Thats the neat part
Screenshots of people being insane on Facebook. Please censor names/pics of end users in screenshots. Please follow the rules of
Whatdoyoumean?! The govt obviously has so much money as to be able to put millions away for each and every person born! And that money isn’t even being used! Just $3M each, that’s just sitting there waiting for the right magic words to be uttered in a Bank of America in Lubbock, TX to finally be used! Of course money is infinite! They’re the ones printing it!
Secret treasury accounts linked to your berth certificate and by the way we're boats something something maritime law.
berth certificate
maritime law
LOL nice
Not even making that bit up, it's established SovCit lore that pops up now and again. I'm a boat, you're a boat, your mom is a ~~barge~~ lovely lady (and also a boat).
I think I finally understand the term "anchor babies".
My econ 101 professor once said "what are the things that even the most anti-government people say the government needs to do? Emergency services." Then these dense motherfuckers came along to outdo even that.
Internet libertarians & off-the-rails conservatives unironically say EMS and Fire Departments should be privatized. Ancaps go one step further and say police and sometimes even military should be private. It makes me lose hope in voters, until I remember that I was 15 before too and most people surely grow out of that phase. But there's a few people who are fully adult-aged who still believe that which is kind of sad for them I guess
Firefighters were literally private companies before we collectively decided it was a bad idea. Firefighters would just sit and watch a place burn if nobody payed up. Sometimes rival firefighters would even get in brawls over who gets the contract while the house was burning down beside them.
There were cases of firefighters setting fires so that they could be paid to put them out. Why not?
if memory serves, the first fire fighters were in Rome and owned by rich people. If you didn't pay them to put out the fire, their boss would buy the ashes from you afterwards.
okay, I was close. Buy your house while it was still on fire.
They tried this with firefighters before way back when, and then realized that fire doesn't seem to care who's subscribed or not lol. Can you imagine? "The fire and EMS lobby" would be powerfully pushing for reduced safety and maybe even starting fires themselves LOL.
Edit while looking up the first thing: Oh my word... mercenary firefighters are a thing for the rich and we're living in clown world.
EDIT: Link went to NYT because it was top result, but screw that lol. Fixed.
I can see it now though...
Privatized emergency services be like:
"Thank you for calling 9-1-1, this is Janeanniesomebody, can I have your 14-digit emergency insurance number, date of birth, and mother's maiden name please. Okay thank you, one moment while I verify that..." (Click)
"Your call is very important to us. Want to skip the line when it matters most? Did you know, for only $49.97 a month, you can get Emergency-Services-Plus+! Whether you want help fast, or to regret being covered for the rest of your life, we have a plan right for YOU!
"Remember, emergency insurance means you can have peace of mind that, when you're in mortal danger, we're only a phone call and 45-minutes-to-1-business-day away! Not signed up yet? Press 1, and we can help!"
((Trendy upbeat hold music))
"Did you know? We're always hiring!"
(Receiver pickup) "Thank you for calling this is Devaidengregjimmothy, dispatch specialist, how can I help you today? Hello?......Hello?...."
Has to be a troll. Otherwise, wow.
What I like to say (in this post-true era): Big if tru
Wow. I'm absolutely stunned.
Thiz is probably a normal person trolling sovcits.
Or is he taking it down from the inside?
Fun fact: The government doesn't actually need to use taxes to pay for things. The amount of currency in the market isn't fixed, and so the government actually is fully capable of "printing more money" however, this has the potential to cause rapid inflation. So, taxes are a way of reducing inflation, rather than paying for government services.
That's assuming printing money is the default solution. Taxes have existed for longer than that. The earliest taxes were literally a portion of a farmers harvest. You can't just print more food, or gold, or whatever else. Printing money to fund government was never really an option, so positioning taxes as a solution to inflation just doesn't make sense. It's like saying that instead of eating at a restaurant, you could eat roadkill, which you aren't going to do because of disease, and therefore restaurants are a way of reducing disease rather than providing food.
There is a Planet Money (podcast) episode about this. It's a fairly new economic theory, but actual PhD level economists have said this. Government prints money, and to bring down inflation they need to get taxes to reduce the amount of money in circulation, to control inflation. The epidsode was in the 2019 timeframe, I think.
Something that absolutely works in the abstract, but kinda hard to fit into my current model of reality.
The forefathers were famed for their bake sales.
Ben Franklin used to make a bundt cake that was to die for
It’s the government. It can just print more money.
And that has no influence on the price of goods, which is strictly decided by the buyer and seller. Or so I read today.
This is self-awarewolf material, right here.
Are SovCits against the concept of taxation in general? I thought they just convinced themselves they have loopholes that allow them to avoid it personally...
Yes they are. They believe it's illegal.
I'm not sure they'll overstand the question.