbook for drawings. At the beginning of the year I got a bunch of Post-Its and started my very own conspiracy wall (the conspiracy is that there's stuff I'm supposed to do at some point).
Well, the ball is in the court of the public transport agencies, then! While OpenStreetMap cannot be expected to accept any and all kind of geographic data imaginable, OSM is meant to serve map data that can supplement other data sources and services.
I'm in Finland, and there's at least a couple of Web services that do long distance bus/rail/plane route planning, all using OSM. Our municipal bus schedule service, mobile app and the bus stop displays have been using OSM for over a decade.
"Brave Browser: Forget the Fox" absolutely reads like "Brave: Well, Fuck Those Other Guys, Right?"
...come on, Brave, do it. Change the title to that. Or someone will eventually sue you for misleading advertisements. Because this is not very brave, is it?
To me Teams pretty much represents one of Microsoft's aggravating mortal sins.
Teams got popular. More due to the circumstances than the inherent quality of the app. And once entrenched, Microsoft did what they always do in situations like this. Jack squat.
This could have been a start of a beautiful new era! Strike the iron while it's hot! Show what the money, resources and the technical know-how at Microsoft's disposal could do! Fix all of the failings of Skype tech, and really polish up the app! Did Microsoft do that? Naaah. It's a mediocre app with brand new jank! That's its destiny now.
I'm mostly using my PC for photo work, drawing, writing, and programming.
Most of my game time is on consoles (Xbox Series X and Switch).
I rarely play PC games, and they're usually PC-friendly by design (e.g. heavy use of keyboard/mice, ready availability of neat mods) or distribution (weird indie shit®).
Oh and emulators. Recently started dumping all of my GameCube and Wii games, and I have to say Dolphin is just bloody incredible.
Funny thing, I used Xfce pretty much everywhere. When I recently had a work laptop I tried KDE seriously for the first time ever, and I was like, oh, this is just a sensible desktop nowadays.
Clearly meant for nice hardware though. Sometimes a bit slow on my Raspberry Pi 4. Might switch back. But otherwise, no complaints.
Well, some browsers have made User-Agent strings useless. Technically, it's like this:
Firefox: "Mozilla based browser, Gecko engine, Firefox."
Chromium: "We're totally a Mozilla based browser we swear. Also KHTML, which is like Gecko basically. I guess also a bit like WebKit. Has anyone ever heard of those? No? OK. Fine, here's some actual information then..."
I've posted photos daily for 2 years now and I'm getting reasonable levels of likes/reposts. Judging from the stuff I've heard from other folks, these levels have fallen a lot from the site's heyday, but there's still a whole bunch of users. Just a hunch, but I guess the Twitter/Facebook shenanigans probably drove more people back to Tumblr, too.
I love shield-toads! 🐢
[Some person is getting devastating flak from industry peers for association with Trump]
[...while also getting screwed by Trump]
Begun, the second Trump administration has.
I have a HMD Global Nokia 5.4 (Android 12), and the search bar in the launcher takes up one row in the home screen. Haven't found a way to disable it. As I understand the Nokia launcher is custom but isn't crazy different from stock. I can, however, see why they'd hype up the search bar considering the phone also has a dedicated Assistant button that I pretty much never use.
"Linux is probably insecure. Also GPL sounds like communism." ...did I just get mysteriously whisked back to 1998? Because that was the last time I heard this shit.