Itcan'tbeitcan'tbeitcan't be. They cut so much of the Regulus rant aaaaahhh. Oh well, I never expected them to do the full thing and what we got was still good.
Really liked the moment of the wives all admitting they hated him, that was good too. But my favourite part had to be Emilia beating up Regulus, all her noises were so cute.
And a little tease for next time with Wilhelm vs Theresia and Garfiel vs Kurgan, fav part of arc 5 coming soon.
Holy fucking shit the animation this episode was incredible, the obvious highlight being Garfiel vs Kurgan. I remember when reading the original WN for the fight I wasn't that excited for seeing it ever get animated but they did an amazing job of it here.
And of course Capella was great as usual, she clearly knows Al was the one to open the floodgates and kill the others from the council. Also hearing Al say his iconic phrase, except about himself instead of others was cool to finally hear.
So looks like the Astrea stuff is up next, man I'm not ready.