LW Community Spotlight: [email protected]

submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 29 minutes ago by ekZepp to c/[email protected]

Trash of the Count's Family is a Korean isekai web novel series written by Yoo Ryeo Han in the Action, Comedy, and Fantasy genres. The story follows the main character, Kim Rok Soo, who wakes up in a different world and inhabits the body of a minor villain named Cale Henituse. As the plot deviates from the original novel, Kim Rok Soo becomes entangled in various conflicts. The novel is still ongoing but is currently on hiatus due to the author's family circumstances. It features elements like alchemy, artifacts, beast companions, and a cautious, clever protagonist. The novel has garnered praise for its masterful storytelling and engaging plot, making it a popular choice among readers

Web Novel: LINK1 | LINK2

More info: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/trash-of-the-counts-family/

Is also been adapted in a web comics series : https://trashofthecountfamily.com/

submitted 19 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/nffc
submitted 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago) by MHanak to c/cursedcomments

Edit: typo

submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

L'importanza delle norme UNI: le gare per gli stabilimenti balneari

A fine di aprile 2024, il Consiglio di Stato ha confermato la scadenza delle concessioni demaniali per le spiagge, bloccando deroghe e a dare corso a procedure di gara per l'assegnazione delle concessioni. Ecco dove una norma UNI, risulta preziosa.

submitted 9 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-postowane z: https://szmer.info/post/3196082

Zapraszamy Was na dyskusję o radykalnych ruchach społecznych na Górnym Śląsku. Spotkamy się z Dariuszem Zalegą, historykiem, autorem niedawno wydanej książki „Chachary, Historia Ludowa Górnego Śląska”. Nasz gość w swej pracy stawia tezę, że duża koncentracja klasy robotniczej w naszym regionie, wysoki poziom czytelnictwa oraz oddziaływanie idei politycznych z zachodu wpłynęły na siłę radykalizmu społecznego na Górnym Śląsku. Po 1989 r. ruch robotniczy był zwalczany przez neoliberalne, antyzwiązkowe reformy i politykę historyczną, próbującą zredukować bunty społeczne na Śląsku do „walki o polskość” i „walki z komunizmem”. Mimo to, Górny Śląsk w okresie transformacji był miejscem największych strajków robotniczych w Polsce.

Podczas spotkania będziemy dyskutować o tym jakie wnioski płyną dla nas z bogatej historii górnośląskiego radykalizmu społecznego. Czy ta historia jest nam dobrze znana? Czy dziś Śląsk jest zbuntowany? Jak tradycje buntów społecznych wpłynęły na śląskie ruchy kontrkulturowe i współczesne ruchy wolnościowe?

Gdzie: Banhof, ul. Kordeckiego 5 Katowice Kiedy: 7 czerwca 19.00

submitted 18 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Rozpoczęła się ogólnopolska kampania społeczna „Wybieram pomoc”, mająca na celu podniesienie świadomości społecznej na temat zjawiska przemocy w rodzinie, zmniejszenie akceptacji dla stosowania przemocy i wskazanie możliwości uzyskania pomocy. Kampania prowadzona jest w różnych środkach masowego przekazu, w tym we wszystkich ogólnopolskich stacjach telewizyjnych, za pośrednictwem nośników reklamy zewnętrznej, w prasie i w internecie.

Za całościową strategię i kreację kampanii odpowiada .bringMore advertising. Spoty zostały wyprodukowane przez Mangusta Film. Więcej informacji o kampanii: www.wybierampomoc.pl

Podobne adnotacje są na wielu stronach typu MOPS.

Sprawdźcie stronę www.wybierampomoc.pl

Wygląda na to, jakby ministerstwo przejebało gdzieś kasę, by po kilku latach pozwolić odkupić domenę komuś innemu i nie zadbać o to, by zaktualizować dane w ośrodkach państwa/gminy (typu MOPS i inne).

submitted 36 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Iscriviti alla newsletter: tutti gli articoli nella tua casella e-mail, quotidianamente!

Iscriviti alla newsletter: tutti gli articoli nella tua casella e-mail, quotidianamente!

submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/streetfighter

cross-posted from: https://ani.social/post/3597549

cross-posted from: https://ani.social/post/3597548

cross-posted from: https://ani.social/post/3597546

#projectsekai #anime #animegirl #jormungandr #ditto #pecharunt #leoneed #ghetsis #mbison #miketyson #sakitenma

submitted 19 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Casteldaccia e gli ambienti confinati: perché avvengono gli infortuni?

Cosa può essere successo a Casteldaccia? Perché non si riesce a porre un argine a queste tipologie di infortuni? Cosa si potrebbe fare per migliorare la prevenzione? Ne parliamo con l'ingegnere Adriano Paolo Bacchetta.

submitted 9 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Grote verhuurders van vrijesectorhuurwoningen vrezen een miljardenstrop door uitspraken van rechters die een streep zetten door hun huurverhogingen van de afgelopen jaren. Dat bevestigt brancheorganisatie IVBN na berichtgeving van het FD.

Deze verhuurders hebben in hun contracten zogeheten [...]

[WCT Translation] Arc 8, Chapter 65 (witchculttranslation.com)
submitted 1 hour ago by ShadowCat to c/re_zero
A sun bro moment (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 hour ago by rollerbang to c/shittydarksouls

Stolen but... It applies? 😁

Music! (by Jun Ling) (files.catbox.moe)
submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/killlakill

Artist: Jun Ling | pixiv | danbooru

The WereCleaner on Steam (store.steampowered.com)
submitted 59 minutes ago by ekZepp to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15334761

Kyle is a Janitor. He's also a Werewolf. And now he's got the night shift. Fight for your life - and your paycheck - in a stealth-comedy game with surprises around every corner.

submitted 14 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The family of a man stabbed to death in a Bedford park have shared their heartbreaking story.

submitted 2 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/13465911


I'm confuse about those mandatory legal notices that governments impose for websites..

Before going further I invite you to read:
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Discourse on Voluntary Servitude[^1] \

From all the articles^2 that I read about the mandatory notice to display for website none of them reference the URL of their claim !! / of the legal text !! WTF[^links]

Internet is by essence world wide, and when reading all those legal requirement it's seem that you should display notices for EVERY country !

it's seem also that if you own a private website, just for your own or family use, like for example a web file hosting services. (NextCloud etc..) You should comply with the same requirement that are asked for company ! again... WTF !

Also I don't understand, why make mandatory those notices...(beside the scam (money) ) , I'll come back to this below.

  • If you want to buy something off a website, and this later do not mentions any legal address , contact info and so on, the responsibility to buy or not should be only yours. (For example, will you buy a yogurt in the supermarket if there were no brand, contact info on the packing or bill ?)
  • if the state want to ~~censor~~ "regulate" a website on the old internet[^OI] there is plenty of way to know who is the author or at the very least where is it hosted..
  • if a website use/distribute a copyrighted© elements. The right holder can do/contact in the following order:
    • check the website for contact (if any)
    • check the DNS record
    • check the hosting
    • contact the owner of the IP (IP are leased by company../ ISP )

So there is no sense to ask everyone that extra heavy burden. The only advantage is for law firm (and those cookies related firm) that make a profit out of it. I heard in my entourage peoples that had pay thousandth of $$ to generate those text, keep up to date etc.. even for small website.

  • If you think those legal notice are a good thing please do not hesitate to motivate your answer.
  • If you have any good links about it, feel free to share.
  • What are you doing your self on website of customer and/or for your private websites ?
  • if you know a Lemmy community worth to share this post, step forward.


https://archive.org/details/0000-00-00-00-etienne-de-la-boetie-00_202201/1548-00-00_Discourse%20on%20Voluntary%20Servitude_1942_org/mode/2up \

https://www.websitepolicies.com/blog/legal-requirements-for-websites [^OI]:The one that you are using now with the domains scam. A future internet might be using TOR or GNU Name System

[^links]: if you have those links feel free to share !

submitted 53 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Color Psychology in eLearning: come i colori influenzano l'apprendimento

La psicologia del colore nell'eLearning, uno strumento utile per influenzare l'apprendimento degli studenti e massimizzare i risultati.

verdünnisieren (de.wiktionary.org)
submitted 2 hours ago by u_1f914 to c/[email protected]

umgangssprachlich, reflexiv, von Personen: sich unauffällig davonstehlen, sich verdrücken; von Dingen: sich verflüchtigen, geringer werden

submitted 9 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Grote verhuurders van vrijesectorhuurwoningen vrezen een miljardenstrop door uitspraken van rechters die een streep zetten door hun huurverhogingen van de afgelopen jaren. Dat bevestigt brancheorganisatie IVBN na berichtgeving van het FD.

Deze verhuurders hebben in hun contracten zogeheten [...]

submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

…or Scrupulous Senator Reports Regaled Shill Stubs

State law bans lobbyists from giving officeholders gifts worth more than $76. However, lobbyists [slimy creatures that they are, tell me I'm wrong -- r^2^ ] have used various strategies to circumvent the prohibition, including providing tickets to lawmakers and then privately sending them letters asking for the value of the tickets over $76 to be paid back to the lobbying firm, according to more than 10 sources with direct knowledge of the arrangements. […] Whether lawmakers ultimately hand over what they owe the lobbyist is a mystery.

Sen. Paul Wojno, D-Warren, mistakenly thought he had to disclose tickets he received from lobbyists to a Detroit Lions game, to a Detroit Red Wings game and to the North American International Detroit Auto Show's annual Charity Preview event. The auto show tickets were worth $700, Wojno wrote in his disclosure.

Eric Doster, an Okemos attorney who advises clients on how to comply with state lobbying and campaign finance policies, said it's become a common practice for lobbyists to ask lawmakers to reimburse them for the cost of tickets over the gift limit. Such transactions are perfectly legal, Doster said.

Rep. Dylan Wegela, D-Garden City, a first-term lawmaker who has called for greater transparency, described the strategy of lobbyists using letters to seek reimbursements after sporting events as a loophole. […] Wegela said receiving tickets from lobbyists should be banned over a certain financial threshold. […] “Certainly, it should all be reported, period,” Wegela said.

[All emphasis in the above quotations is mine -- r^2^ ]

I was thinking (working without tools, I know), "what if your preferred politician isn't a sports fan or car buff?" It's a rhetoric question, kids.

Alt link for your convenience via archive.is

Stay sick, scratch glass, turn blue, climb walls…but don't get caught!
[email protected][email protected][email protected]

submitted 2 hours ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 48 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Onshoring the EV supply chain to Europe would cut the emissions of producing a battery by 37% compared to a China-controlled supply chain, according to new analysis by Transport & Environment (T&E). This carbon saving rises to over 60% when renewable electricity is used. Producing Europe’s demand for battery cells and components locally would save an estimated 133 Mt of CO2 between 2024 and 2030, equivalent to the total annual emissions of Czechia.

But over half of Europe's battery production plans are at risk without stronger government action, the researchers say.

Less than half (47%) of the lithium-ion battery production planned for Europe up to 2030 is secure, the report also finds. This is up from one-third a year ago following a raft of measures put in place to respond to the US Inflation Reduction Act. The remaining 53% of announced cell manufacturing capacity is still at medium or high risk of being delayed, scaled down or cancelled without stronger government action.

Julia Poliscanova, senior director for vehicles and emobility supply chains at T&E, said: “Batteries, and metals that go into them, are the new oil. European leaders will need laser sharp focus and joined-up thinking to reap their climate and industrial benefits. Strong sustainability requirements, such as the upcoming battery carbon footprint rules, can reward local clean manufacturing. Crucially, Europe needs better instruments under the European Investment Bank and EU Battery Fund to support gigafactory investments.”

France, Germany and Hungary have made the most progress in securing gigafactory capacity since T&E’s previous risk assessment last year. [1] In France, ACC started production in Pas-de-Calais last year while plants by Verkor in Dunkirk and Northvolt in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, are going ahead thanks to generous government subsidies.

Finland, the UK, Norway and Spain have the most production capacity at medium or high risk due to question marks over projects by the Finnish Minerals Group, West Midlands Gigafactory, Freyr and InoBat. T&E called on lawmakers to help lock in investments by doubling down on EU electric car policies, enforcing strong battery sustainability requirements that reward local manufacturing, and beefing up EU-level funding.

Securing other parts of the battery value chain will be even more challenging given China’s dominance and the EU’s nascent expertise. The report finds Europe has the potential to manufacture 56% of its demand for cathodes – the battery’s most valuable components – by 2030, but only two plants have started commercial operations so far. By the end of this decade, the region could also fulfil all of its processed lithium needs and secure between 8% and 27% of battery minerals from recycling in Europe. But T&E said processing and recycling plants need EU and state support to scale quickly.

Julia Poliscanova said: “The battery race between China, Europe and the US is intensifying. While some battery investments that were at risk of being lured away by US subsidies have been saved since last year, close to half of planned production is still up for grabs. The EU needs to end any uncertainty over its engine phase-out and set corporate EV targets to assure gigafactory investors that they will have a guaranteed market for their product.”

submitted 32 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Interview mit Rainer Rehak: „Die Nutzung solcher KI-Systeme muss als Kriegsverbrechen eingestuft werden“

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