
joined 2 years ago
[–] ikidd 1 points 1 hour ago

Hitchens on the death of Jerry Falwell: "If they gave his corpse an enema, they could bury him in a matchbox."

[–] ikidd 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

So I just had a laptop with 41 on pre-6.3 Plasma, and I could RDP into it fine. I updated and could no longer RDP in. I didn't see a process in htop for /usr/bin/krdpserver when I turned it on-off-on-off-on in Settings-Remote Desktop. So I move the video quality slider and it says it needs to restart the server, so I do that, and now I see it in htop and can rdp in.

I try it the other direction, no go. Try the same trick and while it has a server running now in htop, I just get a black screen on connection from the first computer. So I down the one in Settings, and just run /usr/bin/krdpserver from a terminal. That helps me figure out that it's upset about my multimonitor setup now. So I run krdpserver -u ikidd -p 1111 --monitor 3 --quality 100 and then it connects, though only to the single monitor I specify, of course.

I'm also using the commandline xfreerdp directly instead of the KRDC wrapper. I don't have a lot of trust in that wrapper. My typical commandline is something like xfreerdp /v: /u:ikidd /p:"1111" /dynamic-resolution +clipboard /cert:ignore /console /size:1920x1080

Hopefully that gives you something to work with. You can also check https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?component=general&product=KRdp&resolution=---

[–] ikidd 3 points 3 hours ago

We have an insane number of deer around here and with a rifle it's not exactly hunting when I can step out my back door and fill all my tags with a mag dump. Bow hunting is more sporting and makes me better.

I use a rifle for elk and moose (and boar), but using a bow on those is borderline insane, and there's not as many of those around.

[–] ikidd 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Try the OCCWeb app in nextcloud apps.

[–] ikidd 3 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Having hunted with a bow for years; a rifle is 100X easier to use, with range and accuracy an order of magnitude better.

[–] ikidd -1 points 4 hours ago

Of course you're getting downvoted, this is the rational answer.

[–] ikidd 5 points 4 hours ago

Sofa, sogood.

[–] ikidd 7 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Fuck em. I like inexpensive eggs and it's not like they would send us shit if the shoe were on the other foot. Besides, we have a supply system and would effectively be subsidizing US exports with higher prices. So double fuck em.

[–] ikidd 8 points 7 hours ago (2 children)

Am I going nuts? I thought I saw this exact post like 2 weeks ago with all these comments, but now it shows up 2 hours old.

[–] ikidd 1 points 7 hours ago

Unlikely. But in other news, Citizen's Lab has found a host of kernel level zero-days that Cellebrite has used that affect all Android phones.

[–] ikidd 3 points 12 hours ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they were spit out of Claude.

The Secret Maze of Debian Images (blog.fai-project.org)
submitted 1 week ago by ikidd to c/[email protected]

Delve into the wondrous labyrinth of sparkling images that is the Debian build output.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by ikidd to c/cooking
How I Use AI in 2025 (benjamincongdon.me)
submitted 4 weeks ago by ikidd to c/ai_

Not the author, but I'm interested in discussion about how you're using AI.

I'm not as stuck on Claude as a model as much as the author. I find their limits on rates really too low to use as an effective coding partner, I spend more time waiting for it to time back in than actually doing something useful, GPT4 does better with less hanging. O1 is better, and I haven't figured out how to use Deepseek on Cline yet. I'm not going to use a different editor than VSCode to code in, so Cursor isn't really interesting.

I don't use AI for much other than that, as I find the search results on things like Perplexity kinda worthless compared to what I can come up with without trying very hard. And chatting with an AI isn't something I've found useful either.


I think it's a good idea, everyone should be automating this anyway.


In multi-monitor, every time I run my mouse between screens, if I'm too high or low, it catches on the hot corner areas. I could see it being wanted if I were dragging a window so I could use them to snap to, but every other time it's just a pain in the ass, especially since I turn off all the hot corner functions anyway.


Found my dial torque wrench that I use for setting up gears, a spacer I needed to put the wife's winter tires on, and a few other things.

It's better than Santa Claus showing up.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ikidd to c/homeassistant

This looks like a viable competitor to the recently announced HA Voice Preview hardware. Looks like it's sold out at this point but there will be more coming. More microphones, presence detection and a builtin amplifier to run fairly substantial speakers.



2 weeks later than I should have, of course.


Some days i fix the tools i use to fix tools. And some days i just fix stuff, but that's pretty rare.

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