this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2024
45 points (92.5% liked)

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[–] jordanlund 14 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Not really, if you look at the megaposts I put up in Politics, it pretty much broke exactly how I predicted (down to calling each of the Senate races so far... we still don't know AZ, NV, ME and PA).

Biden was never going to win, not after that disaster of a debate, and there wasn't time for a proper primary. Harris suffered from being the annointed candidate rather than the appointed one.

The only thing that could have been done differently would have been for Biden to announce he wasn't running following the 2022 election.

That would have given time for a proper primary process and a decent candidate selection.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

Probably the one thing that could have changed it all

[–] pressanykeynow 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I still wonder why Americans call that debate a disaster. Biden was out this world 10% of the debate, but was sane and correct the other 90%. Trump was nuts 100% of it. I don't understand why you guys from both parties think that the second one was more fit for running your country.

[–] jordanlund 8 points 3 months ago

Every time Trump was talking, Biden looked like a nursing home patient. He had the vacant look Alzheimers patients have.

[–] Ptsf 6 points 3 months ago

Trump sounds insane to you (and me) because you have differing opinions and his opinions are inhumane and immoral, but he was somehow still far more coherent than Biden during that debate. Dementia clearly hit him hard and that immediately disinfranchised a significant portion of voters. Dude tried to hold on for far too long and it might cost the USA it's democracy.