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founded 5 months ago
submitted 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago) by timewarp to c/politicaldiscussion

Since “President” Musk isn’t even an elected government official and has a history of drug abuse, erratic behavior, narcissism, and child abuse… why won’t Democrats try to get one of the federal judges they appointed to issue an involuntary psych hold on him, like on a Friday evening… where they have him get drug tested & evaluated to see if he should be breaking into classified government systems, or if he’s been fueling up on ketamine again & snorting the addy’s or coke with his daddy role model.

Federal judges are lifetime appointments. The only people that can remove them are Congress & it requires impeachment with 2/3 just like the President. Essentially, if Democrats agree on this, there is no way the judge will get impeached as a result.


We're going to have to be our own leaders now. The ones we hired are broken.


I know several Republicans who will say they love trump and everything he's doing. I say well, conservation is really important to you, and trump just cut funding to wind farms, cut tons of environmental protections, cut regulations for pollution, isn't this against everything you stand for? And they say "well nobody's perfect."

Then they say rfk is going to fix our country's health! and I say he is anti vax this is the foundation he funds to create anti vax propaganda, haven't you been pushing for vaccines your whole life? And they say well I don't think he's really going to do that.

And then they say trump is going to fix the border and I say "weren't you saying for years the problem is illegals and that we should protect refugees? Trump just canceled flights for 1500 refugees who would have been totally legal to be here" and they say well I don't know. 1 day later they're back to saying trump and rfk are great.

I don't think they are faking these beliefs, it's just as soon as a republican does it they choose to not see it. I can understand looking the other way for 1 or 2 things, but when 10+ go against their core values in the course of 3 days... it's just really disappointing to see them value "their guy" over the work they've done for their whole lives.


Recently in the news Elon Musk was making public attacks against the foundation and Donald Trump has been shown numerous times over the years to attack the free press to seek revenge on perceived "enemies" like by setting up frivolous lawsuits against them.

They could use their $100 million endowment to set up shop in Denmark to be free of political meddling as their society is much more stable, as there's less polarization and their politicians face more accountability.

Jimmy Wales and the board would likely have to setup shop else to protect the world's knowledge. I hope they got an escape plan ready.

The three branches of government (self.politicaldiscussion)
submitted 2 days ago by leadore to c/politicaldiscussion

In spite of everything that's happened, the United States still has three branches of government:

  1. The Oligarchs
  2. The Christian Nationalists
  3. Their Enablers

There are many factors that influence a person's vote when choosing a candidate, whether at the local, state or federal level. But I would like to focus on the economic aspect because there are some examples of the economic situation at that time giving different winners in the elections.

Although it is too early to say what the economic situation will be like under this administration, I would like to know the level of influence they have on voters. In addition, how can the economic situation affect the 2026 and 2028 elections?


The Tennessee Federation of Republican Women were promoting their Literacy Program whose theme if "Growing American Patriots Through Literacy" Their website names Hitler specifically as one of the "Intelligent Leaders" and describes how they were inspired by his use of indoctrination of the youth of Germany.


A new study on Gen Z men revealed that Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson are among the most trusted influencers.

It also found that 52% of UK men believe a "strongman" leader is needed to improve the country. Meanwhile, this article highlights how the right has been incredibly successful at indoctrinating young men into their ideology.

Why the hell is right-wing content so much more effective at gaining support? And why do left-wing influencers consistently fail to do the same? I’ll tell you why: we decided that social issues should take precedence over everything else, and by so doing have thrown all nuance out the window in the process.

The left—and I don’t want to hear Marxists bitching about how progressives “aren’t really leftists” because this kind of in-fighting is part of the fucking problem—needs to radically rethink its approach. Right now, the priority isn’t pushing our agenda. It’s stopping the worldwide fascist takeover.

And yes, this might mean abandoning identity politics entirely, as it is largely responsible for driving people away from the left and toward right-wing populism.

We need left-wing influencers who can effectively use populist tactics. We need less extremism from the progressive left, because in our obsession with social issues, we’ve lost the plot. We need to refocus on the economic needs of the people and stop alienating those who would otherwise support us.

The clock is ticking. Germany's elections are coming up, and Elon Musk has already shown support for the AfD—the most far-right party in Europe. If we don’t correct course now, we’ll soon be living in a world where fascism dominates and equality is a pipe-dream.


This is an interesting read by a data forensic scientist of sorts who argues Trump would not have won the 2024 election without the numerous voter suppression efforts .


This is an interesting read by a data forensic scientist of sorts who argues Trump would not have won the 2024 election without the numerous voter suppression efforts .

Project 2025 trackers? (self.politicaldiscussion)
submitted 6 days ago by Machinist to c/politicaldiscussion

Any of y'all got a tracker that is following which portions of Project 2025 have actually been enacted? Something like the chump lawsuit tracking? Not finding anything with a search.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by shalafi to c/politicaldiscussion

As of now, ICE is only going after known criminal targets, not going door-to-door raiding for suspected illegals. That comes later.

A dozen officers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement gathered before dawn Monday in a Maryland parking lot, then fanned out to the Washington suburbs to find their targets: someone wanted in El Salvador for homicide, a person convicted of armed robbery, a migrant found guilty of possessing child sexual abuse material and another with drug and gun convictions. All were in the country illegally.

It's a little fucking alarming the government knew about such people and hadn't acted already. Anyone know more than I?

Under Trump, officers can now arrest people without legal status if they run across them while looking for migrants targeted for removal. Under Joe Biden, such “collateral arrests” were banned.

So for now, I'm fine with this, not so much the collateral business. Sounds like ICE has authority to act beyond their immediate remit. Surely there's no room for abuse? However, the "collaterals" in this case were due for arrest or deportation.

Of those “collaterals,” one had an aggravated theft conviction. Another had already been deported once, and two others had final orders of removal.

Problem being, they'll run out of legit targets before the electorate runs out of hate. The percentage of criminal illegals (heh, you know what I mean) is tiny. The one's I've known keep their heads down, don't want to risk deportation. Hell, my wife's a legal immigrant and she's terrified of crossing the law.

The issue is far to valuable to Trump and the GOP to ever slow this train. That's when the concentration camps really get rolling.

Thoughts? Seems the going opinion is that MAGA wants slave labor. But how does that actually work? Think on the turn-around time. They can't just pick someone up and plop them back into the fields the next day. Meantime, this will crash the economy once it really gets in gear. They have to know this.

Been saying for years, if the GOP really wants to end illegal immigration, start knocking doors at employers. My wife supervised an all illegal cleaning crew at a hotel. Yes, all illegal. FFS, they worked through an employment agency! Maybe they came illegal, still aren't documented, but get a pass as long as they're working and working towards a green card? That sounds great, but I suspect that ain't what's happening.

We all know that's the solution, if they really want a solution. So why is no one calling them out? You, me, Democratic politicians, all should be screaming this hypocrisy to the heavens. Threatening business owner's is the only way I can think of to kill this. They'll STFU quick, I saw that in Florida.


In the other topic, I've brought up the importance to prepare the meme-army to spread word about the Coffee Tariffs / Covfefe Tariffs to make sure we rub the price hikes into Trump supporter's faces.

But we need to seriously consider our strategy of memes and outreach. This is the year 2025, not the year 2015.

  • Threads / Facebook / Instagram is suspect as Zuckerberg is bending the knee. Expect memes to be suppressed by Zuckerberg and his minions.

  • Twitter / X is also suspect. We likely don't have a fair chance.

  • Mainstream media: WashPo has been captured by Jeff Bezos. LA Times was captured by Patrick Soon-Shiong. Gannett (USA Today, and thousands of local papers) also are our political enemy as these papers cut off endorsements days before the election in support of Donald Trump. CNN has been on a rightward shift. We are now the minority and the rebellious underground, we will not get any beneficial press from these papers or media anymore.

  • Reddit is suspect. Reddit is a techbro owner. Maybe not as tech-bro as Elon Musk but there's only a matter of time before things get worse.

  • TikTok's recent actions have proven them to be pro-Trump as well. We cannot trust their algorithm to help us.

Get it? We're stuck and now the rebellious underground. The few allies we've got are ignorant and terrible at their jobs (I'm looking at you MSNBC). But whatever, it just means its our own damn job to change the politics of the USA for the better.

And how to do that? The power of memes.

Why meme?

Ultimately, memes are fun. Short image macros that should be easy for us to make, and easy for us to copy once made and spread around. While a large number of internet sites are busted, we need

Don't Argue

The opposition did not reach their current viewpoints through thoughtful discussion or arguments. They memed their way and mind-controlled each other into their current predicament. Don't fall into the trap of trying to convince others (or yourself) of facts.

Preach to the Choir

Normally a bad argument, but at this juncture its necessary. The left as a whole is angry, demoralized and beginning to shut off politics. Memes could provide us a way to make our painful politics more pleasant through the power of jokes.

I would argue that memes should be uplifting. Yes, preaching to the choir but is that really a bad thing right now? We need all the encouragement we can get right now. I'm sure you've noticed the chill in the room.

We have literally years to reinvigorate and revitalize our political side. However, you'll find that 2 short years are... much shorter in practice than you'd expect.

Friendly to the Neutrals

The neutrals could be former Trump supporters who are now growing disgust at Trump's actions. Who is, or isn't, neutral will largely be politically chaotic for the near future.

I expect MAGAs to become frustrated at some tariff structures, maybe not racist enough for them or something. I expect TechBros to be harmed by foreign policy and grow disgust. I expect Hawks to fear USA's declining position and reputation in the world. I expect Doves to grow angry at Trumps outbursts and hateful rhetoric.

We need memes that make Trump look dumb or otherwise foolish. But without necessarily attacking the identity of these subgroups. A pro-Muskite will be pro-EV and anti-Climate Change. They're compromising on their values right now because they trust and believe in Musk. But when Trump inevitably cuts Musk out in a few months, we shouldn't push the Muskites back to Trump, we should instead drive them apart from each other. That would mean memes that mostly attack Trump (the big guy), without necessarily attacking subgroups (that may be split off later).

Keep the target in mind and stay focused. I'm not saying "be friends" with the Muskites, I'm saying be a little forward thinking.

Ease off in public

Its not just the left who is tired of Trump, but most people in the USA are tired of politics.

If you have a meme that needs to be made public (ex: I 100% believe we need to start a campaign to distribute coffee tariff notices out and tie the rise in coffee prices to Trump), we need to have simpler language that resonates with people who don't want to hear about politics.

Ex: "Trump's Tariffs" might cause people to stop listening to our signs.

"Tariffs" might be better. Its already a politically charged word.

"Tariffs have caused our coffee prices to go up. We apologize" at least sounds neutral to the less-politically active. And that's the kind of language we want in public to keep people listening to us.


EDIT: Trump and Columbia seems to have come to an agreement where the Tariffs have now been canceled.

I'm leaving this post up for posterity's sake. We just need to wait for the next opportunity to push. I'm still confident that Trump and co will dramatically misstep soon and leave an obvious opening. But for now, we should get our meme-skills up and ready. I'm still supportive of large-scale real-world messages, be they stickers or chalk messages or even simple notifications that point out Trump's political missteps.

First off: condolences to any Colombian who is harmed by these events. We have a Colombian in our family and I certainly fear for her safety and her way of life. She's the nanny to my nephew, and there's a solid chance this shit won't be fixed in time for her Visa renewals, so she'll be effectively deported due to these events. I understand that Trump's latest actions today are frightening, but we need to focus on the political messaging needed to swing the tides back into our favor.

As Donald J. Trump tariffs the USA's #2 trade partner in Coffee (remember, Coffee CANNOT grow in the USA outside of like Hawaii), we can all expect coffee prices to shoot up by 25% in the near future. This is the inflation event we need to begin rubbing shitty marketplace inflation into the MAGAT's faces.

Coffee is one of the most essential of luxury goods consumed in the USA. Everyone drinks it, and we need to be ready to pin the coffee price hikes on Trump's shitty policy.

So, what's the plan people? What's the best meme we can make a sticker and print en masse. Coffee Shops seem like a liberal safe-haven, it shouldn't be too hard to ask Baristas to post up signs (or little protests) indicating that coffee shops are against the Columbian Tariffs.

Like I really think this has real action available. Even a sign that says "Due to recent Tariffs, we have been forced to increase the price of our coffee by 25%", and that's it. We don't need to make it incredibly related to Trump, its implicit in Trump's actions. We need the public to know how Trump is affecting them, but without necessarily rubbing it into their faces.


As Trump signs in his deportation plan, it is becoming evident that Trump is targeting blue states and so called sanctuaries (not just sanctuary cities but the traditional sanctuary of Church, School and Hospitals).

So now it’s time to think and plan the next move and how to protect those in our community. ICE isn’t very big and has no hope of any mass deportations scheme yet. But the deportations they do accomplish will traumatize families and even citizens (as they will obviously target any brown person, even US Citizens like Puerto Ricans).

The plan IMO is for us to make sure that our local schools and Churches collect as little information as possible. ICE will be looking for missing social security numbers for example and may target school and church databases with warrants. Now is the time to consider destroying or deleting that data if you haven’t already.

We don’t necessarily have to directly confront ICE officials to hamper their work. Indirect changes like this might be best especially given how small ICE is.

EDIT: I don't believe there's any good reason for schools to be keeping proofs of citizenship or building up such databases. Nonetheless, teachers and principals may have made that mistake 10 years ago before Trump was a threat or back in the era where ICE was literally not allowed into schools or Churches. Those days are behind us. If you know your school principal is trustworthy, you should campaign on getting unnecessary records deleted ASAP and start building defenses immediately.

Catholics know what I mean: our records on students and parishioners are kept for long periods of time. (Any Catholic knows and expects this, especially because we prioritize Baptism records and other such Church level Sacraments and such). I don't know how all the other Churches do it but if your local church is anywhere on the level of organization of Catholics (I know 7th Day Adventists and Mormons are also "record-keepers"), you will want to check in with your church's offices and maybe ask them to review records in the face of Trump's new executive orders.

Survival information for preparing (self.politicaldiscussion)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by DaddysLittleSlut to c/politicaldiscussion

Hello everyone. In response to rising tensions in political scenes. I wanted share a google doc I’ve created with information from Chat GPT about highlighting the longest lasting products like Menstruation products, Contraceptives, Wash (body and hair), First Aid Kits and how to make them naturally incase of dire need. While some aren’t suggested generally. If you need them. They will be here.

This is nothing related to a specific group but incase anyone needs it! With how dire the political system seems. I also encourage others in the US to buy a few things for themselves. A mask to cover your mouth and forehead, Reinforce gloves, Military Backpack, A Gas mask, Running/Hiking Shoes, Water straws for drinking from rivers, tiny pots and pans, fire starter kit, crank/emergency radio, I also suggest a hunting kit, knives for skinning and cutting. A bow, arrows, tent and sleeping bag, hunters and forging guide, lastly a survival book. I ask if there’s anything I’ve missed please add into comments.

Also to consider if you like energy. You may want to consider C4 Pre Workout. For me it works similar to a pain med but remember it’s different for everyone.

Survival Document


There have been messages going around the federal government with these emails listed to "report" anything

[email protected] (main email sent to employees)

[email protected] (address given to agency heads)

[email protected] (address given to agency heads)

The government memorandum with these emails spelled out

I've seen people mentioning that they will probably filter for .gov email addresses. Here's how we can flood all those emails with .gov emails

.gov Newsletters

Federal agencies, states, US territories, counties, cities & other localities have .gov domains and many of them have automated email newsletters. Sign these addresses up for as many of them as you can. Some of those news letters will probably not be sent from the actual .gov domain, but others probably will. Our goal is sheer numbers here

When you sign up, put as many keywords as you can in the first name field. Newsletters often say your first name, so we can make keyword search a pain for them. Can even add some LLM prompt injections to limit their searching through that

You can find some of those newsletters with searches on any search engine like this:

[insert agency/state/locality] email newsletter site:.gov

So for instance search

Nebraska email newsletter site:.gov

Spoofing emails

These are much more likely to not get through and be blocked by filters but it's worth a try to see if it will get through. Not going to go into too much depth here, so only do this if you know how to


It's time. Everyone agrees the DNC is a failure for numerous reasons. It's time to stop bitching and figure out how to fix it.

How do we get people like Bernie, AOC and Jon Stewart in charge?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by someguy3 to c/politicaldiscussion

I hate that I found this through Facebook, but it was an interesting read. There are quite a few parallels to the US situation.

I'm not saying this could happen in the US, there were a LOT of unlikely situations that lined up, and some risky decisions that went unopposed, but not everything has to be identical for things to get bad.

I say it's worth a read.

The article warns that even the most well-intentioned constitutions can be vulnerable to manipulation. It emphasizes the importance of robust democratic institutions, political stability, and a vigilant citizenry to safeguard democracy.


I thought this is a fascinating take that has merit.


There’s been so much going on in the world so I wanted to take the time to say that the threat of Trump’s cabinet is looming closer and closer each day.

There is something you can do about this and it only takes a few minutes. Call your senator and ask that they oppose Trump’s radical cabinet picks.

Say no to Russian-asset Tulsi Gabbard, xenophobic Pete Hegseth, Qtard Kash Patel, nutjob quack RFK Jr.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by DMCMNFIBFFF to c/politicaldiscussion
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