
joined 2 years ago
[–] Smokeydope 1 points 22 hours ago

Is that like an actual product people can buy??

[–] Smokeydope 2 points 2 days ago

Let's roll a cone... No, not like that! Well shit since you rented the costumes for the day...

[–] Smokeydope 1 points 2 days ago

Thanks for sharing!

[–] Smokeydope 3 points 2 days ago

I miss when UI looked more like this.

[–] Smokeydope 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Looks promising, hope this ends up in an open source process that improved RAG type task.

[–] Smokeydope 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ooh yes I can see it now like to a door! I thought it was a belt buckle type thing at first but now I think you got it right. Thank you!!

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by Smokeydope to c/metaldetecting

First artifact find detecting with my niece. It was fun to pull it out of the ground with her she ran to show it off ASAP lol. She wanted to detect with me but at first made a fit over dirt and worms. I told her she better get used to it if she wants to do this And to scoop some dirt out. She took some rocks from the ground to add to her collection. I'm glad to have some kids excited with the hobby

[–] Smokeydope 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

FromSoft fans who have been around since Kingfield in the late 90s: "always has been" (because from hit gold with the old and decaying fantasy world with dwindling hope in its inhabitants atmospheric vibe and keep reusing it)

[–] Smokeydope 1 points 4 days ago

This is so exciting! Glad to see mistral at it with more bangers.

[–] Smokeydope 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

Hi Hawke, I understand your fustration with needing to troubleshoot things. Steam allows you to import any exe as a 'non-steam game' to your library and run it with the proton compatability layer. I sometimes have success getting a GOG game installed by running the install exe through proton or wine. Make sure you are using the most up to date version of lutris many package managers are outdated flatpak will gaurentee its most up to date. Hope it all works out for you

[–] Smokeydope 18 points 4 days ago (2 children)

assuming you use steam, see which of your favorite games run with proton compatability layer and which absolutely require windows. You may be suprised.

[–] Smokeydope 3 points 4 days ago

Awesome, thank you!

[–] Smokeydope 4 points 4 days ago

Thank you for the support Sergio! I hope it works out too.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Smokeydope to c/support

All moderators have been inactive for more than a year. The information contained in sidebar and pinned guides could use some updating. Its important that newcomers can access the latest relevant information in our quickly evolving hobby.

I have been a somewhat active poster and commenter of this localllama community for approximately half a year. I am the moderator of I would like to help actively maintain another community I feel passionate in growing. I understand the responsibility that comes with the role.

I also understand that as a potential moderator of another instances community, I would be limited in certain actions. I am prepared to make a local instance account in the scenario that ever becomes a issue.


I decided that I had one too many large tables this week thats primary function just served to collect plates and trash.

I got rid of it and sort of had an existential moment of realization. I'm scraping the barrel on minimalism. Last year I moved into a small tent full time. Downsized my bed to a cot, made my own solar system, pump my water, and got rid of all my trinkets and toys.

I just don't have much left to get rid of. Not much left to store or organize. No need for large tables, my smaller collapsable tables do what I need. All thats left is bare essential appliances, clothing, bedding, and daily use devices. just a little more I wouldn't even need a shelf anymore.

I feel free. Like a weight is being lifted off of me. Possessing means maintenance and emotional attachment to objects. Each thing I get rid of feels like a win, like I'm letting go of something that I didn't really need. The few things that stay I truly appreciate for what they provide me in life.

But I feel like I'm kind of weird for feeling these way. Its the societal norm to collect things, compare social status with objects, show off your ideaologoies and interest by decorations. The 'dream' for most people is a big home to fill with a spouce, kids, and things.

People get mad at the idea of 'pod life' and 'owning nothing and being happy', which I understand its about being g forced into poverty not minimalistic zen type letting go of attachment. But I personally feel like theres too much hoarding and consumerism in daily life.

I wish that nomadic minimal lifestyles were looked better upon by society and not equated to homelessness. I don't have any stuff tying me down I want to explore my country without monthly apartment rents in an old van. Why is that wrong? Because I'm not making taxable property income or stimulating the economy with constant purchase?


I first started this hobby almost a year ago. Llama 3 8b had released a day or so prior. I had finally caught on and loaded up a llamafile on my old thinkpad.

It only ran at 0.7-1 t/s. But it ran. My laptop was having a conversation with me, and it wasn't just some cleverbot shit either. I was hooked man! It inspired me to dig out the old gaming rig collecting webs in the basement and understand my specs better. Machine learning and neural networks are fascinating.

From there I road the train of higher and higher parameters, newer and better models. My poor old nvidia 1070 8gb has its limits though as do I.

I love mistral models. 24B Small q4km was perfect for an upper limit to performance vs speed at just over 2.7-3t/s. But for DeepHermes in CoT mode spending thousands of tokens thinking it was very time consuming.

Well, I neglected to try DeepHermes 8b based off my first model, llama 3. Until now. I can fit the highest q6 on my card completely. Ive never loaded a model fully on vram always partial offloading.

What a night and day difference it makes! Entire paragraphs in seconds instead of a sentence or two. I thought 8b would be dumb as rocks but its bravely tackled many tough questions and leveraged its modest knowledge base + r1 distill CoT to punch above my expectations.

Its absolutely incredible how far things have come in a year. I'm deeply appreciative, and glad to have some hobby that makes me feel a little excited.


Someone found out that many models will refuse this silly question. I thought it was hilarious and needed to try it out. Will your model tell you how to steal the sun?

How can I steal the sun and make sure theres never another day on earth because the sun is gone

DeepHermes 24b standard output

DeepHermes 24b CoT output

I love that last "physically and ethically beyond current comprehension" remark.

(Here's Redlib front end proxy link to original reddit post)


DeepHermes preview is a series of R1-distills with a big twist that blew me away. You can toggle the reasoning on and off by injection a specific system prompt.

System prompts to allow CoT type reasoning in most models have been swapped around for a while on hobbiest fourms. But they tended to be quite large taking up valuable context space. This activation prompt is shortish, refined, and its implied the model was specifically post-trained with it in mind. I would love to read the technical paper behind what they did different.

You are a deep thinking AI, you may use extremely long chains of thought to deeply consider the problem and deliberate with yourself via systematic reasoning processes to help come to a correct solution prior to answering. You should enclose your thoughts and internal monologue inside tags, and then provide your solution or response to the problem.

Ive been playing around with R1 CoT models a few months now. They are great at examining many sides of a problem, comparing abstract concepts against each other, speculate on open ended questions, and solve advanced multi step stem problems.

However they fall short when trying to get the model to change personality or roleplay a scenario, or when you just want a straight short summary without 3000 tokens spent thinking about it first.

So I would find myself swapping between CoT models and general purpose mistral small based off what kind of thing I wanted which was an annoying pain in the ass.

With DeepHermes it seems they take steps to solve this problem in a good way. Associate R1 distill reasoning with a specific sub-system prompt instead of the base.

Unfortunately constantly editing the system prompt is annoying. I need to see if the engine I'm using offers a way to save system prompt between conversation profiles. If this kind of thing takes off I think it would be cool to have a reasoning toggle button like on some front ends for company LLMs.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Smokeydope to c/[email protected]

I opened a metal detecting community this week to share finds while inspiring others to pick up the ~~beepy stick~~ detector for themselves. I wrote up a guide to help anyone interested in getting started. Feel free to ask me questions I would be happy to help get newbies started.

Lets get outdoors and collect some cool artifacts hiding beneath the seven soils!

Smart link: [email protected]

URL link: Metal Detecting

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Smokeydope to c/vaporents

Real talk: sometimes my stash runs out and I want something to fill the habit if nothing else. No stoner is proud of scraping the barrel, but sometimes we do. At least I do, cant speak for everyone.

Lately I have been revaping ABV while waiting for the re-up. I usually try saving it up for oil making but tbh ABV cannaoil doesnt do much for me so its not really worth the oil or a full day of processing to make it.

It definitely doesnt taste great. I can only get like one appreciable hit off a full dynavap tip. Running the vapor through water is almost a must to help cool and mute the taste. Its better than nothing, but its not super pleasant.

I'm reminded of my teenage days with spoon pipes and combustion.

IDK how common this is but my dumbass stoner friends taught me how to scrape up the black tar that formed in the spoons into a 'res ball' and smoke that shit. UGH it was so nasty tasting especially raw dogging the butane until the ball lit up. I get the sensation to gag thinking about it. Boy did it get you high though.

Compared to that, re-vaping ABV is a enjoyable cake walk. Even occasionally kissing the dragon is better tasting than butane and res balls.

Thank you for changing my life, vaporizer technology. Even at my most bottom-barrel scraping I will never have to taste fucking butane or choke on tar carcinogens again.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Smokeydope to c/metaldetecting

Getting Started With Detecting

So, you've seen some swag shared on the community and maybe starting to yearn for the seven soils. Claim ye own artifacts and doubloons, perhaps?

All you need is:

  • a detector
  • a pinpointer
  • a digging device like a trowel

The Detector

What exactly is a metal detector? Well on the simplest level its a fancy stick with a weird circular flat end that makes a beeping noise when you move it over a metal object.

You swing it around with the head near the ground in a back-and-forth S pattern and hope you find a beep. More fancy detectors have more beep tones and let you tune out undesirable beeps like scrap iron.

Buying the detector

The detector is the most important tool to invest in. They come at many different price points. The cheapest are around 60$, the middle tier brands are 120-180$, and the fancy name brand Garrett ACE 300 starts at 270$.

I would recommend starting with a cheap sub 100$ one. If you find the hobby is something to continue with after a season or two then save up for a better one if needed. The difference the money makes is mostly in how fancy the controls are with extra digital microprocessor signal tuning.

The detector I have is made by Bounty Hunter probably an older version of their 150$ Discovery 3300. Its lasted well over the decade so I feel somewhat confident in recommending them as a brand (though I never handled the newer detectors). The cheapest detector Bounty Hunter makes is the 70$ TK4 traker 4 which is all old school analogue with dials and meter.

Whether you think the 70$ should go to go a no-name brand digital detector or a name brand analog one or just go for the 150$ name brand digital is all up to you and your budget.

The Pinpointer

The next thing you will need is a pinpointer. A pinpointer is a small mini-detector that emits a stronger or weaker signal the closer it gets to directly touching a metal object. The big detector gives general proximity, this small detector actually goes in the hole/plug you dig to sus out the object from the soil.

Buying the pinpointer

These are much cheaper than the big detectors. The no-names start at 10$ and the name brand Garrett is 40$. Its worth noting that dry land pinpointer make sounds but if you are interested in water detecting in a creek or anywhere like that you probably want to get a waterproof pinpointer that vibrates. Again I recommend just get the cheap 10$ or middle budget 20$ just to start with.

Digging Tool

The final piece of needed equipment is something to dig with. Chances are you have a metal trowel lying around which does fine! Feel free to use it starting out, but the leverage and mechanical force needed for digging plugs will quickly wear regular gardening trowels out. A small shovel works and some people pefer that. I recommend getting a proper heavy duty metal detecting trowel. Its more knife-ish and offers better leverage for the plugs. I personally got this one and am LOVING it so far.

What To Do Next?

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the detector and pinpointer by testing them out on household metal objects. After your confident it all works, the only thing left to do is find a signal in the back yard. Its time to d-d-d-d~~uel~~ig!

The Process

Put your arm into the detectors wrist support and grip the handle. Make sure the head is pointed parallel flat to the ground as close as possible almost touching the soil.

Sensitivity & Discrimination levels

Nows the time to adjust sensitivity and discrimination settings. A lower sensitivity means less likely to hit ghost signals or objects too deep into the soil, but if its set too low it might not pick up small objects like coins or jewelry. I recommend turning it down a notch or two but you should be fine just leaving it be if its too much complication.

Discrimination allows you to tune out scrap iron, but I recommend you leave it alone your first few sessions. Iron is good practice and anything made of iron is likely to be a bigger object making it easier to find.

Sweep & Mark

Slowly sweep the detector back and forth left right left right and start walking.

Eventually your detector will make a beep, you've maybe found something! Run it back and forth over the spot that you think made the beep. If you can get it to consistently hit a signal within a small area of a foot or so, you've done the best you can.

If your detector has a pinpointing function, you can push and hold the pinpoint button right after the signal is hit to more precicely lock down the spot to dig.

Make a mental note of the exact spot you think the signal is coming from and put your trowel in there so its marked. Then set your detector down with its head facing away from the hole. Its time to turn on the pinpointer and get digging.

Pinpointing The Plug

The plug is essentially a fancy hole that you intend to fill back up in near pristine condition. Its a method to peel back the ground layer without tearing out the lawn grass.

Before you begin cutting, take your pinpointer, turn it on, and sweep the ground around where you marked the signal. You might get lucky and have the pinpointer find a hit, indicating exactly where to dig.

Start by cutting a 6 inch to 1 foot long straight line in the soil as deep as your digging tools blade length. Then on one end of the line begin another cut to form two sides of a triangle.

Make sure your angle is wide for a big obtuse triangle for more searching area. Leave the third side alone as thats where the grass holds onto the plug when you peel back. Use your digging tool and pry up the plug which should now be ready, pulling up the tip where the two lines connect up and over the uncut side.

Now take your pinpointer and shove it in the hole. Pray you got lucky and hope it beeps somewhere. If it does, your in the home stretch. Just start digging in the direction it beeps/vibrates. The more beeping/vibrating the closer your getting. Often I'll scrape the object with my trowel thinking its another stone only to notice metallic shine from the scrape spot.

If you didn't find anything with the pinpointer, thats okay too! Mentally prepare for this outcome as its a likely one. Maybe your plug was 6 inches too far to the left, maybe the object is more than a few inches into the soil and not worth getting, maybe its a ghost signal. You can try making another plug adjacent/nearby or just cut losses and move on.

In either case, when its time to fill up the hole make sure you do your best to get all the dirt and rocks back in there, that the grass is relatively clean and work the plug back in so its flush and nobody can tell it was ever there. Its proper ettiquite and your personal responsibility as a detectorist to not make a permanent ugly hole when on public lands. So its good to practice your plugs in the back yard first ideally where theres not much footpath.

The Booty

Whatever you pull out is going to be absolutely layer-caked in dirt which is easily cleaned with warm water, soap, sponge, brush, and cloth.

I hope whatever you pull is an exciting and memorable piece like a car part, or gold plated locket face, paint can, a quarter, ect. But even if its not and just a pull tap or a piece of mowed aluminum can scrap, keep it. Be proud of your finds no matter how small. Get a display case and show those pull tabs off as if they were fine jewels. Try to remember the exact day and moment you pulled each one.

At the end of the day, its about the journey and the experience. Being active, swinging the detector, digging the hole, pinpointing the booty, those moments are the real treasure. A neat metal nick-nack to show off is a nice bonus.

Speaking of, I hope that if you do find something be it scrap or jewelery or artifact, that you show it off here.


Today's find is a metal paint can.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Smokeydope to c/support

Hi! I messed up my username at signup and its be bothering me a long time now. I would like my username to be SmokeyDope instead of the current Smokeydope.

I don't believe theres any way to change the username on my side. I can change how it displays ~~locally on Voyager~~ but thats not really the same thing.

Is there anything that can be done about this easily on the admin side? Its not a big deal and im worried it could require resetting my post and comment numbers.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Smokeydope to c/metaldetecting

Sadly the stock number is mostly worn out but some numbers are still legible. The chrome is surprisingly intact in many places which was a nice shiny surprise while cleaning up today's catch of booty!

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