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[–] WarlordSdocy 1 points 1 day ago

Either a technological solution or paying people to carry the baby and then the company takes custody after that. Either way very dystopian.

[–] WarlordSdocy 1 points 1 day ago

Maybe they would sell it in a more disconnected form. Cause like we eat veal even though that's a baby. So maybe instead of eggs being sold in the shell they'd mostly be sold already cracked in a container or something.

[–] WarlordSdocy 1 points 5 days ago

Well I can provide examples near me of the grid being improved, now it's often hard to directly link these to data centers as the power utilities will often focus on reliability and reducing costs as the reasons but based on where these are being built and where new data centers have been opening it does match up a bit with them trying to beef up connections to the west side. And again like I said these things do have environmental impacts that should be considered and all kinds of other reasons why they may not be the best thing to do but it does show that the network is being improved atleast indirectly because of data centers using more capacity.



[–] WarlordSdocy 5 points 5 days ago (2 children)

I'm not saying the increased demand would make them build more. I'm saying if companies are forced to rely on the grid they will help pressure/fund new expansions or maintenance on the power grid as if it fails they're gonna lose money. If they're not reliant on the grid anymore through things like this they would have no interest in making it better and they would stop applying pressure to make things better. And also atleast in my area increased demand from data center has caused attempts to build more transmission lines. Without these data centers having to use the public grid those investments wouldn't be happening. Now there's arguments to be had there about whether we should be encouraging data centers like this at all with the environmental cost of them using this much energy but if managed correctly it could lead to more investment in the power grid to make it better. Whereas if we allow companies to make their own power grid essentially then our current grid will be allowed to continue to fail.

[–] WarlordSdocy 18 points 5 days ago (4 children)

The problem is this allows big companies to skirt the power grid and therefore not have to invest money in it to make sure it's good and can instead continue to let the grid fall apart even more as they have their own private connections. This is the same reason why government run healthcare and forced public school would be good as it would force rich people to invest in these public goods rather then use their own private better versions.

[–] WarlordSdocy 6 points 6 days ago

That just sounds exactly like the US system though but you have to pay for it. My girlfriend has been dealing with medical stuff lately and was being bounced around between places with a month or more waiting time between each one. And whenever something came up that she would want to ask her primary care provider about it would be a few months for an appointment. The US system as far as I can tell doesn't really have much better wait times yet people still act like it's better here when my experience is it very much isn't.

[–] WarlordSdocy 10 points 6 days ago

One of the major issues of the past election was literally the economy and inflation. Sure it wasn't as bad as 1920s Germany but there's a pretty clear trend that when the economy isn't doing good for people and they struggle they end up either turning to facism or socialism. And the ruling class will resist socialism with everything they have while ending up capitulating to facism. That's part of why in Germany the Nazis came to power rather then the communist and socialist parties. And it's the reason in America why the Democrats fight so hard against people like Bernie to the point they have no good candidates to run and end up giving the win to Trump.

[–] WarlordSdocy 82 points 1 week ago (1 children)

100% this is just cover for them wanting to have a monopoly on the sexy content of their characters. Cause the main appeal of these games seems to be how sexy the characters are so if you could go to some other website and look at them there instead then you wouldn't need to buy the game.

[–] WarlordSdocy 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No one in government except the few progressive Democrats who are routinely demonized and belittled by the rest of the party. The only way I see it happening is if Bernie or someone like him can pull a Trump and win the presidency and completely overhaul the party.

[–] WarlordSdocy 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ah ok so we should start doing the things China does then? I think them banning social media platforms is also bad when the bans are just done for the sake of monopolizing social media platforms under the control of the government. Decentralized platforms like this are a nice way around that but most people aren't gonna use them. So having platforms based in different countries to allow different perspectives on stories like with Israel/Palestine is good. Cause if we can only access American social media platforms you know they're just gonna fully suppress coverage on issues that America and various lobbying groups don't want to be talked about.

[–] WarlordSdocy 9 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The problem is this doesn't apply across the board. Why is it only illegal if they're selling it to a foreign company? It should be illegal to sell it full stop. This just gives the US government a monopoly on the information which I'm more afraid of than a foreign country having my data since I live here and they can directly affect me.

[–] WarlordSdocy 1 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The ratchet isn't gonna turn the other way until the problem of money in politics is dealt with. Until then there won't be a real progressive candidate to rally around as in the case of Bernie they get pushed back against by the donors and the rest of the party. I do think there are some problems with people not wanting to unite under one candidate but we're not even really at the point where that's the main problem as the bigger problem is donors and the establishment of the Democratic party.


I was wondering if anyone knows any good game dev related communities. I used to use the Unity3D and Unreal Engine subreddits but didn't see anything like that while looking around at communities.

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