...with help from conservatives and centrists who feared socialism more than a convicted traitor who openly said he's gonna abolish democracy.
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convicted traitor who openly said he's gonna abolish democracy.
Whoa whoa whoa, buddy. Accused traitor, serial sexual predator (aka rapist) and convicted felon who openly said he's gonna abolish democracy.
See? He got elected before he could be tried, so he's not that bad ... or something.
I wasn't talking about Trump.
History never repeats itself, but the Kaleidoscopic combinations of the pictured present often seem to be constructed out of the broken fragments of antique legends.
- Samuel Clemens
12 ft deep
Unfortunately, the very same playbook is used today almost everywhere, and it's still working because the "centrists" and conservatives are too butthurt and stubborn to address the actual problems instead of playing the demagogues games.
The preamble to this was Germany's president being a rich octogenarian who didn't know what was going on and rolled over expecting Hitler to calm down once he got the office he wanted...
Doesn't sound familiar..
Kinda sounds like we're in a much worse spot currently? 😬
If it happened then, it can happen here and now. America is on a knife’s edge, and even up here in Canada our conservative leader “PeePee” is probably closely watching Trump and furiously taking how-to notes.
See y'all in a couple months I guess
History may not repeat, but it often rhymes. Hopefully American will avoid rhyming with this bit of history.
They are already in the second or third stanza...
USA be like:
I read at the moment „The Berlin Diary“ by William L. Shirer.
He was a journalist who was stationed in Berlin during the Nazi reign and documented their rise to power.
I recommend it, it reads pretty easy and modern, despite the depressing topic.
Republicans: Hold my beer…
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What's the best way to do that on mobile
use firefox with noscript
Trump: What low-rated loser. I'll do it on day one!