I mean the problem with your argument is then that there's nothing we can do, as there isn't really any pathway towards impeachment right now. As Republicans hold both houses and have pretty clearly shown their loyalty to Trump even with the fact that they're getting so much backlash they won't hold town halls anymore. So at this point these kinds of protests are one of the few ways to try and hurt the people in power, as well as to start building community that is needed for any kind of more direct action. It also gives Trump and Elon the opportunity to overreact against protests (like if they decide to follow through on the domestic terrorism thing) which will further galvanize people into action.
Yeah the problem here though is that Israel is the one with all the power here to stop the violence as they're the ones forcing people out of their land. I view it in a similar way to what happened in Ireland, if you want to stop the violence you have to make efforts to negotiate a true lasting peace, then whatever groups that are left that still want to commit violence will slowly lose support as the people stop supporting violence with a good peace treaty in place. But instead of doing that Israel is basically using the same argument the US used for why freeing slaves would be bad as in their mind at the time if they freed them the slaves would kill all the white people.
I mean I think even the mass protests we did have are nothing compared to the size of protests in Europe. I think that's a mix of general American attitudes both with people's general apathy and the extremely individualistic ideals that Americans tend to have pushed on them from a young age. As well as a mix of the lack of worker protections like I mentioned before. I think if we could pull off the kind of numbers we see in Europe in even a couple of big American cities they would be very effective. Protests are the kinds of thing that can help build community since while you're there you can talk to people and find groups to join to push for what you believe in. And I mean compared to the other forms of resistance you mentioned two of those, courts and town halls, effectively are protests as you're going to a town hall to protest your representatives or you're going out and protesting to tell the court to do more to stop this. That's why I think we need to focus on building up communities to help breakthrough the apathy and the intensely individualistic attitude people here tend to have, as well as setting up things like mutual aid to provide more of those safety nets that the government is abdicating on right now to help those who normally can't afford to come out and participate. So that when there's a push against something it doesn't just take the form of hundreds of people showing up at something but is thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people showing up like what you've seen in Europe. Of course that will take time and at least from what Ive seen the number of people being involved in community groups has gone up but definitely not as fast as the number of people angry at Trump and I think trying to funnel those people into groups to help organize is gonna be the big thing that actually lets us fight back and oppose what's going on right now.
I mean I went to a protest today in my city, so I'm not making excuses, I'm just explaining why it's hard for people to go out and protest especially in America. Some of it definitely is attitude and apathy that needs to change but there is a good amount of it that it down to either poverty or lack of real community in most places in America.
I mean the problem is the people who are being worst affected by Trump are the kind of people who genuinely can't afford to take a day off work without being fired and being thrown into homelessness. There are protests in the US but due to the lackluster worker protections we have people generally either can't make it to them or are well enough off that they just really don't care enough to go out. So they end up being much smaller then the one in Europe. Also add to that fact that a bunch of people here are dumb enough to like Trump and what he's doing and the result is much smaller protests.
Honestly when switching from Reddit to here that is the thing I missed the most. It was a lot better at serving you things you liked compared to here where you can only really sort by either what's active or popular or what you're subscribed to. I get some people really like that but a lot of people want it to be more personalized to them without having to go search for the things they want. It's also great for discovering new things because sure I can setup my subscriptions to show what I like but then it won't make connections and show me new things I might like. Combine that with there being less content and therefore certain areas of interest not being represented here at all makes mainstream social media better for most people.
I think that ended with the death of their fascist leader and then a peaceful transition towards democracy. So it can happen but only if your leader dies and the successor wants to reform the country back to democracy.
After 9/11 terrorism gained a much more negative connotation I think. Idk fully about what it was like before since I wasn't alive but in Deep Space Nine you literally have a character who said she was a terrorist and that's not really seen as like an inherently evil thing like it would be in the current day. I think people understood the nuance back then that sometimes terrorism ends up being justified when you're fighting for freedom against an oppressor.
I mean I imagine most people leaving would still keep American citizenship and therefore still be able to vote. Unless they decide to end their citizenship which some might but I imagine most people would still want to keep that option open.
Yep and the great thing is that while doing that you can continue to yap online too.
It's not really competition anymore though, since they often use SpaceX rockets for what they do now.
I mean they basically already do this, my student loan was moved to a private servicer which basically is just a company that collects the money from my loans.