If possible, spread some local seed packs for pollinators on the bare dirt. Should be able to find some for your region/state. Better than letting the regular weeds take over.
No idea. I equated motor to motor. I assumed that when the price was stated for the electric motor it was for the motor alone, it did not specify motor, transmission unit, controller or management systems.
If you want to compare setups that contain engine and transmission it’s still cheaper on the ICE side. An engine and transmission kit, plus engine controller, can be had for around $15k starting price.
But again, we have to note that only one engine and transmission are required in an ICE car, whereas tesla may require up to four motors. I am also picking modest V8 engines and associated transmissions. You could also pick a 4 cyl Honda engine and transmission for a little over half the cost of the V8 package. A new Honda 1.5l 4 cyl can be had for $2500. Also, again, I am pointing out retail costs. OEM costs will be significantly cheaper.
So yeah…electric motors, installed with or without any transmission parts, are more costly.
Edit: prices for tesla motors did not state it included drive unit, but I am suspicious of the source. I would conservatively place a new OEM motor at 10k retail, single unit, base model.
The less I maintain my yard the more lightning bugs we get.
We do not maintain our back yard very well. I refuse to let these amazing insects disappear. We also seed for pollinators as well.
“Shut up, Al, we’re trying to negotiate good deals for ourselves. Don’t rock the boat!”
How are these full of spam? Does nobody maintain their email? I’ve had the same address for over 20 years and rarely get spam.
Ugh. I hope not. But nothing to be done except save what we can.
Because it generates interaction and user count. Money before country.
If you spent time on other platforms like Threads you’d see a lot more of this being continuously spewed. It’s why I deleted my accounts on several services. While this might be a cherry picked example from that sub, the far right revisionist take is far, far more common on popular social media than you think.
Obstinacy. Got it.
You’re not listening. I can’t tell of you’re being obstinate or just trying to force a different perspective to make yourself right or something.
The entire point of the conversation is Americans, not electoral votes, therefore the popular vote, those who voted, and those who did not vote are the germane factors to the discussion. The EC is not relevant in this context.
Clover is a good choice. Nothing wrong with a nitrogen fixer.