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[-] RememberTheApollo_ 1 points 8 hours ago

The apocryphal story by the military man?

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 15 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

Libertarians are people who imagine living in their idea of personal, fictional, utopia. Their utopia is one where they pay for only what they want, nobody else gets any of their money, corporations will do no harm, and somehow, magically, they have all the conveniences of modern life.

They just completely ignore that their miserly financial outlook undoes centuries of understanding that an educated society reduces poverty, crime, and unrest, hence the need for public education. Corporations still cause environmental ruin and poison the land, sea, and air…as if giving them minimal or free rein would improve that. Usually their solution to anyone intruding on their ideal world is to shoot them, no need to pay for cops.

In other words, they’re all about their Liberty to do what ever they want. Their version of liberty for you is “You’re free to sink, swim, or die on your own.” They just assume they’ll always be fine or have enough money to do whatever they need. No need to chip in for anyone els’s health care if a) they can’t pay for their own or b) they have their money to pay for theirs, and you’re not getting any of it.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 3 points 8 hours ago

And he gets to pick which data supports his desired outcome.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 22 points 8 hours ago

Christ, this man is an imbecile.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 34 points 8 hours ago

As an American, please vote. Our country is owned by the corporations, at least yours can bring them to heel sometimes.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 4 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

So angry about something that nobody is making him have any interaction with.

I hope you Kodak yourself.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 6 points 10 hours ago

Best acting I’ve seen him do.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 2 points 11 hours ago

They read the parts they want. They hear what they’re told to believe by their preachers. In the end it doesn’t matter, they just interpret it how they want and disregard the rest.

[-] RememberTheApollo_ 1 points 12 hours ago

No negative affects. It operates like any cellular/wifi connection.

submitted 1 month ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/politics

Donald Trump’s main 2024 White House campaign fundraising operation sharply increased spending at the former president's properties in recent months, funneling money into his businesses at a time when he is facing serious legal jeopardy and desperately needs cash.

Trump’s joint fundraising committee wrote three checks in February and one in March to his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, totaling $411,287 and another in March to Trump National Doral Miami for $62,337, according to a report filed to the Federal Election Commission this week.

Federal law and FEC regulations allow donor funds to be spent at a candidate’s business so long as the campaign pays fair market value, experts say. Trump has been doing it for years, shifting millions in campaign cash into his sprawling business empire to pay for expenses such as using his personal aircraft for political events, rent at Trump Tower and events at his properties, which has included hotels and private clubs.

submitted 1 month ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/unpopularopinion

The prize should hit a limit and be divided into another prize drawing. For example, make $300 million the limit. Still a massively life-changing sum after taxes. When the prize reaches $300 million a new drawing is established alongside the existing one and gets its own numbers for drawing. So now you have twice as many chances to win, albeit one large pool and a smaller, growing pool. Repeat when the second pool reaches $300 million. You could have had 4 simultaneous drawings for the billion+ pot that was just won by a single person.

More people get a shot at a huge sum of money. Seems like a better deal, more winners, more exciting because you get more chances per drawing if there are multiple prizes.

(I’m not encouraging anyone to play if they don’t want to, and pedants need not repeat the odds of winning. Don’t play if you don’t want to, but obviously someone wins.)

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by RememberTheApollo_ to c/adhd

When texting people in general I find it frustrating that people don’t seem to view it as a conversation. If someone texts me and I catch it and text back right away, I get frustrated when people don’t return the favor. They might text back 5, 10, minutes or an hour or more later. Why did you text me if you didn’t want to have a conversation? Why am I the one sitting here waiting for a response?

It’s like someone sitting down across from at a table and asking you “Hey, how ya doin?” You respond “Great! what’s up?” and they just sit there for 10 minutes not saying anything.

Might be the whisper of ASD in my ADHD contributing to not understanding how this social interaction actually works vs how I think it should work.

Anyone else have this grinding their gears?

E: apparently it’s just me!

Thanks for the replies, everyone.

submitted 2 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/[email protected]

Did this really need a reboot?

submitted 2 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/asklemmy

Picked up a bottle of squash and got to wondering about the term "squash", so I went digging around on the internet. Of course all the returns are squash (cucurbita) not squash the drink. Keep digging and more specificity and finally find out the obvious, "sqaush" is a concentrated fruit juice. No shit. Dig more and finally find out that it's originally from a drink called "lemon squash". Real helpful. So where does "lemon squash" come from? Who knows. There's a curcubita called "lemon squash" that seems to be inescapable when searching for the origins of the drink.

So natives of where squash (drink) is did it get it's name? I await to be enlightened while sipping my Ribena.

submitted 3 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/[email protected]

Carl Weathers has had a storied career in Hollywood, spanning 50 years. The actor known for a number of impactful roles, from Apollo Creed in Rocky to Greef Karga in The Mandalorian, has passed away at the age of 76.

submitted 3 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/movies

Carl Weathers has had a storied career in Hollywood, spanning 50 years. The actor known for a number of impactful roles, from Apollo Creed in Rocky to Greef Karga in The Mandalorian, has passed away at the age of 76.

I wonder if Arnold will comment?

submitted 3 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/news

Carl Weathers has had a storied career in Hollywood, spanning 50 years. The actor known for a number of impactful roles, from Apollo Creed in Rocky to Greef Karga in The Mandalorian, has passed away at the age of 76.

I wonder if Arnold will comment?

submitted 4 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/politics

"Texas this week erected new barriers along part of the state's border with Mexico, blocking Border Patrol access, a court filing said on Friday, as conflict over migration escalates between the state's Republican governor and Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden. The Texas National Guard added new concertina wire and fencing to a stretch of the border near Eagle Pass, blocking U.S. Border Patrol access to a city park that contains a boat ramp agents use to reach the Rio Grande, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a filing to the U.S. Supreme Court."


"The drownings – as well as the rescue of two other migrants on the US side of the Rio Grande by Mexican authorities – “underscore that Texas is firm in its continued efforts to exercise complete control of the border and land” in the area “and to block Border Patrol’s access to the border even in emergency circumstances,” the administration wrote. "


"“At the very least, however, Border Patrol would have had the opportunity to take any available steps to fulfill its responsibilities and assist its counterparts in the Mexican government with undertaking the rescue mission. Texas made that impossible.” "

submitted 4 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/politics

“ Donald Trump lashed out Tuesday at a pair of cable networks not named Fox News for their decision not to air all of his Iowa caucuses victory speech as it happened, suggesting that what they did was so heinous that they should “have their licenses, or whatever they have, taken away.”

Dictators gonna dictate.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by RememberTheApollo_ to c/battlefield_2042

I've got well over 2k hours in game and it's like a complete shift in gameplay over the holidays, but it's been drifting this way over the last 3-6 months. I'm more than just a little familiar with how the game plays and what the average player is capable of. Either the cheats have become more popular, people bought XIM/Chronos boxes with Christmas money, or IDK what the issue is. More laser-beam guns with zero bloom and zero misses at longer range, more people running rounds of TDM and the like 40:1, 45:4 on the KDR, kills through smoke and incendiary flames like they don't exist while I can't see shit. Yeah we all have good rounds sometimes, but one thing about humans is that we are not good at consistency. The game also makes sure you can't be consistent with handicaps like bloom, yet there are players that headshot you every. single. time. Every time. With guns like the PBX, K30, the shot, or short burst they get the kill. Absolutely absurd. I have the Network performance bar and graphs, as well as the damage logs and events enabled. my latency is 18, the ALAT is usually ~40, my shots have an average hit of ~20% on a good day, but watching the "skilled" players damage on the event log? Damn near 100% hits on target. That literally should be impossible thanks to bloom. I've been through the attachments on gun kits via multiple iterations on several of the favored guns that already are "laser-beam" like to minimize recoil and bloom and simply cannot match that damage rate at all.

Sure, some of it is going to be netcode, EA/Origin has completely messed up how it treats low ping connections (seriously, Fuck EA/Dice for this. So tired of getting killed by a spurt of lagged bullets after I'm already behind cover) by sort of favoring laggers, but that's still not an explanation for the accuracy and lack of bullet deviation in some of these players.

Initially I thought the AC for this game was pretty good. There weren't too may players that were outliers. Now? Seems like that at least 1-3 players per round are running "assistance" of some sort. The scores are wildly and consistently out of par with the rest of the field. Guess the anti-cheat has been mostly neutralized, and certainly isn't capable of detecting external devices like the XIM or Chronos boxes, and absolutely doesn't look at players with what should be literally impossible hit %.

Unfortunately the TDM side is becoming unplayable. Big maps with lots of players make it so "cheats" can't really take advantage of their boost, too many other players to get in the way of a good run, ranges are too great to overcome with predictable accuracy. TDM? nice and close. Lots of kills. High accuracy.

2042 was fun while it lasted, but I think it's gone the way of V and 1...overrun with cheats.

submitted 5 months ago by RememberTheApollo_ to c/asklemmy

I’ll offer “A reading list”. There’s no shortage of good books to read, and to no longer read anything for entertainment and/or knowledge would be a bad thing.

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