
joined 2 years ago
[–] kersploosh 2 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

Yep, looks like the user deleted their own post and then also deleted their account. Users deleting their own content is not recorded in the modlog.

[–] kersploosh 5 points 17 hours ago (3 children)
[–] kersploosh 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Done. I also removed the absentee mod (ThatFunnyGuyver), and rearranged the mod order of your accounts so @[email protected] is the "top" mod.

[–] kersploosh 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

This looks like an issue that has come and gone over time. A comment in #4865 says remote mods could make changes in 0.19.3 but there were problems in 0.19.4 and 0.19.5. Maybe it really was fixed in 0.19.6, but broke again in a later version? LW is now on version 0.19.9.

In the meantime, if you need help making changes to your community then let me know. I'm happy to help until the bug is truly fixed.

[–] kersploosh 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

This is a long-standing Lemmy bug related to the moderator not being on the same instance as the community. I added you as a moderator.

You will encounter other similar bugs due to you being on a remote instance:

  • Changes you make to the community sidebar will only be visible from your home instance, and will be undone whenever your instance syncs with
  • You will not see reports from your community.
[–] kersploosh 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

It's all yours. Have fun!

[–] kersploosh 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

You got it. You are now the community mod.

[–] kersploosh 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I will add the caveat that I would be very hesitant to try it without some careful research, and testing it on a dummy account. You never know what might break.

[–] kersploosh 4 points 6 days ago (5 children)

You are now the moderator for all three communities. Have fun!

[–] kersploosh 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I removed the community. With no mod and no content there is no reason to keep it.

[–] kersploosh 20 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I wouldn't expect jets from other countries to be any different. Aircraft in general get a lot of inspection and maintenance. Military jets planes push the limits of what their materials and systems can handle, and it takes a toll.

Idk how credible the site below is, but they claim the F-16 averages 15 hours of inspections ad maintenance for every hour of flight time. Also that military jets are generally only mission-ready about 50%-75% of the time, which means they spend an awful lot of their useful lives in the inspection and maintenance queues:

[–] kersploosh 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The community is all yours now. Have fun!

You may already know, but some moderation features do work for mods on remote instances. You will not see reports for the community. You also may have trouble changing the community settings and sidebar. Creating a account and adding it as a community moderator will allow you to work around the bugs.


This community appears to be inactive, and the moderator has no visible activity for several months. The community has been locked by request. Please head over to [email protected] for all your electric vehicle needs.

See the discussion here for more context:

@[email protected] if you come back to feel free to unlock this community and use it as you see fit.


This community is being locked because it was abandoned by its creator and has no moderator. Please use other related communities instead:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Community locked (self.lemmyinstances)
submitted 6 months ago by kersploosh to c/lemmyinstances

This community appears to be abandoned by its moderator. It has been locked by request. See for relevant background.

If you have questions about Lemmy instances you might try visting [email protected] instead.

@[email protected] I'm mentioning you here for transparency. If you ever come back to Lemmy and want to unlock this community, feel free to do so.


This community has been locked by request. The mod is unresponsive and assumed to have left Lemmy.

Please enjoy [email protected] instead!

@[email protected] I'm mentioning you here for transparency. Feel free to unlock this community if you come back to Lemmy.


A user suggested closing this community and directing people to [email protected]:

The mod's account (@[email protected]) doesn't show any activity for 10 months, and traffic is low here. !football gets many more posts and has active mods.

Do other users have any objections to locking this community? I will wait at least a week so people have a chance to comment.


By request, this community has been locked. Please head over to [email protected] instead!

For background, the request was made in this post:

@[email protected], if you come back to Lemmy and want to reopen your community then feel free to unlock it.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by kersploosh to c/mapporn

We have moved! Please join us at [email protected].

Community locked (self.jewish)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by kersploosh to c/jewish

Due to the low level of legitimate use, lack of moderation, and potential for trolling and harassment around the current conflict in Gaza, we've decided to close and lock the community for the time being. If you're interested in moderating this community, reach out to us at the support email ([email protected]) with your idea of a moderation strategy and how you would handle posts regarding the current conflict.

Community locked (self.judaism)
submitted 11 months ago by kersploosh to c/judaism

This community has been locked due to lack of an active moderator, lack of activity, and the potential for trolling and harassment due to the current conflict in Gaza. If you're interested in moderating this community, reach out to us at the support email ([email protected]) with your idea of a moderation strategy and how you would handle posts regarding the current conflict.


Hello everyone. I apologize for the rollercoaster ride in this community over the past week and a half. I have one more change to announce: @[email protected] has been removed as the community moderator. This is in response to multiple private complaints from community members, as well as behaviors inside and outside this community that were brought to the admin team’s attention.

I made the mistake of shortcutting the usual processes when I appointed the user as the new mod. If anyone would like to volunteer to become the new community moderator, you can email [email protected] and make a request. The community team will follow their process from there.

Again, I apologize for all the rapid changes.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by kersploosh to c/lemmaroo

The switcharoo chain is forked, unfortunately. If you make a new switcharoo, please skip over this one and link to the previous switcharoo.

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