Idiocracy would be a substantial improvement over current circumstances.
Mice are known to display paw preference. Primates are generally preferentially handed. I’d think many mammalian species are as well, given these observations.
More green plumbers please.
What balls?
I’m saying he should fuck off with his tail between his legs, like the miserable failure he is. He could have gone down in history as savior of the republic. Had he opened his eyes to reality and we conducted a competitive primary and lost anyway, no one could point a finger at Biden. But, no. Instead, we are all suffering for his fucking hubris.
Yes. The speech itself was a mistake. More hubris. More bullshit. I hope to never hear from this pathetic twat again.
Yeah, a fucking lot of good he did, ushering in another trump term. He couldn’t just fuck off into the sunset without sounding like a fucking dumbass?
Buy Wendy’s. With all those people soon-to-be selling ass behind their dumpsters, business is bound to take off.
The SC works for the blyats and CCP. Fucking traitor cunts.
I can’t believe this shit.
Just fucking write “tenfold”, Jesus fuck.
Doubt she’d have won the EC, regardless. People are pissed about inflation and the wealth gap, so they decided to shoot themselves in the dick. Cool, cool.
Fuck Russia.