
joined 1 year ago
[–] FlashMobOfOne 3 points 35 minutes ago

No they don't.

They have an interest in keeping themselves rich, consequences be damned.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 1 points 36 minutes ago

That's a silver lining.

Biden looks like he's on the verge of croaking, so maybe, just maybe, we'll get a black, female fascist enabler instead of an old white male fascist enabler for once.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 1 points 49 minutes ago

Because we're ruled by the billionaire class, and they like giving us two useful idiots to choose from.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 3 points 51 minutes ago

I dunno, man.

I'd say stop watching corporate media, because CNN is making a shit-ton of advertiser money off these charades, but people won't.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 0 points 52 minutes ago* (last edited 44 minutes ago) (2 children)

I mean, you'd think the total inability to hide Biden and Trumps' cognitive dysfunction, caught on camera many, many times over the last few years, and now live and in color, would be enough to get people to stop pretending that there's a good option here. Hell, Biden's handlers have been caught on camera making sure he doesn't wander off, like they had for Feinstein before she died.

But then again, Americans have watched the gradual, but now inevitable, slide into fascism over the last 40 years and managed to convince themselves that all is well, provided the guy enabling it is wearing their preferred jersey, so I guess we'll just chill and let Biden and Trumps' unelected handlers rule the country.

It's too bad you all didn't vote for Williamson in the primary. It's been clear neither of these two assholes are fit for a long time, just like it was clear Feinstein wasn't fit when she was falling asleep in hearings.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 39 points 1 day ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (2 children)

What's wild to me is how most news sources are reporting that the president's rivals did their part by opting not to provide support to the coup attempt.

I think, if a bunch of armed rednecks attacked the White House, we wouldn't see solidarity among rival factions in defending our seat of government.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 9 points 2 days ago

As with bulletproof backpacks and multiple security doors in schools... another thing that shouldn't exist in the first place, and it's only necessary because dead kids aren't enough for Americans to reconsider how convenient it is to kill people here.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 4 points 4 days ago (12 children)

The US wasn't even close to the worst offender when it came to imperialism or colonialism

LOL, what a super apologist argument.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 50 points 5 days ago (33 children)

Pick up a US or World Hstory book as an adult and two things will dispel the illusions you may have about Americans and the human race: First, the rest the world hates us for very good reasons, and the things we did on a smaller scale in previous centuries are now much more widespread. Second, our species is infinitely more capable of evil than you were made to understand.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 3 points 5 days ago
[–] FlashMobOfOne 3 points 5 days ago


That's okay. They'll remember me when they wake up next to someone who hates them and they have two or three screaming children that won't let them sleep.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 10 points 5 days ago

I wish the video were of that crowd bashing that person's brains in.


Just another example of something that could be universal if we taxed the rich appropriately.


FLINT—Eight days after entering the world, Khi’Meir Taylor made another debut — this time in what could be a national spotlight.

Wednesday was the first day of a $55 million experiment to test whether cash payments can protect children from the toxic stress of poverty.

submitted 11 months ago by FlashMobOfOne to c/aww

At least, she is in her own little world. :)


I just thought it would be cool to put this out there. The Satellites featured several local skaters from Fountain City Roller Derby: Tiff (a former Team USA skater), Mel Malice, Aneeda Hurtcha, Annie Maul, and Queen of Hurts. As if that wasn't cool enough, Olympic Gold Medalist Erin Jackson was also skating for the Satellites.

Pretty. Effing. Rad.

If you're interested in checking out roller derby, you can find more info on fountaincityrollerderby.com.


Hola Kansas City. This week is game one of all-gender season at Fountain City Roller Derby. Here are the details:

Location: Olahrama Skating Rink Date Time: Saturday, June 24 at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 6:00. Tickets: $15 for adults. Kids 17 and under are free. Food: The snack bar will be open or you can bring in your own drinks and snacks for a $10 cooler fee, no glass allowed.

I promise we'll skate our hearts out for you.


Personally, my favorite is the Viking of Stamford Bridge. The thought that one man taking out 40 English soldiers and completely altering history in one epic fight is just awesome, and no one recorded his name.

They just gave him a kickass title instead.



This is the picture I like to show artists when they hate their stuff after a single layer of work, because I hate all of my stuff after a single layer of work, but it's important to remember it's a process.

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