this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2024
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[–] [email protected] 41 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (2 children)

The Democrats threw it away.
For several races now they've been told by many actual progressives, they need to embrace economic-populism. They refused to. Instead embracing the Cheneys. They got out played by a convicted felon, who's older than his IQ (thanks to another lemmon for that line. I love it).

[–] rezz 19 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Just bafflingly long chain of poor choices dating all the way back to RBG.

Obama shoulda made her step down to replace.

Obama (or whoever has the power) shoulda told Joe he was sticking to one term after the 2022 midterms, and REALLY prepared for 2024 in earnest. They run the best primary they’ve ever ran. They do a non traditional media strategy.

But they did the opposite. Year after year. And then panic with a billion dollars and no path two months before an election that Trump has already been running for 2-4 years.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It goes back farther, to Bill Clinton embracing Neo-Conservitive economic principals.
That was the beginning of the end of the Democrats.

[–] pdxfed 2 points 3 months ago

Thank you. The most damage Dems ever did to most working class white folks in this country to prep them for despair, misery and authoritarianism was NAFTA. Couple that with not raising federal minimum wage when they had power. They want to keep billionaires happy though so no progressive candidates. Submarine Bernie. Annoint Hillary even though she was the most pro-war candidate in the primaries, she said she'd bomb Iran! This was after we'd barely finished the illegal disaster of fraudulent WMDs in Iraq and had begun slimming out of Afghanistan.

The fact they lost minorities like Hispanics to vote for them when Trump is pitching hate and deportation...the measure of failure is impossible to put into words.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Man... don't take this language personally. It's just the only way I know how to speak right now.

In what fucking world do you think a more progressive candidate would've turned Michigan and Pennsylvania blue?

Christ. I hope I'm fucking wrong. Because I do believe in a more progressive agenda. And I'm in Michigan. But this takeaway is absolutely fucking nuts to me.

The last thing we need is for the hardcore blue states to be even bluer while the battleground states are all red.

I don't know, man. Explain your math to me. Because I can't wrap my head around it. But I haven't slept in like 36 hours, either, so maybe it's just me.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

I didn't say progressive. Progressive is a very broad term that can apply to all sorts of things.

I said economic-populist. One of the few things nearly all of us agree on in this country, is that the corporations and the ownership class have too much power in politics, and they're getting that power by stealing money from the working class. Trump was good at speaking to that, without actually doing much to help. The Democrats did some to help. But not enough, and they didn't want to sell it much for fear of scaring off the ownership/donor class.

Leave behind all the racial, sexual, social justice progressive stuff. It's divisive and won't help you win. Helping the poor generally, will disproportionately help those people more anyway. Just without putting them in the spot light.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago

Totally fair, man. Thanks for clarifying. Sounds like a totally reasonable take.

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[–] TheRealKuni 10 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Harris lost Michigan by fewer votes than the number of people who voted “uncommitted” in the primary.

I don’t think the lesson here is to be more moderate or more conservative.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

You know, uncommitted doesn't really bother me. Had I bothered voting in the primary, I'd probably have voted uncommitted, too. Because I'm not really happy about the administration's handling of the Israel-Gaza situation.

But I damn sure voted for Kamala yesterday. I hope the Jill Stein voters feel really fucking smug about teaching Democrats a lesson when Trump tells Netanyahu to just push all the Muslims into the fucking ocean, and sells them the bulldozers to do it. I hope they all fucking cheer when they watch it livestreamed, Xclusively on X.

Because I assume that's what they wanted out of this election, and by gum, they fucking got it.

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

That was entirely about Israel and Gaza. The Democrats refused to distance themselves from the Republicans on that. Both sides were all in on the genocide. So yah people who felt it was the number one issue, had little reason to vote for Democrats over Republicans.

[–] TheRealKuni 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Little reason to vote Democrat over Republican?

Donald Trump said he wants Israel to “finish the job.” The Democrats at least were making overtures to peace. Were sending aid to Gaza.

Kamala was walking a tightrope. She was losing voters to Trump who didn’t think she was pro-Israel enough, and others to Stein who didn’t think she was anti-Israel enough.

Strategic voting is important in a first-past-the-post system, and those who rejected Kamala because she wasn’t sufficiently anti-genocide for them get to sit in the knowledge that they helped her lose, and helped put a man who will absolutely make the genocide worse in power.

Edit: But yes, my point was she probably could’ve gotten some of those voters if she’d been more anti-genocide.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Donald Trump said he wants Israel to “finish the job.” The Democrats at least were making overtures to peace.

Do you want 10 pounds of shit or 11? Who cares?

The pro-Israel crowd were already mostly evangelicals, all in on Trump from the get go.
Nobody would have voted for Stein if Harris took her Gaza rhetoric.

[–] TheRealKuni 3 points 3 months ago

I agree that she should’ve been pro-Gaza. I just also understand why she wasn’t.

It was calculated and cowardly, words that define the modern Democratic Party.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

I mean they went centrist this time and honestly got utterly creamed, I honestly can't believe how not close this was.

So if shifting to the right isn't working at all now what makes you think it's a winning strategy

[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Something I haven't seen discussed is that Kamala is a woman. There are a lot of misogynistic voters who will refuse to vote for a woman.

[–] pressanykeynow 8 points 3 months ago

That explanation drives you away from the problems Democratic Party has. If people want to cast their vote, they will, if they are sexists or racists they vote for the other party. In this election we saw that a lot of people from both sides that voted in the previous election who didn't want to vote now. It was much more people for the Democrats likely because they voted last time and were disillusioned in the democratic process.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

Tammy Baldwin and Elissa Slotkin both won in states Kamala lost, so that narrative doesn't really hold up.

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[–] jaggedrobotpubes 17 points 3 months ago

Republicans are nazis. Nazis are a cancer on society. In civilization, life is based on cooperating, and in the jungle, life is based on you doing whatever you can physically pull off. Nazis bring the law of the jungle into civilization, with no regard for the things they destroy. They boldly gamble that the people they plan to murder will continue trying to cooperate with them, and leverage it at every turn to grab more and more power.

The Democrats' playbook assumes cooperation from everyone. As it turns out, so much so that, as an organization, they literally cannot conceive of an opponent who, at the end of the day, won't cooperate. That blind spot is where nazis strike. They're the one opponent where you put your ordinary playbook away, and play dirty until there's no more nazis, either because they're dead, jailed, scattered, or they chose cut the crap for good. Then you go back to cooperating with those who will cooperate back.

"But then we're no better than them" is the rallying cry of the Democrats. And--this is super important--when you aren't dealing with nazis specifically, that's absolutely how you should think. It's how any decent person thinks, because a world where people don't is a world that fucking sucks. So people do. It becomes the law of the land: sacred, normal, assumed.

Which makes it unchanging. And if you're a nazi, that is, someone who is short-sighted enough to think that grabbing power by literally any means necessary is a good idea, and dedicate yourself to doing it with no regard for the fact that you're ruining everything, then you can attack. Your chances of success spring from the flexibility of your own soullessness, and your opponents' refusal to acknowledge that you're actually that horrible.

Add in first past the post and you have two giant funnels labeled "Democrat" and "Republican" into which all political efforts ultimately fall. Biggest pile wins. People understandably don't know about those metaphorical funnels, so they do what would be smart in another system--vote third party. But under first past the post, a third party is just a hole in the side of your funnel feeding into the other one. It just adds to the other pile. It's the false dichotomy that was actually a true dichotomy.

So really there are two things that could have worked. One, progressive takeover of the Democratic party, and deal with the nazis properly instead of being that which they can leverage. Two, get nazis to think through their end game, and realize that they themselves do not want what they're fighting for. When they say "yes we do!", that's just a refusal to think it through the rest of the way:

Ok, you want power. What does that get you? "Dead enemies". Ok, what does that get you? "Victory!" Ok, what does that get you? "Security and strength." Ok, what does that get you? "Peace". Ok, what does that get you? "....... I guess then I could relax and just enjoy my life?" Ok, what does that get you? "Then I would be ok inside". Only a friend and a sage can guide someone through this, because it requires cooperation and introspection. It'll just trigger an attack if an opponent does it to them.

You can see how unlikely those both are, but they would both work like fuckin bangers if they got off the ground. But those are the two ways you fundamentally change that dynamic. Play dirtier than the people who play dirty and win so you can restore cooperation, or get them to realize that playing dirty isn't actually what they want anyway.

[–] Delta_V 16 points 3 months ago

This time? There was no real opportunity for meaningful change. The Democratic party is far right economically, and they depend on the donations of plutocrats and megacorps. Regardless of either Democrats or Republicans getting elected, the donor class wins and working Americans lose. Some will say Harris attempt to appeal to the right wing is what made her lose, and perhaps there is an element of truth to that. Its unlikely that the Republican base she attempted to woo would actually vote for a Black woman running as a Democrat over the old, rich White guy running as a Republican. However, the owners of the Democratic party - the ones who immediately had millions of dollars to donate the day Biden dropped out - they didn't lose. The only way the owners could lose is by appealing to progressives and winning an election.

The time to begin doing something differently was decades ago, building power and organizing from the bottom up. Socialists need to begin running in and winning local elections, and pushing hard against First Past The Post elections.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Not surprised, just disappointed... A lot.

Should have reformed how voting happens to get rid of first past the post, winner takes all.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

He is winning the popular this time too isn't he?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

From the looks of it, yes. For me it's more about getting rid of the two party system that is hurting choices and leads to potentially dumb outcomes than anything. Regardless of the outcome from that election.

[–] jordanlund 14 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Not really, if you look at the megaposts I put up in Politics, it pretty much broke exactly how I predicted (down to calling each of the Senate races so far... we still don't know AZ, NV, ME and PA).

Biden was never going to win, not after that disaster of a debate, and there wasn't time for a proper primary. Harris suffered from being the annointed candidate rather than the appointed one.

The only thing that could have been done differently would have been for Biden to announce he wasn't running following the 2022 election.

That would have given time for a proper primary process and a decent candidate selection.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

Probably the one thing that could have changed it all

[–] pressanykeynow 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I still wonder why Americans call that debate a disaster. Biden was out this world 10% of the debate, but was sane and correct the other 90%. Trump was nuts 100% of it. I don't understand why you guys from both parties think that the second one was more fit for running your country.

[–] jordanlund 8 points 3 months ago

Every time Trump was talking, Biden looked like a nursing home patient. He had the vacant look Alzheimers patients have.

[–] Ptsf 6 points 3 months ago

Trump sounds insane to you (and me) because you have differing opinions and his opinions are inhumane and immoral, but he was somehow still far more coherent than Biden during that debate. Dementia clearly hit him hard and that immediately disinfranchised a significant portion of voters. Dude tried to hold on for far too long and it might cost the USA it's democracy.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

The US should have dedicated around 10% of the defense budget to a defense against Russian bot-farms.
X, Facebook, Google and Microsoft should have been seized by the state, turned into publically owned utilities, and run by a committee.

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[–] LovableSidekick 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I feel like a superstitious loon for saying this, but what I think should have happened differently is the universe should have worked like we rationally understand it instead like a glitched-up Matrix.

Trump's offensive, obnoxious, criminal behavior is too extensive to even list without being tedious. He had almost zero platform except that immigrants are bad. Somehow more than half the voters in America picked him over a scandal-free, criminal-conviction-free opponent pushing optimism and making strongly positive proposals. The universe shouldn't work that way. I really feel like this supports the theory that we are living in a simulation. It feels like somebody put their thumb on the scale to see what will happen.

[–] Fredselfish 2 points 3 months ago

The economy was the number one issue for voters. So they voted for Trump the guy who all but promised to make things a 1000% worst for the economy. Hell this economy is a direct result of his first 4 years in office. But people who voted for him are to stupid to realize that. So we are going watch America burn. Hope they are happy when it happens. They can't blame Democrats either because Trump got the majority in all three chambers.

The worst part is Trump probably not going do shit, but golf (if he still can) and sign whatever is put on his desk. He so far mentally gone that JD Vance is going run the show and Project 2025 is going be day one agenda. And with a majority they will pass it all into law.

So all those states that voted in Trump while making abortion legal on state level. Congratulations your the dumbest voting block ever. When the national abortion ban is written into law its going throw that one out the window.

As Elon Musk promised we America who not part of the 000.01% are about to have very hard time. Between him in charge of the budget and Robert Kennedy Jr in charge of our Healthcare. Say goodbye to vaccines and watch as so many plagues spread across America especially amoung our children. But don't worry they will have crystals or some shit to sell you.

Also get ready to watch medicade and Medicare go bye. Oh he may actually get to repeal Obamacare like he always wanted.

The only thing I think is bullshit and was all talk was deporting 20 million illegal and non illegal, because lets be honest it was a racist pitch to his base. I don't think they have the budget to do so and I don't think we have the infrastructure to put them somewhere either.

But guess we will wait and see. We have two months folks whats it going be. Just sit back and watch as Trump and co strip us of our constitutional rights. First the 1st. By making it illegal to speak out against them. Then you know who going come for your guns? They can't have a fascist dictatorship and allow us to be armed, no sir.

Hey at least his proud boys etc will get to keep theres as his new brown shirts.

And almost forgot Trump going to get in office just in time to pardon all those Jan 6's the ones he called patriots.

Man I wish I could leave this fucking country.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Not really surprised. I've been feeling this is the way it would go since the convention. They trotted out the Clintons yet again, indicating they were going to try to run the same failed campaign again. Everything since has felt like being on a nightmare carnival ride. You know a lot of what to expect, but you can't stop the car or influence things. Someone else's hand is on the lever, and you're at their mercy

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Getting peoples votes not to be counted is a form of election fraud and Trump and his team pulled out all the stops and stole this election with such tactics.

Trump is a felon, fraud and a liar

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Not surprised. The Harris campaign ran on the status quo, which many people are dissatisfied with, and pivoted to the right on various policy, when the people who like right-wing policies already have a party catering just to them - and that can come at the cost of alienating their own base or fracturing the coalition. For instance, many Latinos trend conservative in their values, but they voted Dem in the past because of all the "Build the wall" stuff. But then the Democrats said, "Trump's just using it to posture, we're the ones who are actually going to build the wall," and they lost a bunch of Latinos and didn't win over Republicans.

Promoting the Dick Cheney endorsement was an obvious unforced error, not even Republicans like him. Honestly a lot of their attempts to "reach across the aisle" seem more like patting themselves on the back for being "reasonable" than genuine attempts to understand and appeal to actual human beings. Like, generally, I think it's a better strategy to accept that most of them are unreachable and focus on mobilizing your base, but if you are going to commit to that approach and make it the whole backbone of your campaign, then you actually have to understand who you're trying to reach and how they think and why they do the things they do. Like, there are genuine ideological rifts on the right that are exploitable, like nationalism vs libertarianism, but Cheney and Bush tried to do something that both sides of that hate and it was a colossal failure, so bringing him on board just papers over those disagreements and makes it easier for them to consolidate around Trump.

A major problem that liberals have is that they're attached to this idea of "reasonableness" where the best ideas will just naturally win out in the marketplace of ideas, and when the world doesn't actually work like that they just can't accept it. The right isn't reasonable, they are (at least sometimes) proud of not being reasonable, because reason is the tool of the educated elite. And that actually almost makes a weird kind of sense, it's like, imagine arguing that the earth is flat against a five year old - you could probably "win," right? You have way more information in your repertoire and more experience with debate than they do, so you could selectively pick-and-choose things to support your point. So imagine being that five year old, having the sense that the adult is taking you for a ride, but knowing that you can't debate or reason well enough to win on their terms. That's the kind of psychology that we're dealing with.

There are three ways you can respond to that situation. Either you say, "OK, these people are crazy and unreachable, let's focus on mobilizing our own base," or you say, "OK, we can work with that, we just have to go beyond reason and try to build trust or reach them on an emotional level," (good luck with that, since that emotional level includes absolutely despising establishment career politicians, along with a substantial number of people who make up the dem coalition), or, lastly, you can keep trying to reason with them, and you will lose. Like, you could legitimate run a candidate who policy-wise is to the right of the Republican candidate on every issue and right-wingers still wouldn't vote for them if they looked and sounded like a typical Democrat. You just have to wrap your head around that concept.

[–] LovableSidekick 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (11 children)

Given that Trump constantly does things that should screw himself over, and then he trips on a rock and somehow it's fine. I think it comes down to two things: Trump is a very skilled con man (his one tangible skill) with unbelievable luck, and America is chock full of idiots. I really believe now that he could literally shoot someone on 6th Avenue in front of network television and get away with it.

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[–] kSPvhmTOlwvMd7Y7E 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

As someone from Europe who only has account: i am surprised, i thought you guys were handling it lol good job in keeping the façade tho, it was convincing

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Dnc clowns were staffing news and politics subs. God forbid anyone had an unsanctioned discussion

[–] FlashMobOfOne 3 points 3 months ago


I predicted this in early September.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

I am deeply surprised, and am not sure what could have been done differently. (Of course, if I was aware of something that should have been done differently, then I would probably be less surprised over this outcome.)

[–] Smokeydope 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Having spent some time to consider the question, heres my thoughts. I think one of the biggest issues is that the DNC and the left leaning social+idealogical groups which support it are openly antagonizing a majority. Which to be clear is white, hetero, male voters.

Theres a vocal large part of the DNC supporters that are angry and want to hurt straight white males systemically while proping their own prefered groups up.

So, theres an unaddressed self righteous hatred towards the majority burning in the hearts of many of the left. Only the left refuses to adknowledge it openly because it advertises itself as the morally superior party above things like sexism or xenophobia.

The dems need publically excuse or masquerade their instinctual hatreds and biases. Wanting certain groups of race, sex, and gender to have more privilege and oppertunity than others need to be carefully twisted into false-positive language like restorative justice.

The right are honest about their biases and hatreds. They know what theye're about and dont need to morally justify it beyond God and Country.

A lot of people backing the DNC feel wronged by the majority and seek either vengeance and or for the system to be rigged in their favor instead of true equality. This attitude creeps up in advertised policy. If you want to actually win, stop attacking the majority and put some incentives for them in your policy too. Simple as.

If youre offering economic incentives, dont have it be just for people of a certain race. Have it be for all people of a financial class. "B-but the statistics show its X minority class that suffers the most from economic unfairness so don't they deserve special focus/treatment?" No. No they dont. Give everyone poor and suffering under the system the same opportunities/handouts regardless of their skin color or your just trying to rig systemic privilege towards your prefered kinds of people and excuse it as a "necessary handicap".

I'm a poor working class joe. I like weed. I would like to be a weed shop owner. Kamala is supporting weed and promises incentives for those trying to start up a business? Great! Where can I sign u- its only for black people because historically they were most effected by weed discrimination -oh, nevermind. See it's shit like that that looses you voters.

Its hypocritical to want equality and opportunity, but only for certain groups of people and not others. Thats not equality nor is it solving the problem.

If you want to advertise your party as the one for equality, real honest to god equality, your economic and social policies needs to benefit everyone equally. Every person, every race, every gender, every personality type. Anything else is just hypocritical vengeance or trying to use systemic inequality in your favor wearing the skin of restorative justice. If your policies impliment selective privilege based on race and gender it hasn't solved anything.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Not shocked but still dissapointed. The Democratic party ran an awful campaign and there is a lot they could have done better. The most obvious mistakes being that they support genocide, ran a senile old man, when that failed they ran a prosecutor, tried desperately to appeal to centrists, celebrated the support of known war mongers like the Cheney, and ran on a right wing border policy among many others. Ultimately the biggest fixes would be not supporting genocide and not running on right wing policies imo

[–] FlashMobOfOne 2 points 3 months ago

It was probably a bad idea to run a candidate that they all knew was cognitively-impaired, and an even worse one to put him in situations where he couldn't be stage-managed.

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