Lügenkresse, Lügenkresse: Das ist kein Flughörnchen.
Fairer Punkt. Ich muss echt meine Naivität runter regeln.
as gas is still being touted as a ‘transition fuel’. This is pure fabrication – gas is the main driver of emissions growth in 2024.
Conceivably, flexible production from gas could be used for the transition. I suppose, the people who started this idea, started out from the point that "flexible production using fossil gas (among other things) could help the transition" whereas the executives they talked to understood "gas is the transition".
Vielleicht auch mit zu vielen Leuten vom Atlas-Netzwerk geredet.
Don't worry. Also — you can edit, e.g. the title indefinitely.
the number of people that can consider geopolitics beyond the childlike concept of goodies and baddies, is very small.
a learned man like yourself will already know
Your political views notwithstanding — your condescending attitude is not helping.
support ranging from the far-right Alternative to Germany
I love that they're using "to" rather than "for".
👨🫴🦋 Ist dies ein Produktionsmittel?
Feuerhaus scheint ein (immer noch gängiger) Begriff für Kamin zu sein.
{{WP: NOR}}
Es sind eh gesetzliche Krankenversicherungen, da habe ich keine Angst vorm Oligopol.