Photographers wanted to save their film for the fireball.
Don't allow there mistakes too ruin you're day.
I'd believe that it's a 13-year-old spewing dumb 13-year-old ideas of how humor works. Their thoughts don't count yet.
Reality is picking up scraps off a third-rate political sitcom's cutting-room floor again, I see.
That's why you don't store your stool samples in the same fridge as your chocolate pudding. Malware goes into the vault.
He's hip.
It's for those times when a full glove would be too formal. Casual Fridays at the doctor's office, that sort of thing.
Because the only defense against it is having an awkwardly long name.
Nice, don't see too many of these high-security Japanese penis keys in the wild.
The "aaaaaaa" at the end was OOP screaming in horror during a rare moment of lucidity before the madness reasserted itself.
Transient ischemic attack (sometimes referred to as a "mini-stroke" since they produce stroke-like signs and symptoms that go away afterward).