
joined 8 months ago
[–] Psychodelic 2 points 11 hours ago

I wouldn't call it ruined. I rather like knowing how many "edgy" people there are

[–] Psychodelic 1 points 11 hours ago

Good one. lol. No u!

[–] Psychodelic 6 points 15 hours ago

I think a lot of it is a result of our capitalistic society squeezing as much as it can from us for profit

[–] Psychodelic 2 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

My turn!

Self-centered with a superiority complex

Lol. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, and is based on seeing others as inferior

[–] Psychodelic 6 points 17 hours ago

Could you expand on this?

[–] Psychodelic 11 points 17 hours ago

Yep. Just compare how they defended Henry Cuellar against Jessica Cisneros vs how they left Jamaal Bowman hanging.

Honest question to anyone possibly paying more attention. Was there any act from the DNC to defend Bowman? I might've missed it but it wouldn't surprise me to learn they felt differently about supporting one incumbent vs the other

[–] Psychodelic 42 points 1 day ago
[–] Psychodelic 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I never said Jim Crow was cool or anything. lol

I consider Black Americans Americans so... America gets the credit

I don't think we're understanding each other here. Wasn't really trying to argue. Sometimes, two things can be true. No?

[–] Psychodelic 3 points 1 day ago

I was referring moreso to the cultural impact. (Though from your later replies I think you're just making a joke I'm not getting)

When I think of things I respect about the US and the positive impact its had, I tend to think of how most governments at the time (50s-70s and 70s-90s) seemed to be cracking down on personal free expression (granted that was happening in the US for nonwhite people) and yet Americans (specifically those in counter-culture movements) were able to resist and come out on top. Hell, I'd even throw in comic book creators as having made their mark on moving the needle towards free expression despite loud criticism from conservative mobs.

[–] Psychodelic 5 points 1 day ago (11 children)

While yes, what about rock and roll, or hip hop or the ability to criticize politicians you disagree with? That was all cool. Shit, having trouble coming up with more. I'd put the new deal in there too. That shit was gold and created a strong working class. Just sucks how dumb we've always been because of the racism and greed (can't fund good schools for everyone or have public pools or whatever)

[–] Psychodelic 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Could you expand on what Snowden did that you disagree with?

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