
joined 1 year ago
[–] ikidd 48 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

I hope that orange fuck just gets crushed when election day rolls around. Then we'll never have to hear from him again.

[–] ikidd 3 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Good lord, you posted the freaking article and now you get shirty when people tell you to read it to answer your own damn question? That's just weird.

[–] ikidd 2 points 4 hours ago

Drain it through a filter and refrigerate it if you aren't using it constantly. It'll go rancid pretty quick.

[–] ikidd 1 points 4 hours ago

Oils in a septic tank are a poor idea. It floats, so it never gets pumped out as effluent, and it builds up in the tank. When you get the tank pumped, it should go away then as the pumper guy will usually stir it up enough to get all the oils and solids, but in the meantime it's there interfering with the bugs.

[–] ikidd 1 points 4 hours ago

If you don't think you taste the difference even just on toast, then you should get your tastebuds checked.

[–] ikidd 3 points 7 hours ago

Yah, you always milked off the first bit on the ground or to the cats. We sold a little bit to the dairy so we didn't end up wasting a lot, and everything went to the fridge quickly. On the other hand, I loved milk and on a hot day I've drank the better part of a gallon by myself so there wasn't much chance of it laying around. I did stop doing that when I realized how god-awful many calories whole milk has in it.

[–] ikidd 8 points 7 hours ago

Site that doesn't allow news links loses status as source of news.

You don't say.

[–] ikidd 1 points 8 hours ago

Snap is basically a docker container with some frills.

[–] ikidd 26 points 8 hours ago

Broken ribs are no fun. Slap that guy that tries to make you laugh and gods help you if you get a cough.

[–] ikidd 10 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

It's what you want for cheese and butter making. Other than that, it's probably a reason there was a fair bit of kids that died before pasteurization.

When I was a kid, we still had milk cows so I probably dodged a bullet, and it wasn't that my parents were some back-to-the-earth whackos, it was just Canadian rural life in the 70s. I do remember milk tasting better then though.

[–] ikidd 5 points 8 hours ago

I think the "read the bible" was kind of a shot at evangelicals that say that shit all the time.


I need a few of these for rpi's around the farm. Tired of dealing with LoRa.


If I bring up things like mail or a post in a new tab, I have to go into Login/Manage Accounts and choose my account to do anything in that tab.


Terrible diagram 1

I'm trying to figure out how long to make A and B here if I have linear actuator of length C (extended = 2C) in order to tilt my panels from completely horizontal to vertical so they avoid wind and shed snow respectively when I run up the actuator to the extremes respectively based on sensor input.

Is there a simple formula I can use to plug the length of whatever actuator I settle on to figure A and B out? I know it will have to be a certain minimum and maximum size to work properly and might have to experiment to get an idea of what works in the end, but I'd like a reasonable start point to purchase an appropriate actuator.

I've googled around and decided I'm not smart enough to even come up with the right search criteria, let alone figure this out myself since it's been 35 years since I've used anything except the most basic trig.

This isn't really homework except for the fact that I'm trying to make my home work right.

Edit: seems like if I select A=.75C and solve for B at horizontal, then it always works out. No idea why, but the couple examples I try seem to agree.


I'm looking for a lowish priced laptop that I can put at least 2 extra monitors on. I want a second landscape 4k and a portrait 1080. Don't need anything special. One monitor has DP and HDMI, but the other just HDMI. Do I just get a DP hub and use a converter dongle for the second?

What would be a recommended laptop for this scenario? I only want AMD CPU and GPU as I can't be arsed to fight with noVideo and Intel doesn't deserve my business.


I have no idea how long this has been a thing, and maybe every clipboard works that way, not just Plasma, and I never realized it. It also lets you do things like Rt-click on it and do the regular operations like Search in Firefox. Spaces aren't preserved unless you specifically select them but search engines seem to be able to sort out the words usually.

I post this in case you haven't been part of the 10,000 this day already, like me.

Edit: seems to work in Firefox and LibreOffice, but not Kate or Okular. I'd love to see this as a general feature, it's handy as heck.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ikidd to c/technology

Looks expensive. The grey ones are the broken ones.

submitted 4 months ago by ikidd to c/sciencefiction

Thank you for the great work, Vernor. You'll be missed.


We have our house and a cabin. While I guess I could make an area for the cabin, it has it's own areas that I'd like to manage separately (and copy automations directly).

I have purchased a HA Cloud sub but I don't seem to be able to get the cabin to connect to Cloud.

Do I need a separate sub for the cabin at full price? This seems a little over the top, not to mention clunky to manage with different Nabu Casa logins.

Or am I just going about this wrong? If anyone else manages two properties and integrates it nicely, I'd love to hear your solutions. I'm mainly subbing to Cloud because of the better TTS and STT response. Maybe I just invest in a skookum whisper/piper box instead?


I don't see that there's any sort of integration for writing code to process information from HA entities like Node Red + Companion. Am I missing something and this is more than just an interface for the config files and maybe a git client for those config files?


These things aren't bad, I've got a few that I use sort of successfully, but the speaker and mic aren't very powerful. I was thinking of building one with an ESP32 and i2S (not i2c, that threw me off too) speaker/mic, but I'm wondering if I'd be reinventing the wheel here if there's a better alternative already out there.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by ikidd to c/buildapc

Got a young guy that needs a reasonable used laptop, in the $2-300 range. Looking for smooth but not spectacular graphics, and a 15" screen or better. Preferably with 2 drive slots so he can have an NVME or other SSD for the OS and a large rust drive for installing games. It's going to be plugged in when used, and weight isn't a great concern, it's just for travelling with.

Any suggestions on what to look for on eBay?

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