The last one with batman is PERFECTION!
Don't ask TF2 player how they feel about this meme
Careful now thats a nuanced opinion that doesn't stroke my victim complex or reductively imply anyone who disagrees with me on complex systemic social issues is a nazi supremacist.
Prepare to be downvoted and hit with five paragraph essay replies picking apart everything you just said. You racist, mysoginistic, hateful, privileged, homophobic, transphobic, double checks progressive slurs & insults 101 field guide uhh third Reich bringing supremacist scum.
No, its THCA diamonds. Its a type of hemp oil concentrate like a high grade hash.
It works the same whether im using diamonds or hash rosin or bubble hash as long as its got cannabanoid oil to extract. It sounds like your using a PID ball injection dab rig, I knew someone who used something like that but never got one myself.
Instead of putting the dab directly in the rig and onto the balls, try getting some vape wool, make a concentrate ball and put the ball in the bucket onto of balls. Then use a carb cap to seal up the bucket as you hit on it. If the balls scorches the wool bad your temps may be too high.
Remember its gonna be a dry hit for the first pull gotta take the wool ball back out of the bucket and rip it open once the oil is liquid to get that surface area.
As for temps, I've found 428F to be where its at in general. Thats what my air max limits at and it does completely vaporize the oils after a few hits. when I went past 428F for my desktop vape I risked flower combustion. Since you have balls you set the PID a little higher to make up the difference.
Generally theres two ways you can go about it. You can have it run hot to vaporize all the dab at once in one big milky hit. This instantly destroys all the lower temp terpenes responsible for subtle flavors. It is also inefficient because the human lungs can only absorb so much oil per inhale. A single lung burster fully milked out concentrate dab hit is almost certainly way more than needed (though quite fun!) your lungs just cant absorb it all.
The other way is to run it just warm enough to get a gentle stream of vapor over a couple of hits. This preserves the terpenes/flavors much better than instantly flashing the dab, and will actually get you higher than one big hit as you can space it out over a minute or two for better absorption of oil. Finding that simmering melting point is a lot tougher than just cranking up the heat, but its worth it.
Ooh nice I hear the tinymights are great! Here's a link to the exact cotton I got. I can vouch that its pretty clean and neutral tasting at least until it starts scorching.
Im not sure how TM2 is arranged with its heating system, but I've found putting some balls in the bottom of heating chamber helps with extraction. They collect the heat and even it out when drawing. just turn the device up to max temp and do one layer. Something to consider maybe? Arizer has the stem too close to hot air intake holes so doing this helps with airflow too in my case.
I'm ready to get high, and to go have fun being high. Truly both the chicken and the egg at once :)
Seriously though thanks waldek, its been a while and I just got done being sick so I'm happy to get some extra good rest lol
We smoking shit in a glass pipe, blowing the Lord’s bubbles.
This shit ain't nothing to me man.
Diamonds, and I switch up between a couple deliver methods. I put concentrate in Japanese cotton or vape wool then put that in either my dynavap heated by induction heater or in my arizer air max which is battery powered hybrid convection+conduction vape.
They both offer different feel and heating style.
I like watching the vapor swirl in the glass dynavap with that that patented american helix tornado swirl h2 body. The induction heater is instant heat up within the minute. That makeshift Pinner mouthpiece allows for finding exact perfect pulling airflow to watch the tornado
Arizer is much more gentle even terp chaser that stretches out the vapor without any risk of scorching the wool. The long dimple glass stem I have is really nice to feather the carb with my thumb to get it extracting milky as fuck but it takes like half an hour to get preheated up properly for concentrate.
Theres a technique that you need to get down basically gotta dry hit the ball of concentrate a few times to get the oil heated up liquid then take the ball out and rip it up to increase surface area of the oil. But once you do, oh man does it crank the vapor! Good shit.
When I was a young head I did simple Dab rigs and dab cups heated with torch. Came a long way since then lol! Night and day difference.
If you own balatro you can open the exe file with an archive manager and see its a bunch of lua files in a trenchcoat the source is completely open and readable
Oh cool! Let me just spend three weeks crawling through wiki articles, setting flags in the config files, and patching out 15 different issues with various drivers then installing 20 dependencies compiling them all from source.
Hyperbole, but yeah no thanks I'll take the L on some optimization and 2gb of storage space and some wierd file system locations for files to load a flatpak if old stable doesn't cut it. you might want to be careful recommending gentoo to people they might not know better. Most Linux nerds don't want to open that can of worms, but good for you if it works.
Just want to let you know because of this post I searched up the head and am watching the first episode now. Im loving it so far. Man they don't make good old stoner shows like they used to. 90s MTV is a little before my time but early to mid 2000s adult swim shows were the shit.