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[-] Leviathan 1 points 3 days ago

Yeah I can get behind the others being thought enders but 'you only live once' it's a phrase I use unironically pretty frequently. Life is short and you should do whatever it is you want to do while you're here as long as it doesn't harm others.

[-] Leviathan 3 points 4 days ago

People will probably study this phenomenon for a long time to come, but people become wildly fanatical when a person in power shares their bigoted views and people in power can't seem to resist turning it up to 11 because those types of fans make you feel like an absolute god.

Maybe from her POV being famous for writing the books became mundane, but all these people suddenly treating her like she's a sociopolitical genius probably hits that reward button so well she just can't stop taking another hit.

[-] Leviathan 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

At 100 km/h (low-end highway spreed), or 1,666 m/minute, or 27.7 m per second, a 2 second gap leaves approximately 56.6 m (185.6 feet) between cars. With the average car length being ~4.9 m (~16 feet), even the absolute worst driver can merge in a space ten times the size of the average car, assuming they're matching highway speed.

Most people have no actual concept of how long 2 seconds actually is or how much space it would leave in reality.

[-] Leviathan 4 points 5 days ago

Yeah, that's because you know how to drive. I can't tell you how many people just turn in front of a truck and expect it to slow down for them. Playing with their lives.

[-] Leviathan 67 points 5 days ago

Another thing that enrages me is people who think driving slowly is safer for whatever reason.

Getting on the highway? Let's SLOWLY merge at 60% the speed of oncoming traffic.

Changing lanes from stationary traffic into a full speed lane? I won't wait for the lane to clear, I'll just turn signal and move into the lane REAL SLOW because that's safe.

Turning right? Let's slow down to a complete stop and force traffic to a halt so I can turn right.

As a delivery truck driver I can't tell you how many people think that everyone else can just stop on a dime for them and they're being safe because they move over at a snail's Pace.

[-] Leviathan 33 points 5 days ago

Yup. Be predictable, not courteous. You'll save lives.

I'm fine with moving forward and using his car as my new stop line until the lane is clear. He's the asshole for assuming everyone waiting behind him wants to be as courteous and patient.

[-] Leviathan 6 points 5 days ago

This is honestly one of the most stupid things I've read in recent times on Lemmy. This take is so brain-dead that I worry for you. For any of what you wrote to make sense it takes a level of propagandization that would make Reagan and orange Hitler cum in each other's pants. Thank you for setting the bar so high for morons everywhere.

[-] Leviathan 2 points 6 days ago

You bastard son of a dog-fucking whore. I won't click your link you nazi piece of shit.

[-] Leviathan 0 points 1 week ago

Because they're idiot hipsters who want to live in trendy places.

[-] Leviathan 5 points 1 week ago

None of that is luxury, it's overpriced garbage for morons who destroy every neighborhood they move into.

[-] Leviathan 3 points 1 week ago

I'm perfectly fine with hating and even blaming developers. These are people who have decided that making money is a good enough excuse to cause suffering.

[-] Leviathan 8 points 1 week ago

I haven't seen anything like that, but the more people join this place the more trash will enter along with them.

Can I ask if there were specific communities?

submitted 1 month ago by Leviathan to c/bikewrench

Hi all, I'm new to this community and this is me attempting to participate.

I've been repairing and building bikes for a good long while now. Mostly I bought parts off of Amazon or my local bike stores but I've run into a bit of an issue finding a bullhorn bar-end brake-lever/shifter combo for a 1x8 road bike. I can't find anything being made currently anywhere. I'm even starting to consider contacting some local machinists I know.

I guess this is the danger of endlessly customizing bikes to the point where you want to do stuff no one else has any interest in doing.

So let me know where you guys get parts and what your favorite procurement methods are for rare stuff.

submitted 10 months ago by Leviathan to c/[email protected]
Recs for leveling up? (self.bouldering)
submitted 10 months ago by Leviathan to c/bouldering

I'm new to bouldering, I started 3.5 months ago and love it. I was wondering what kind of training routines you all recommend for advancing? When do you decide to move on to more difficult problems? Any personal words of wisdom?

Mostly posting for content.

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joined 11 months ago