
joined 1 year ago
[–] laverabe 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

On record*. Earth was quite a bit hotter when the surface was entirely molten rock and volcanoes ;)

[–] laverabe 2 points 2 days ago

We've made more than people think.

If you went back in time 100 years ago and told them who was president in 2008 and reelected again in 2012, they would put you in an insane asylum.

I think people really don't care about race or gender in POTUS as much as the media puts out, people really just want to not go bankrupt from medical debt, or not have to pay $500,000 for their childrens college and other "bread and butter" personal issues.

99% of the US is progressive, they just don't know it yet. Everyone benefits from improved policy, that message just needs to be communicated better in a way that even the most stubborn conservative will understand. Bernie Sanders was proof of that because he was capturing the working class and it terrified the 0.01%

[–] laverabe 6 points 2 days ago (14 children)

Why not AOC? Really need some young blood and someone who is progressive. She also meets constitutional age requirements now.

[–] laverabe 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I just looked up some of her positions and she does seem a bit more progressive than Biden was. She cosponsored Bernie's medicare for all bill a few years ago and supports marijuana legalization.

I think this whole mess could actually be a net positive for democrats as it reinvigorates enthusiasm ("hope and change", version 2024)

[–] laverabe 4 points 1 week ago

He's not going to endorse Trump, but he did give the most pro union speech at the RNC in our countries history. What he did took guts, and it opened a line of communication across the aisle. We need more of that not less.

[–] laverabe 1 points 1 week ago

Average is a terrible statistical metric for wages. It means nothing other than the rich are getting richer. Median is a more accurate representation of what most people earn.

From Jan 2017-2021, median wages increased 6% ($352 a week to $373), whereas Jan 2021-today wages have decreased 2% ($373 to $365). ^ Add that to rising costs of food and housing and economically, by the numbers, Biden is not doing great on the economy.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing long term for the country, but it is bad politically in the short term for democracy with an election in 4 months that will determine whether we retain a democracy or shift to a fascist system of government.

[–] laverabe 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Political control is largely a byproduct of media control/propaganda. No amount of reason will protect against never ending repetition of lies. (ie: Fox news profit model)

Im a Fiscally Responsible Republican and this is HORRIBLE! We would be MUCH better off if instead of having Job producers paying Taxes we instead had welfare queens and freeloaders paying Taxes!

It's not true, but if I repeat the narrative 100x and the truth only once, the narrative wins.

[–] laverabe 26 points 2 weeks ago

I mean the small government types are not the ones who typically pay attention to what actually is shown to work or not work.

Their view is big govt needs big taxes for big spending and big IRS steals people's hard earned money. No counterpoint or evidence will ever persuade them otherwise because it's a core belief that is largely beyond questioning.

[–] laverabe 9 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

First ten minutes were the worst, after that Biden started to make at least some reasonable points.

[–] laverabe 2 points 1 month ago

I don't think Russia will militarily invade NATO (at least at first). All he needs to do is install enough puppets like Hungary and Belarus to weaken the alliance, and an axis of dictatorships (Russia, China, and Iran) could then overtake the west.

[–] laverabe 8 points 1 month ago

Putin loves the work you do, keep up the good work.


Custom built high-wing monoplane (1927)

The Spirit of St. Louis (formally the Ryan NYP, registration: N-X-211) is the custom-built, single-engine, single-seat, high-wing monoplane that was flown by Charles Lindbergh on May 20–21, 1927, on the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight from Long Island, New York, to Paris, France, for which Lindbergh won the $25,000 Orteig Prize.

EMD SD70 locomotive (

EMD SD70 locomotive

The EMD SD70 is a series of diesel-electric locomotives produced by the US company Electro-Motive Diesel.

Production commenced in late 1992 and since then over 5,700 units have been produced.

While the majority of the production was ordered for use in North America, various models of the series have been used worldwide.


Thunder Crane TC20 stiffleg derrick crane

A derrick is a lifting device composed at minimum of one guyed mast, as in a gin pole, which may be articulated over a load by adjusting its guys. Most derricks have at least two components, either a guyed mast or self-supporting tower, and a boom hinged at its base to provide articulation, as in a stiffleg derrick. The most basic type of derrick is controlled by three or four lines connected to the top of the mast, which allow it to both move laterally and cant up and down. To lift a load, a separate line runs up and over the mast with a hook on its free end, as with a crane.

A stiffleg derrick, also known as a Scotch derrick, is a derrick with a boom similar to that of a guy derrick, but instead of using guy wires to secure the top of the mast, it uses two or more stiff members, called stifflegs, which are capable of resisting either tensile or compressive forces.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by laverabe to c/cranetrainexcavators

Bucyrus Model 50-B Steam shovel

Twenty-five Bucyrus Model 50-B steam shovels were sent to the Panama Canal to build bridges, roads, and drains and remove the huge quantities of soil and rock cut from the canal bed. All the shovels but one were scrapped at Panama. The survivor was shipped back to California and then brought to Denver. In the early 1950s, it was transported to Rollinsville by Roy and Russell Durand, who operated it at the Lump Gulch Placer, six miles south of Nederland, Colorado, until 1978. This steam shovel is one of two (the other at the Western Minnesota Steam Thresher's Reunion in Rollag, MN) remaining operational Bucyrus Model 50-Bs, and is preserved at the Nederland Mining Museum. Roots of Motive Power in Willits, CA has also acquired a 50-B and operates it for the public once a year at their Steam Festival in early September.


Darpa Project Orion (1950-60s)

Project Orion was a study conducted in the 1950s and 1960s by the United States Air Force, DARPA, and NASA into the viability of a nuclear pulse spaceship that would be directly propelled by a series of atomic explosions behind the craft.

Non-nuclear tests were conducted with models, but the project was eventually abandoned for several reasons, including the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty, which banned nuclear explosions in space, and concerns over nuclear fallout.

While Project Orion never progressed beyond the conceptual and early design phases, it remains a fascinating chapter in the history of space exploration. Its audacious approach to propulsion demonstrated the creativity and ambition of scientists and engineers during the early days of the Space Age. Although the project was never realized, it contributed valuable lessons and ideas to the field of astronautics and propulsion technology.

B-2 stealth bomber (

Northrup Grumman B-2 stealth bomber

The Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, also known as the Stealth Bomber, is an American heavy strategic bomber, featuring low-observable stealth technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses. A subsonic flying wing with a crew of two, the plane was designed by Northrop (later Northrop Grumman) and produced from 1987 to 2000. The bomber can drop conventional and thermonuclear weapons, such as up to eighty 500-pound class (230 kg) Mk 82 JDAM GPS-guided bombs, or sixteen 2,400-pound (1,100 kg) B83 nuclear bombs. The B-2 is the only acknowledged in-service aircraft that can carry large air-to-surface standoff weapons in a stealth configuration.


United Aircraft Corporation TurboTrain

Either way, these trains were fast. On December 20, 1967 a TurboTrain reached 170.8 mph during acceptance testing on a high-speed test track on Penn Central’s mainline. UAC’s creation not only beat the competing Metroliner project, but blasted past the speeds of what the Shinkansen could do back then.

The TurboTrain was put into service in both the United States and Canada in 1968.

[due to being plagued by many obstacles, mishaps, and setbacks] Today, you won’t find a UAC TurboTrain anywhere. Just seven trainsets were built and all met the scrapper. They now only exist in riders’ memories, the internet, and scale models.

1938 Railway gun TM-3-12 (

1938 Railway gun TM-3-12

Humongous Railway Gun (used during the siege of Leningrad). This railway gun of the TM-3-12 model (below) can be seen at the St. Petersburg Outdoor Train Museum. This was not part of an armoured train, but was actually built with others in the late 1930s using guns taken from a battleship and placed on a rail chassis. It was used in World War II, but captured by the Finns and used during the siege of Leningrad. When Finland ended their war with the USSR in 1944, the gun was handed over as part of the peace agreement:

A railway gun, also called a railroad gun, is a large artillery piece, often surplus naval artillery, mounted on, transported by, and fired from a specially designed railway wagon. Many countries have built railway guns, but the best-known are the large Krupp-built pieces used by Germany in World War I and World War II. Smaller guns were often part of an armoured train. Only able to be moved where there were good tracks, which could be destroyed by artillery bombardment or airstrike, railway guns were phased out after World War II.


Saturn V rocket

As of 2024, the Saturn V remains the only launch vehicle to have carried humans beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). The Saturn V holds the record for the largest payload capacity to low Earth orbit, 311,152 lb (141,136 kg), which included unburned propellant needed to send the Apollo command and service module and Lunar Module to the Moon.

Standing 36 storeys, twice as high as Niagara Falls. Weighing 2.8 million kilograms (6.2 million pounds). Producing 34.5 million newtons of thrust (7.5 million pounds) from its first-stage engines. In all, NASA flew 13 Saturn V rockets, and all of them did their job of delivering 24 humans to the moon — with 12 of those humans walking on the surface — as well as lifting the first American space station, Skylab into Orbit.


UNIC URW-295 mini spider crane

UNIC mini cranes are the world’s most compact cranes and have been used in a wide variety of industry sectors for lifting where space and access are restricted. There are currently 9 models in the UNIC range, from 0.995 tonnes to 10 tonnes in lifting capacity.

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