Adult Animation

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A place for news and discussion of animated shows, shorts, or movies aimed at audiences 13+.


1) No bigotry (sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia).

2) Be civil, kind, and try to stay positive. Not every show is for everyone and you’re free to give a critique; someone giving reasons why they didn’t enjoy something may help others decide if it’s for them. However, if people are discussing a show and you come along just to say, ‘This sucks, I hate it.’ that’s just being negative and unhelpful- Please don’t. Try just not venturing into posts about shows you personally despise.


3) No porn/hentai.

4) Tag nudity NSFW. Sometimes these shows contain nudity and non-pornographic nudity is allowed; but it must be tagged NSFW.

5) EVERYDAY Posts that are text (comments or questions or discussion starters) or links (articles or videos) and are related in some way to a non-anime adult animation are always welcome, regardless of if a theme day is also active.


Meme Mondays Image/Meme/Fanart posts relating to anything animated (adult, family-friendly, and anime) welcome on Mondays. (Remember rules 3-4; and if you share someone else's art, please credit and link to their social media.)

Anime Tuesdays and Thursdays Posts pertaining to adult anime welcome on Tuesdays and Thursdays. [Note: Anime means animation originating from Japan. It does not mean animation originating from other Asian countries or Western animation that uses an anime style of art; those would be considered non-anime.]

Family Fridays Posts pertaining to family-friendly animation (including family-friendly anime) welcome on Fridays.

Full disclosure- I have never moderated a community before. I started this because it’s something I would like to see. If it picks up and I can’t keep up, or whatever, I would be open to turning over the reigns to someone else.

founded 2 years ago

Please use this thread to express any comments / concerns / questions / ideas about or for this community.

If someone makes a suggestion you like, please upvote it. I don’t particularly want to encourage downvoting so if you don’t like a suggestion please leave a RESPECTFUL comment stating that you disagree and people who agree with that can upvote you.

Currently Airing Shows (repost) (self.adult_animation)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by RegalRedRaven to c/adult_animation

This is a (very likely incomplete) list of adult animated shows that are currently airing or are renewed to air more in the future.

Network and Cable TV:

ADULT SWIM [Streams on Max or live packages from Hulu, Sling, or YouTube]

  • Birdgirl (TV-14)
  • My Adventures with Superman (TV-PG)
  • Primal (TV-MA)
  • Rick and Morty (TV-MA)
  • Robot Chicken (TV-MA)
  • Royal Crackers (TV-14)
  • Smiling Friends (TV-MA)
  • Teenage Euthanasia (TV-14)
  • Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (TV-PG)
  • YOLO (TV-14)

COMEDY CENTRAL [Streams on live packages from Hulu, Sling, or YouTube]

  • Digman! (TV-14)
  • South Park (TV-MA)

FOX [Streams on Hulu]

  • Bob's Burgers (TV-PG)
  • Family Guy (TV-14)
  • The Great North (TV-14)
  • HouseBroken (TV-14)
  • The Simpsons (TV-PG)

FREEFORM [Streams on Hulu]

  • Praise Petey (TV-14)

FXX [Streams on Hulu]

  • Archer (TV-MA)

TBS [Streams on Hulu]

  • American Dad! (TV-14)

Premium Streaming:


  • The Boys: Diabolical (TV-MA)
  • Invincible (TV-MA)
  • The Legend of Vox Machina (TV-MA)


  • Strange Planet (TV-PG)


  • Hit-Monkey (TV-MA)
  • Solar Opposites (TV-MA)


  • Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake (TV-14)
  • Clone High (TV-14)
  • Harley Quinn (TV-MA)
  • Ten Year Old Tom (TV-MA)
  • Velma (TV-MA)


  • Big Mouth (TV-MA)
  • Love, Death & Robots (TV-MA)


  • Mike Judge's Beavis and Butt-Head (TV-14)
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks (TV-MA)

Free Streaming:


  • Helluva Boss [by Vivziepop]
  • Murder Drones [by GLITCH]

Please, comment any that need added.-


Principal Shepherd is mine personally


It really scratches all the right itches for me

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by thisisdee to c/adult_animation

Season 3 airs on October 3rd (which is a Thursday!)


@adult_animation I'm new here and I just wanted to mention one of my favourite animated adult series, The Midnight Gospel
I consider this series to be exclusive to adult audience due to it's level of complexity. Of course, if you are not an expert in philosophy and budism, the experience could be a bit confusing, but, is it a privilege as an adult to see something in tv that you don't understand at all? Is it uncertainity the thing that moves you to grow up and change?


Dragonfirefly is a sword fight scene from the pilot episode of Mana Seizure, an animated series for YouTube.


A well-researched 1 hour 36 min long video essay that just came out recently, covering the history of animation in West's style and Japan's anime, moving to the distinction between adult and children's animation, and lastly the passion that fuels the industry.


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The Legend of Vox Machina: Season 3 Trailer

Through the eyes of Vax’ildan the golden thread of fate connects to the adventures yet to come.


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The Legend of Vox Machina Season 3 Lines Up Fall 2024 Release

Travis tweeted:

LVM Season 3 coming this Fall!

Ya'll, it's so good...


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Scavenger's Reign was my favourite animated show from last year. Hopefully Netflix gives it a season 2. At the very least it should get more views being on Netflix now.


The iconic Blender Open Movies. Featuring all the production files, assets, artwork, and never-seen-before content.

Blender Studio is a dedicated team of artists and developers who challenge themselves with creative and technical targets to drive Blender development forward.


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A stop-motion animator (Aisling Franciosi), struggling to control her demons after the loss of her overbearing mother, embarks upon the creation of a film that becomes the battleground for her sanity. As her mind starts to fracture, the characters in her project take on a life of their own.


As it happens, HBO and I have our own animated projects, set in the world of A SONG OF ICE & FIRE. None of them have been greenlit yet, but I think we are getting close to taking the next step with a couple of them. When this last round of development started a few years back, we had four ideas for animated shows, with some great talents attached. Writers rooms and summits, outline and scripts followed in due course… but, alas, two of the original projects were subsequently shelved.


Tommy José Stathes might have the largest collection of vintage animated films in the world stuffed into a storage unit in Queens.

Non-paywalled link (

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Apple TV+’s has reportedly ended production of its first original adult animated series, the musical comedy Central Park. The news was seemingly confirmed on Instagram by Josh Gad (Frozen franchise, Avenue 5), who voiced the series narrator Birdie and also served as co-creator and executive producer alongside Loren Bouchard and Nora Smith (Bob’s Burgers).

Responding to a fan’s question about the show’s return, Gad replied, “Sadly, it’s done.”

Produced by Disney-owned 20th Television Animation, the 2D-animated series centered on the family of the park manager living in Central Park, which is under threat of redevelopment by a flamboyant entrepreneur. The all-star cast featured Leslie Odom Jr., Kathryn Hahn, Stanley Tucci, Daveed Diggs, Tituss Burgess and Kristen Bell, who originally voiced the family’s biracial daughter Molly, but was replaced by Emmy Raver-Lampman for Season 2 & 3 amid a wave of changes to non-representative voice casting in animation. Bell returned to voice Hahn’s aspiring actress sister in S3.

After winning a heated bidding war for the high-profile project in 2018, Apple TV+ premiered Central Park in 2020 and rolled out the third, apparently final season in fall of 2022. The streamer’s remaining adult animated comedy, Strange Planet, premiered in August of this year and is pending renewal.


Bob's Burgers has some of the most beloved Halloween specials among animated sitcoms, and Adult Swim will be hosting a special marathon of these episodes for the spooky Halloween holiday weekend!

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