I’m sorry - this is just fucking stupid. Cars are becoming way too bogged down with shit like this that acts like a hovering parent who nags you constantly while having to know where you are all the time.
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I want to crash my car into a brick wall every time it makes me click "okay" to the full screen warning that tells me it is my responsibility to keep my eyes on the road. Yeah, no shit, you fucking wanker.
We just got an electric car that does this and it's annoying as fuck because it often messes up the speed limit and tells you that you are going too fast even though you are not.
My thoughts exactly. There’s no way it’s going to be correct for every situation. It can’t take into account changing road conditions.
It's not even just the changing conditions. It just has wrong speed limit data in some areas and spmetimes it says there is work being done on the road where there isnt and similar
If this passes in California, all their highways will just be a steady sound of vehicles horns.
the headline is very misleading. There is no beeping at other drivers, or honking of horns.
Just a notification to you, the driver of your own car if your car a) knows the local speed and b) is exceeding it by a set amount.
This notification can be disabled.
like, if you're in a 30 zone, and go 35, your satnav/gps will go "ding!" and a small light will go on the dash/lcd screen.
California freeways are 65mph. Unless there is traffic, most drivers tend to go around 80mph. They will be constant.
In my opinion, this is trying to tackle the issue in a poor manner. People who are speeding already know that they are, so it's not like a beep or visual warning is going to cause them to change their behavior. It's trying to force a technical solution to a non-technical issue.
I just can't wait to see how quickly someone finds a way to bypass this nanny bullshit.
Unless there is traffic, most drivers tend to go around 80mph.
And they aren't constantly getting into accidents? Wild. Someone should tell the politicians that this might not be the source of the problem.
What's ridiculous is that the freeways can obviously handle and are safe at 80 mph, because millions of people drive 80 mph on them every day. So why not just raise the speed limit to 80 and actually enforce the limit on a regular basis? I'll tell you why. It's because they want to be able to go out and write tickets whenever they want more money in their budget, and they want to be able to pull people over on a whim. It's hella nefarious.
Y'all trying to create more GOP'er with this asinine shit. Jesus Christ I'm tired of this nanny state shit.
Yeah absolutely fucking not. I control my car, not your fucking legislative whims!
I really hope this doesn't apply to freeways
Yeah like… how fast do you have to drive before the beeps? I always heard 5-10 over is standard
Article says 10mph over the limit
How does it determine the limit?
Also literally all this would do is startle everyone especially people who drive new cars and make residential areas louder.
Lmao, it won't honk the horn
Ohhhhhh I'm dumb
It's ok, I'm dumb too.
Most have GPS position and reference a database or they use cameras to see speed signs, sometimes both with one having priority over the other.
It isn't always accurate.
Atlantians will be devastated.
I’m opening an auto shop to make the beep sound change to “hell yeah, brother!”
the faster you go the louder "free bird" by lynryd skynryd plays
There's a really good way to reduce speeding without dumb moves like this. Design the road for the speed you want. Most roads in the US are created first without speed limit concerns, only labeling them based on a weird metric of how fast cars drive through them. Then if they are going too fast, governments just put up more warning signs and call it a day.
There are many techniques in the road design handbook that can be used to make drivers subconsciously slow down for their own perceived safety. And it works! So let's do more of that and less of this "make car beep" nonsense.
People will just pull whatever fuse it's on, or find a bypass
They won't even hear it over the Netflix they're watching on their phones.
On the phones? Friend, we have huge-ass screens in cars now. With 7.1 sound system
Good bless the Chinese engineers that created the head unit I got for my car off eBay! That thing is incredible
If they could automate vehicles this wouldn't be an issue. The current tech isn't there so what if we put them on tracks so they can't crash? We could make them bigger so lots of people could go at the same time and fewer vehicles would be on the road. You wouldn't even have to own it, they could have a regular schedule so you know where and when to ride in one!
Nah, that will never work. Beeping at a driver occasionally though, that will fix things.
And this would do what?
For the minority of drivers, get them to slow down. For the majority who speed, same as the seat belt alarm that annoys them but fails to get them to buckle up.
Many cars used to do this. There is a reason they don’t build this feature any longer.
Fuck this shit! Fuck it in its fucking face! God I hate modern bullshit! Yes, most people can barely drive the speed limit, but some of us don't live with our heads perpetually up our own assholes, and there are legitimate reasons to exceed the speed limit. For one, if you try going the speed limit on the i5 in California, you'll turn into a greasy smear on the inside of your car cabin, since everyone else is going 20 over.