Indeed. It is the hurricane class five generating hot tub. How else could nature teach the most boneheaded MAGA-brains that climate change and global warming is real but by depopulating the coastal states...
The question is absolutely clear: How can we get rid of paying people for work?
It's a two-step approach: There are the low-skill jobs that could get replaced by machines, with desperate people flooding the markets, putting downward pressure on peoples' incomes, and there are the high-skill jobs where currently not enough staff is available - at least when one does not want to pay suitable rates.
FTFY: '~~Country~~ Tech Billionaires will be prospering like never before'
Well, it shows that the average right winger was fast asleep in school, especially during science and history classes.
Da ist 50. Wer zu blöd ist, in einer geschlossenen Ortschaft 50 zu fahren, hat das Knöllchen voll verdient.
They just found this out? This was obvious basically a year ago. If not earlier, if you knew where to look.
Block them. If they have something interesting or important to say, just quote it. Don't send them even more traffic and attention.
Natürlich wollen sie das. Politische Bildung ist der Erzfeind des Extremismus.
Our last HP was definitively older. I have to admit it lasted long, and worked rather good until about a year ago.
FTFY: after ~~a gesture likened to~~ doing a Nazi salute.
This worked fine for a number of years until it started wasting ink like mad (had to deep-clean it after 3-4 pages with color images (not full-sized images, just some graphics on the page).
Real question here: It is titled “Restoring Names that Honor American Greatness.” - Has the Gulf of Mexico ever been named "Gulf of America" in any reasonable historical context, or is this just the usual made-up "fact" from Donald the Jester?