
joined 10 months ago
[–] kersploosh 1 points 1 day ago

I passed your request on to the community team.

Note that [email protected] already exists and is active. Though there is no harm in having another community on

If your goal is to keep communication open during another government shutdown of the internet, then perhaps you should try to host an instance locally in Bangladesh? is hosted in Europe, so if you lose connection to the outside world then a community on this instance would be inaccessible.

[–] kersploosh 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

The main culprit, @[email protected], has been banned.

[–] kersploosh 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

A user suggested closing this community and directing people to [email protected]:

The mod's account (@[email protected]) doesn't show any activity for 10 months, and traffic is low here. !football gets many more posts and has active mods.

Do other users have any objections to locking this community? I will wait at least a week so people have a chance to comment.

[–] kersploosh 2 points 1 month ago

[email protected] is now yours. Since you also moderate [email protected] I'll leave you to lock it if you like.

[–] kersploosh 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

[email protected] was just resurrected a few days ago, so now we have two redundant climate communities on this instance. Would it make more sense to lock one of these communities and direct people to the other?

If you really want both communities open, then I can give you the mod role for [email protected]. The current mod definitely appears to have left Lemmy.

[–] kersploosh 2 points 1 month ago

Of the three community mods, it looks like xohshoo is still active on Lemmy every couple of weeks. Have you tried messaging them directly? If not, that should be the first step before we consider taking their community and handing it to you or someone else.

[–] kersploosh 1 points 1 month ago

Taken care of now. Thanks for the heads-up.

[–] kersploosh 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)
[–] kersploosh 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

By request, this community has been locked. Please head over to [email protected] instead!

For background, the request was made in this post:

@[email protected], if you come back to Lemmy and want to reopen your community then feel free to unlock it.

[–] kersploosh 2 points 1 month ago

Locking this community and directing users to [email protected] seems reasonable to me. I would normally want the moderator to weigh in, but @[email protected] appears to have been inactive on Lemmy for almost a full year.

I will pin an explanatory post and lock the community. We can always unlock it later if something changes.

[–] kersploosh 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

You can PM one of us admins about it via Lemmy or Matrix.

If it's an active community then we'll pass it on to the rest of the team to see if a new mod can be found. As I type this, my reports dashboard shows 363 open user reports. We need attentive mods in our active communities to handle those; the admin team can't possibly keep up on our own.

If it's an inactive community then we will probably just leave it alone. The incremental cost of having one more inactive community on the instance is negligible. On the other hand, intervening has the potential to create trouble if the mod eventually logs in and sees that their community has been changed/locked/removed while they were away.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by kersploosh to c/mapporn

We have moved! Please join us at [email protected].

[–] kersploosh 3 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I assigned you as the moderator to [email protected]

Assigning/removing mods is a manual process handled on a case-by-case basis. There is no official policy about removing banned users from their mod roles, though that doesn't seem unreasonable.

Communities with no mods (or absent/inattentive mods) keep humming along until something brings them to the admin team's attention. There are hundreds of communities like that on this instance. does have a Community Team who try to find and address communities that need moderation help. It's a big task, though.

Community locked (self.jewish)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by kersploosh to c/jewish

Due to the low level of legitimate use, lack of moderation, and potential for trolling and harassment around the current conflict in Gaza, we've decided to close and lock the community for the time being. If you're interested in moderating this community, reach out to us at the support email ([email protected]) with your idea of a moderation strategy and how you would handle posts regarding the current conflict.

Community locked (self.judaism)
submitted 3 months ago by kersploosh to c/judaism

This community has been locked due to lack of an active moderator, lack of activity, and the potential for trolling and harassment due to the current conflict in Gaza. If you're interested in moderating this community, reach out to us at the support email ([email protected]) with your idea of a moderation strategy and how you would handle posts regarding the current conflict.


Hello everyone. I apologize for the rollercoaster ride in this community over the past week and a half. I have one more change to announce: @[email protected] has been removed as the community moderator. This is in response to multiple private complaints from community members, as well as behaviors inside and outside this community that were brought to the admin team’s attention.

I made the mistake of shortcutting the usual processes when I appointed the user as the new mod. If anyone would like to volunteer to become the new community moderator, you can email [email protected] and make a request. The community team will follow their process from there.

Again, I apologize for all the rapid changes.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by kersploosh to c/lemmaroo

The switcharoo chain is forked, unfortunately. If you make a new switcharoo, please skip over this one and link to the previous switcharoo.

submitted 9 months ago by kersploosh to c/mapporn

The oldest lakes on earth, ranging in age from 130,000 years to many millions of years.

The map was sourced from this research paper:

Hampton, Stephanie & Mcgowan, Suzanne & Ozersky, Ted & Virdis, Salvatore & Vu, Tuong-Thuy & Spanbauer, Trisha & Kraemer, Benjamin & Swann, George & Mackay, Anson & Powers, Stephen & Meyer, Michael & Labou, Stephanie & Oreilly, Catherine & DiCarlo, Morgan & Galloway, Aaron & Fritz, Sherilyn. (2018). Recent ecological change in ancient lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. 63. 10.1002/lno.10938.

submitted 9 months ago by kersploosh to c/mapporn


One of the things that bothers people so much about Russia's slow play to gobble up chunks of Ukraine is that countries, by and large, have stopped annexing each others' territory since World War II. This modern success is all the more remarkable by the fact that, for most of history, countries loved to conquer land and subjugate the people living there.

European colonialism has been far and away the worst offender in this regard in the last 500 years. Take a look at this GIF charting the rise and fall of (mostly) European empires from 1492, when the European discovery of the Americas kicked off their movement west and south, to 2008.

A lot of interesting things pop out in that GIF. Thailand never gets colonized by any power, European or Asian. Denmark had the earliest westward European colonies, in Greenland. The Japanese empire was pretty huge in 1938.

But the biggest, most remarkable thing in the map is the ebb and flow in the territory controlled by the big European powers. That reflects a few things. Wars between great powers themselves (say, World War I), colonial conquest (Britain in Australia), conflict between colonial powers (Britain and France in North America), and colonized people throwing out colonizers (the dramatic decline in African colonialism after World War II).

The rise and fall of colonial empires warrants particular attention. Each of these sometimes-century long occupations that transformed daily life for colonized people. These regimes varied in all sorts of ways: the degree to which they literally enslaved colonized subjects, to take a particularly grim example, or the amount to which they allowed local political autonomy.

Scholars are still arguing over the implications of these massive colonial shifts for modern politics, which are undoubtedly dramatic. Take the big-picture global economy: why some countries are rich, and others are poor. Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson have proposed that colonialism created a "reversal of fortunes" in economic terms. Previously rich peoples became poor when colonized, while previously poor peoples ended up comparatively wealthier. And both, by and large, remain so today.

Why? Well, the central purpose of European colonialism was to benefit and enrich Europeans. Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson propose that created different incentives for European powers in richer and poorer colonized lands. In richer places, they built governments whose task was to steal wealth and resources and send them to Europe, shattering the foundations of local prosperity. In poorer places, they actually built European settler communities, protecting economically useful institutions like private property rights in order to make these communities do well. In both previously poor and previously rich places, these colonial institutions altered the trajectory of their development down to the present day.

The Acemoglu/Johnson/Robinson theory is quite controversial. Other scholars contest the very idea that a reversal of fortunes even happened. That makes sense: given colonialism's immense influence on both colonized and colonizing societies, isolating variables for controlled studies is really hard. There's also a time-span problem: tracking the consistent influence of one variable across hundreds of years can be tricky.

That's, in a way, the point. Colonialism's influence was so immense that we're only just beginning to figure out how to properly measure it.

But there are some things we know, foremost among them that colonialism was brutally nasty business. One estimate suggests that, from 1885 to 1908, Belgian King Leopold II's occupation of the Congo killed 8 million people. R.J. Rummel, a University of Hawaii scholar who spent his life estimate state-perpetrated atrocities, put the 20th century death toll attributable to colonialism at 50 million (behind only the Soviet Union and communist China in total killed). And European colonialism was around for hundreds of years.

So when you see huge chunks of the globe colonized in 1914, and colonial powers shrunk to basically their homelands in 2008, you're seeing one of the greatest humanitarian accomplishments of the past 100 years in action.


Meet Sir Nils Olav III, the mascot for the Norwegian King’s Guard. Nils is regarded very highly among the Norwegian King’s Guardsman and has received his honours and medals due to his outstanding service and good conduct!

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