Carville is part of the fucking problem.
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Abso-fucking-lutely this.
He was obviously one of the first people to come out swinging against Bernie Sanders. He's a Clintonite through and through. He sucks as a strategist.
He's the Jim Kramer of political strategy.
$1.5 billion in 15 weeks.
14,285,714.29 a day.
1,785,714.29 every hour of an 8 hour workday.
This goes to show, yet again, that money alone can't buy an election.
Okay but let's look at what the other side was spending/getting in free coverage...
More importantly, look at what the other side was using that coverage to say and what the Dems were saying.
^ This
This guy is fucking useless.
If you pay attention to politics, you'll learn real quick no one has a crystal ball, and the really don't know what could happen, just what happened before. We needed a left wing populist two presidents ago, neo liberal status quo really isn't doing it against fascist populism.
The exploitation class will not allow it, and a president does not have incentive to cross them. So, the homeless will stay homeless, the struggle will continue. Nothing will change until the people rise up and demand it!
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."
He's fucking smart and he may be the reason Bill got his first term back in the day. The thing is he knows what side his bread is buttered on-and it's the neoliberal side.
He's not an oracle. I like his demands for audits, but it's like demanding for audits of the Weimar Republic after Hitler took power.
I'd like to hear the specifics of what the thinks Harris did wrong. Does he think it's all the fault of the blacks and the queers? This dude has had an inside track for decades, he's almost certainly part of the problem not the solution.
Real smashingly astute observation there Jimmy. You mind telling about who's going to win the 2023 NBA championship?
Duh? If you weren't saying this a year ago, you aren't relevant today.
Dude was on board and backing up the vehement “hug a Republican” crowd. This is just his self preservation instinct kicking in. He knows he fucked up and wants to distance himself.
Many DNC operatives made a killing grifting.
But I ain't gonna cry about them fleecing donors.
They deserve each other, sadly plebs get fucked
Is this a haiku?
I said it before and I'll say it again.
Don't donate to politicians. Instead, put that money in stocks. Your money will absolutely get some measure of representation in Washington whereas you the person probably will not.
That's an insane amount of money to get a job that pays $400k per year.
For all of that spending, I never saw a single ad from her, or if I did, they were completely forgettable. I did see trump ads at every commercial break during the World Series though.
That’s an insane amount of money to get a job that pays $400k per year.
When you blatantly monetize the presidency, it makes a hell of a lot more than $400k a year. Hell, Trump literally sold the Resolute Desk to Goya for ad space.
I wish we had a way of knowing what McDonald's is paying him for all of these recent social media posts.
What state?
That's a good point, I suppose she probably felt that Washington State was not a good use of her advertising budget.