A bullshit argument "Hen Mazzig" has. That land is owned by the Palestinians. They don't want to leave, it is Israel forcibly removing people from their land, and then whining that the Palestinian's friends won't let them crash on the couch. They want to live in the land that they either bought or inherited from their family.
Did it blow the candles out?
I will not stop. And whining about it will make me double down.
That's not enough butter. I would have been put down young for rioting about criminally low amounts of butter.
Who is your "they" in this scenario? Because R's sure don't fit into that "they".
Terrible news for parents with small children. No more escaping to regain sanity.
Because the old people holding on to the top level jobs prevents other generations from getting a chance to control companies, and limits incomes. It's not about rewarding them further, it's about getting them out of jobs other people should now be working.
Where do you live? Can't imagine all the effort it would take to catch all the brown anoles in Orlando.
Was this in St. Augustine? That coquina stone is everywhere there.
And it's so rare to see a green anole anymore, I see maybe 1/10,000 living here. Last I knew, Hawaii still has the green ones though.
Those are always misleading, as the nordic countries have the cultural norm to not share if they're feeling shitty. So they always say they're happy despite not always being so. Believe there was a study on the Finns regarding how everyone says they're happy, but there's a suicide epidemic around a lot of groups. I do wish we had more safety nets in this (US) country, but simply having them will not erase all problems.
"Nobody want to hear my troubles."
Its better to not vote at all, that will solve it! You're a fucking child, asshole.
See i can use personal attacks too, and they do fuck all for moving things forward, you idiot. I'm sure there will be loads of people swayed by our eloquent words...
I don't know about the numbers you present, but absolutely agree that some industries are just worth supporting, from a government perspective. Cannot be reliant on a geopolitical enemy for goods that allow your country to continue to function.
I think Trump losing us allies is a travesty, but there's no guarantee during a global conflict you can get items from said allies.