Who the fuck is Johnson? Does his president have an 84% approval rating?
If a countries policy aligns with the Kremlin, it can be considered a vassal state like Belarus, or now, the US.
The only thing an IQ test actually tests is your ability to do IQ tests.
Won't work. Too many people don't care about politics enough to even go to the voting every few years. How can you expect a significant amount of the population to involve in everyday politics, enough not to let control slip into the few hands paid for doing this for their masters?
Maybe words like "Climate Change" are too dangerous for youthful ears in the US. It might give them ideas that something might be ... off in their country.
Coward. Like every rightwinger when people don't love them.
This is not how this works. One day in the future, when quantum computers have matured enough to do something actually useful instead of just quantum benchmarks, they still will not be general purpose systems.
The situation will be more like video cards at the moment: it would be a subsystem doing something very specialized and limited, being controlled by a driver handing over certain jobs from the OS of the real processor.
Ah, OK. I was too adult to care about Ace Ventura back then.
For getting them used to subsidies, that Trump takes away to make them great again. Probably something like that. But they only need to get lucky once per Representative, the bodygards need to be lucky all the time.
Correct. And it can transfer to humans, where it is then known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob, with the same results. One of those medical topics that make me really shudder when thinking about it.
I would not call people who bought this stuff "investors". While I don't really like investment bankers, this would even insult them.
On the other hand: good. Idiots got deprived of the means to do more stupid things.