
joined 11 months ago
[–] palebluethought 53 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Idk, most navigation would be along or close to the ecliptic plane of the system, wouldn't it

[–] palebluethought 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Dang, that's a true vent.

But just to ensure you're pointing your justified rage in the right direction -- YouTube is essentially legally forbidden to stop copyright trolls. The DMCA makes it impossible: it spells out extremely specific terms for what YT has to do when it receives a claim, including, basically, the assumption of guilt. The content has to come down as soon as they receive the claim or they're in violation of the law, even if it's obviously frivolous. And there's little to no recourse against those who abuse the system.

The DMCA and copyright law in general is just broken, basically

[–] palebluethought 34 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

"digestible" and "nutritious" aren't social constructs, so no. If your body can transform it chemically in a way that produces energy, it's food. Otherwise it's not. The same things are food regardless of your culture.

[–] palebluethought 17 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm really trying to make this one make sense, but it's just not happening. Can you rephrase?

[–] palebluethought 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I've had the 2x. It's definitely one of the spicier things you can get off a normal grocery store shelf. Even as a big spice fan it's right on the edge of what I actually find enjoyable. Not over the edge, though, it's my favorite ramen

[–] palebluethought 61 points 3 weeks ago (10 children)

I've seen this a hundred times now and it annoys me every time -- there are still separate digits, they're just attached to a central line. I can invent another way of writing 1-9999 with a "single symbol" too, here we go:

~~0001 0002 0003~~ ... ~~0099 0100~~ ... ~~9998 9999~~

[–] palebluethought 8 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

This game ruined "story" for all other games for me. Every time I hear pretty much any other game praised for its writing, I can't help but roll my eyes internally. If they only knew

[–] palebluethought 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I always thought rabies was exceptionally rare, like just a handful of cases per year? Or is that just the US

[–] palebluethought 3 points 3 weeks ago

Well, for the most part, it's just flowing into the ocean, like it always does. Evaporation over land is a very minor part of freshwater loss.

[–] palebluethought 13 points 3 weeks ago

"bird on shoulder" points to temple

[–] palebluethought 52 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) (5 children)

Everyone is talking about dominant and recessive genes, so I just want to clarify a couple things.

The way your body directly uses genes is as a blueprint to construct proteins. Your cells are always producing proteins from the genes in all your chromosomes. It has complex ways of regulating how much of each it produces, but your body doesn't care what chromosome it's coming from. Once an embryo is fertilized, there's really no distinction between "mom" chromosomes or "dad" chromosomes, as far as the embryo and its protein machinery are concerned.

"Dominant" and "recessive" characterization is about how those proteins affect your body at the macro scale, not whether your body actually uses the gene and produces its proteins -- it always does that. For example, brown hair is a dominant trait, and blonde is recessive. But this is because producing any amount of brown pigment will make your hair brown, regardless of what other pigments you're making, simply because it's darker. Literally the same as combining blonde and brown paint. It has nothing to do with whether the genes are actually being expressed -- the brown hair gene doesn't stop the blonde hair gene from making its pigments.

[–] palebluethought 3 points 4 weeks ago

I think you drastically overestimate how much companies care about online "boycotts"


First of all, thank you so much for all your work! This is definitely a way better experience than the web client. And thanks for adding community blocking, so now I don't have to go back for that feature.

I like to keep pretty huge categories of communities out of my feed entirely. But, I also want to be aware of what other communities of interest might be out there, especially now while the Lemmy landscape is evolving so quickly. So the strategy of only ever browsing subs and foregoing All entirely doesn't really work.

But, as I've seen other people highlighting in other posts, federation also means that the number of redundant communities across instances is huge. I don't just have to block all the political communities, I have to block them everywhere we're federated with. My block-list is already gigantic and I don't anticipate the need to block communities going away soon.

It'd be a much smoother experience if Block Community was an option directly in the three-dot menu of an individual post, instead of having to leave my feed, go through another menu, and go back every time.

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