
joined 1 year ago
[–] dejected_warp_core 3 points 2 days ago

Membrane keyboards are really the worst. I completely understand wanting to cost-cut to get units into schools and into the hands of kids, but that's too much. It's like someone saw a speak-and-spell and said "that's the ticket."

[–] dejected_warp_core 22 points 2 days ago

The 2600 depicted in the article thumbnail, was absolutely a beauty in its native environment of the late 1970's:

[–] dejected_warp_core 3 points 2 weeks ago

THANK YOU. This has been on my mind since DOGE was first brought up.

[–] dejected_warp_core 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Take your weak attempt at trolling somewhere else.

[–] dejected_warp_core 5 points 2 weeks ago

It's a needle in a haystack, but that's a really valuable needle. It might actually be worth it.

[–] dejected_warp_core 4 points 3 weeks ago

Thank you. I'm wishing the same for myself and my fellow not-pants-on-head-crazy people in this madhouse.


  • Your downstairs, and trapped in a failed meth-lab of a country, neighbor
[–] dejected_warp_core 4 points 3 weeks ago

I had to look this up: you are correct. The RAW on this is pretty clear: It's a suppression field alright, and not a cancellation effect.

So, it's probably more useful for wielding a cursed weapon or handling magical traps. It would also be great at disguising magic items from detection under pretty specific circumstances. All-in-all, just the thing a thief or rogue would want in their toolbag.

[–] dejected_warp_core 17 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

That's how I run my table. I am a merciful god, but also a petty god if you reach for the heavens a little too hard. D&D magic already screws with thermodynamics to the point where free energy just exists, so I try to draw a line just short of where anyone figures that part out.

In the back of my mind, I'm always asking the question: "Why wasn't this loophole exploited in the world already?" That usually prompts a suitable response.

you’re basically doing fantasy electrical engineering with vibes and a screwdriver; ask yourself, what could go wrong?

Exactly. In the situation that OP raises, I ask myself: "Does Newton or Gandalf win this argument?"

[–] dejected_warp_core 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

All you need to do is sit back and watch. With the occasional rare exception, most everyone I've ever seen try is middling to just awful at "picking up" girls.

Plus, a lot of the time, we're talking about the social equivalent of a "cold call." You're a complete stranger selling something they didn't even ask for. So... don't! Take some time and integrate to a social group or two (if you can). Become a familiar face. Things happen much more fluidly on referral anyway.

[–] dejected_warp_core 3 points 3 weeks ago

Here's my resignation.

Either it's your fault, it's going to be your fault, or you're cleaning this up. Bottom line: there's a damn-near lethal amount of incompetence in the building and it's time to part ways.

[–] dejected_warp_core 5 points 3 weeks ago

Same. I've got a real bad feeling about this.

[–] dejected_warp_core 4 points 3 weeks ago

Good point.

Now that you mention it, eggs fit the right conditions for this kind of scheme. They're experiencing an abnormal spike in value, are highly perishable (somewhat inelastic demand), and probably are stored under low security since they were (recently) cheap. Just the right commodity for arbitrage before everyone involved wises up or things normalize.


Some of you may remember this absolute diamond of insanity that was the "4-Day Time Cube." This was the go-to example of the internet as a universal amplifier for communication - for both the sane and insane alilke. It was there from nearly the start of the world-wide web, back in the 1990's. Alas, it ceased to be some time ago, but it still lives on in our hearts.

For the uninitiated: welcome. Read and join the rest of us that are "educated stupid."

Amateur documentary:

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