this post was submitted on 16 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Older millienal. I bought the phone case wallet. Opens like a book. I'll admit, when it arrived and I slapped my new phone in it, I realized I've only ever seen old man and women use this kind of case. Felt weird for all of ten seconds. I fucking love it.

That being said, I am surprised how many people are asking where people keep their cards and cash. A lot of people literally just use pockets. Like, they raw dog cash, id, some credit or debit cards and got like 2 or 3 loose keys. Don't get me wrong, they are crazy people and I will literally laugh at them when they wonder aloud where their card is, they JUST had it. But it's a lot of em. (Worked in retail over a decade, still work in a field where I ask people for their stuff and payment).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I just have a card holder since I never use cash, and my partner always carries some on her anyway.

EDIT: am late millennial.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Millennial here, I carry a very small wallet, which holds:

  • ID
  • health insurance card
  • library card
  • 2 credit cards
  • $50 bill

Sometimes I'll add a debit card if I might need cash for some reason.

If I didn't need the first three, I'd probably risk not bringing one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

X here. No cash, three credit cards, two debit cards (though the phone can do the job of all five money cards), driver's license, blood donor card (though I always use the app instead) lots of membership and loyalty cards, transit card

[–] Leviathan 143 points 1 week ago (11 children)

Wait my Zoomer buddy definitely has a wallet thicker that George Costanza's. I'm starting to think the internet is just full of lies for making us hate each other.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

for making us hate each other.

While it is true that certain old generation is hoarding most of stuff, it is rich class from that generation who hoard it. We as multiple generations need to come up with plan that prevents such iner- and intragenerational separation. And untangle neofeudalism mess current rich class created.

[–] StupidBrotherInLaw 13 points 1 week ago

Agreed, it's varying levels of culture war bullshit intended to keep the working class from unifying. The only thing that prevents it is awareness.

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[–] [email protected] 102 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I also heard by the socks. Millennials do no-show, but apparently high socks are the style now? Those will never not look super dorky to me, so I guess I’m old now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago

Huh, so I'm cool now?

I wanted to try merino wool socks, and all Costco had were crew socks, so I got them. I liked them so much they're all I wear now because they don't get smelly, even in summer.

I guess that's nice to know.

[–] [email protected] 60 points 1 week ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago (1 children)
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[–] edgemaster72 22 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Millenial here, I never got on board with the no show or low cut or ankle cut or whatever socks, crew socks always. Probably not en vogue with any age group, but I also don't care. They go great with my cargo shorts.

[–] Guy_Fieris_Hair 15 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Crew socks.... crunched down ti the height of ankle socks.

[–] techt 21 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I roll them down to make a decorative ankle donut that looks great over my crocs

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[–] WarlordSdocy 95 points 1 week ago (5 children)

As a gen z this confuses me, I have a wallet and most people around my age also have one. Sure maybe you could say if they carry cash or not cause I definitely don't carry cash but I still have my wallet cause theres a lot of places that don't accept phone payments.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 1 week ago (9 children)

I'm a mid-range millennial and don't carry cash, my wife is a slightly younger millennial and also doesn't carry cash. I think probably most non-elder millennials don't, but I think everyone needs a wallet. Gotta carry your ID and stuff somehow

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago

I'm a relatively young millennial, and I carry cash because I sometimes go to events where some people don't accept cards.

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[–] taiyang 66 points 1 week ago (5 children)

My phone is at 5%. Fuck yes I have a wallet, I'm not buying a new phone every year. I'm a millennial, by definition I have no money.

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[–] givesomefucks 63 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Eh, most Millenials don't have "wallets" like older generations had either.

The giant 3-5 inch thick monstrosities.

Even 20 years ago a lot of Gen X had made the switch to just a flat card hold with a couple 20s slid in.

A Millenial with one of those would say they have a wallet. A Gen Z with the same thing would say they had a card holder.

So I think a big part of this is just language evolving.

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[–] [email protected] 48 points 1 week ago (12 children)

I’m a young Millennial and I don’t understand why you wouldn’t carry a wallet. Mine is a slim front pocket one, but I need somewhere for my ID and cards. I despise phone wallets and I use tap-to-pay where possible, but not everywhere accepts them for some reason. I also don’t carry cash because I’m not a Boomer. If I’m buying/selling something off Craigslist or whatever, I just use Venmo.

Who doesn’t use a wallet? Are they referring to those card holders and not calling them wallets?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I haven't used cash in like a decade, but I still need to carry my cards, ID and insurance cards just in case. Where else do people carry things?

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[–] [email protected] 42 points 1 week ago (18 children)

Gen Z here.
Do people really not have wallets now? There's so much I can't carry without a wallet, most importantly my ID. Am I expected to just put that loose in my pockets or bag?
And like, sometimes I'm forced to carry cash for one reason or another. I need a space place to put that.
I'm guessing it's just because the majority of my generation isn't old enough to be regularly encountering these issues. I'm 100% certain it'll change as they age the way I was forced to.

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[–] efstajas 39 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Gen z here... Everyone around me has wallets

Tbf I am in Berlin, the cash capital of the world, but still.

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[–] [email protected] 35 points 1 week ago (11 children)

I can understand moving transactions to digital and not needing to keep cash or a debit card… but what about your ID? If I just stuck that in my pocket by itself I’d be worried about losing it!

[–] return2ozma 18 points 1 week ago (2 children)

American here. Some states have digital IDs now. I'm in California and we have this...

[–] over_clox 14 points 1 week ago (11 children)

I can drop my physical license and it won't be damaged. I drop my phone, that's like an eggshell these days..

Why would I want my ID on a fragile device, that thieves like to steal no less?

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[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago (4 children)

What, kids don’t carry drugs anymore? What is the world coming to

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[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 week ago (18 children)

I think it depends on where you are more than your age. I very rarely carry a wallet on me and I am definitely not Gen Z. That being said, where I live, every legitimate (i.e. non laundering/tax dodging) business accepts paying by phone. I can use public transport by scanning my phone, I can prove my ID by showing my phone, I can claim medical benefits by using my phone, and every franchise has it's own loyalty app I can download on my phone.

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[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You kids and your government tracked money. I buy too many things for cash to not have a wallet.

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[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 week ago

Wallet in Fanny pack gang, rise up!

[–] Holyginz 18 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Lol, I have to carry my insurance card, ID, debit and credit as well as purchase and travel cards for work along with when I'm at a work site I need to carry my hotel key.

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[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (21 children)

Where else do I keep the cash I need for food truck stops? Like, the good ones that look like a moving hole in the wall. None of this newfangled hipster food truck with pos devices.

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[–] 9point6 16 points 1 week ago (15 children)

Well, I definitely fit in the box, got a leather billfold wallet. I'd say I feel like I've got several good reasons to:

  • we don't have digital ID in this country
  • For some reason we sometimes get issued paper tickets for the train rather than QR code tickets
  • I'm sometimes out all day and late into the evening and don't want a dead phone stopping whatever I'm doing
  • I go to enough other countries where you can't get away without using cash
  • (Least of all) I find those metal slim wallets to just be a bit ugly looking personally
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[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

this seems totally made up, lol. im at the tail end of gen z and all my friends use wallets. mine may usually be empty, but how else you gon carry your ID and shit? "sorry officer I don't have ID, wallets are for oldheads"

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[–] Ironfacebuster 14 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I guess I'm a millennial at 21

To be fair the school I went to was trapped in the mid 90s so I still regularly saw VHS tapes and Windows XP for most of my K through 8th grade years

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[–] Nfamwap 13 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Gen X. Don't use a wallet. Where do I fit in to this theory?

[–] HomerianSymphony 16 points 1 week ago

Gen Xers love wallets. Back in the '90s, you had to have a wallet so you could wear a wallet chain.

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