Signal literally couldn't give away your communications if they wanted to, everyone who disagrees with the way things are going should be using it.
I was diagnosed last year. I'm 41. I wondered what the hell was "wrong with me" my entire life. Meds help but this shit sucks.
Once he's hollowed out the entire country, he will do some random thing and someone will give him an award for it. Once he's done masturbating (imagine someone passing you a blunt), he's going to enact his ultimate dream. He's going to get the SS to pick him up ten big macs and ten filet o fish. He will assemble his ultimate favorite sandwich, eat about half of it, and pass out. Two days later he will die trying to take a shit.
Trump will be fucking dead in four years.
We even have trouble with cultural shit within our own species! Smiling like that all the time would warn me away and I'm from a culture that generally likes smiling. In our closest living genetic relative, the chimpanzee, a toothy smile means "I'm ready to tear your arm/balls off."
I have this terrible feeling that Turkey would veto, even if somehow we could distract Trump with enough McDonald's and fake tits to try to get it done.
Have you ever been tested for ADHD? I don't want to go around diagnosing people but this kind of executive dysfunction is central to it
Do you sometimes agonize on and off for hours over a task that could be done in 30 minutes?
That's fair. Try alcohol.
I hear you. What I'm advocating does veer into philosophy when what we need is action. I don't claim to know every nuance of these bureaucracies, but I have worked within them, as a civilian. I do understand that this pump action shotgun approach to surgery is absurd. Believe me, you and I are on the same team here!
I don't advocate admitting defeat at all. In fact I think everyone 'resigning in protest ' right now is just taking the easy way out. I do hope for an end to this madness, but it seems like the train's just left the station.
What I'm advocating is an approach to systems theory, nothing more. Stay safe in the months ahead.
This is how I used to think. But we need to simplify things in order to approach them with appropriate action. The original purpose of USAID, NOAA, Department of Education, those don't matter at the moment. It's hard to articulate, but when you get down to it, the purpose of the system is what it does. No, over arching beliefs, vision, or plans from the founders will not work right now. The purpose of a system is what it does.
I don't want to argue with you anymore comrade. Please give a read to the link. Just a few days ago I would have had the same response as you.
At a place I worked many years ago I left because I was moving. I still had remote access to the cameras until they upgraded the system.