this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2024
45 points (92.5% liked)

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[–] Fredselfish 2 points 3 months ago

The economy was the number one issue for voters. So they voted for Trump the guy who all but promised to make things a 1000% worst for the economy. Hell this economy is a direct result of his first 4 years in office. But people who voted for him are to stupid to realize that. So we are going watch America burn. Hope they are happy when it happens. They can't blame Democrats either because Trump got the majority in all three chambers.

The worst part is Trump probably not going do shit, but golf (if he still can) and sign whatever is put on his desk. He so far mentally gone that JD Vance is going run the show and Project 2025 is going be day one agenda. And with a majority they will pass it all into law.

So all those states that voted in Trump while making abortion legal on state level. Congratulations your the dumbest voting block ever. When the national abortion ban is written into law its going throw that one out the window.

As Elon Musk promised we America who not part of the 000.01% are about to have very hard time. Between him in charge of the budget and Robert Kennedy Jr in charge of our Healthcare. Say goodbye to vaccines and watch as so many plagues spread across America especially amoung our children. But don't worry they will have crystals or some shit to sell you.

Also get ready to watch medicade and Medicare go bye. Oh he may actually get to repeal Obamacare like he always wanted.

The only thing I think is bullshit and was all talk was deporting 20 million illegal and non illegal, because lets be honest it was a racist pitch to his base. I don't think they have the budget to do so and I don't think we have the infrastructure to put them somewhere either.

But guess we will wait and see. We have two months folks whats it going be. Just sit back and watch as Trump and co strip us of our constitutional rights. First the 1st. By making it illegal to speak out against them. Then you know who going come for your guns? They can't have a fascist dictatorship and allow us to be armed, no sir.

Hey at least his proud boys etc will get to keep theres as his new brown shirts.

And almost forgot Trump going to get in office just in time to pardon all those Jan 6's the ones he called patriots.

Man I wish I could leave this fucking country.