You think they had any schooling? You're very kind.
Also, it was the left that didn't want to abolish slavery or give women rights.
I simply cannot imagine how anyone could be so stupid that they'd read or hear this and repeat it without looking into if it's true or not (it's not), yet there are so many idiots, typically Americans, just as stupid or possibly stupider than you on the internet spouting obvious propaganda that this level of idiocy must be pretty common in the States.
Do fuck off with your Israeli propaganda.
It was anally sourced, their citations all point to the American Proctological Society.
They're a troll, don't feed them.
Teach your children to watch where they step, simple as.
"Hey guys, I wasn't repeating long disproven transphobic talking points, I was just asking questions and ignoring the answers others gave me, mmmkay?"
You got banned for transphobic JAQing off. Poorly. YDI and any preemptive bans. I keep my flat tidy so it won't become infested with roaches. This is no different.
Tankies: the "woke" of room temperature IQ Lemmings.
To be fair, what yanks call donating plasma is a misnomer. This confuses the rest of the world, who would call it what it actually is: selling plasma.
Coulda fooled me since you're spouting conservative American propaganda.
ROFLMAO. This bloke. Fucking Americans.
This is a clown shit comment, so I'm gonna clown on it. You are a clown. 🤡