Fuck AI

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A place for all those who loathe machine-learning to discuss things, post articles, and ridicule the AI hype. Proud supporter of working people. And proud booer of SXSW 2024.

founded 3 months ago

I want to apologize for changing the description without telling people first. After reading arguments about how AI has been so overhyped, I'm not that frightened by it. It's awful that it hallucinates, and that it just spews garbage onto YouTube and Facebook, but it won't completely upend society. I'll have articles abound on AI hype, because they're quite funny, and gives me a sense of ease knowing that, despite blatant lies being easy to tell, it's way harder to fake actual evidence.

I also want to factor in people who think that there's nothing anyone can do. I've come to realize that there might not be a way to attack OpenAI, MidJourney, or Stable Diffusion. These people, which I will call Doomers from an AIHWOS article, are perfectly welcome here. You can certainly come along and read the AI Hype Wall Of Shame, or the diminishing returns of Deep Learning. Maybe one can even become a Mod!

Boosters, or people who heavily use AI and see it as a source of good, ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE! I've seen Boosters dox, threaten, and harass artists over on Reddit and Twitter, and they constantly champion artists losing their jobs. They go against the very purpose of this community. If I hear a comment on here saying that AI is "making things good" or cheering on putting anyone out of a job, and the commenter does not retract their statement, said commenter will be permanently banned. FA&FO.

For Starters (self.fuck_ai)
submitted 3 months ago by VerbFlow to c/fuck_ai

Alright, I just want to clarify that I've never modded a Lemmy community before. I just have the mantra of "if nobody's doing the right thing, do it yourself". I was also motivated by the decision from u/spez to let an unknown AI company use Reddit's imagery. If you know how to moderate well, please let me know. Also, feel free to discuss ways to attack AI development, and if you have evidence of AIBros being cruel and remorseless, make sure to save the evidence for people "on the fence". Remember, we don't know if AI is unstoppable. AI uses up loads of energy to be powered, and tons of circuitry. There may very well be an end to this cruelty, and it's up to us to begin that end.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/17964868

Photographers say the social media giant is applying a ‘Made with AI’ label to photos they took, causing confusion for users.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16841877

The world's top two AI startups are ignoring requests by media publishers to stop scraping their web content for free model training data, Business Insider has learned.

OpenAI and Anthropic have been found to be either ignoring or circumventing an established web rule, called robots.txt, that prevents automated scraping of websites.

TollBit, a startup aiming to broker paid licensing deals between publishers and AI companies, found several AI companies are acting in this way and informed certain large publishers in a Friday letter, which was reported earlier by Reuters. The letter did not include the names of any of the AI companies accused of skirting the rule.

OpenAI and Anthropic have stated publicly that they respect robots.txt and blocks to their specific web crawlers, GPTBot and ClaudeBot.

However, according to TollBit's findings, such blocks are not being respected, as claimed. AI companies, including OpenAI and Anthropic, are simply choosing to "bypass" robots.txt in order to retrieve or scrape all of the content from a given website or page.

A spokeswoman for OpenAI declined to comment beyond pointing BI to a corporate blogpost from May, in which the company says it takes web crawler permissions "into account each time we train a new model." A spokesperson for Anthropic did not respond to emails seeking comment.

Robots.txt is a single bit of code that's been used since the late 1990s as a way for websites to tell bot crawlers they don't want their data scraped and collected. It was widely accepted as one of the unofficial rules supporting the web.


OpenAI's Mira Murati: "some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place" And you stole everything from creative people who provided free texts, images, forum answers, etc. To date, your company has refused to acknowledge any credit. Rich people truly live in their bubble and have zero sympathy for fellow human or their livelihood.


Love it or hate it, there's no changing the fact that AI is disrupting the internet as we know it. A lot of this perception can be explained by Google's priorities around its AI efforts, with the company looking to quickly monetize these tools and integrate them into its vast product portfolio. Now, Google is highlighting two initiatives that will only further cement public opinion.

In a post today highlighting a speech by Google VP Vidhya Srinivasan at the Cannes Lions Festival, the company revealed how it sees massive potential for generative AI in its ads division. "First, you can use AI to generate insights about your audiences," Google explained to potential ad partners, "Then you can shorten and scale creative production to bring ideas to life faster." Google highlighted the potential of Veo, its newest video generation model, when used to create ads.

As we reported in April, Google has now expanded this program to YouTube advertisers. In its post today, the company revealed it has been using its own tools to advertise the Pixel 8 series, generating a whopping 4,500 unique ads that ran on YouTube in recent months.

In a post from earlier this week, Google announced "Best Phones Forever: AI Roadtrip," the latest installment in this series that comes with a twist: Instagram Reels viewers would be able to comment with a location suggestion for the smartphones' road trip, and Google's AI would create a bespoke video response to that comment "within minutes."

The campaign was only live for 16 hours and has now ended, but Google's primary intention here wasn't to sell phones — rather, it hoped the stunt would inspire other advertisers to explore their own "creative applications of these technologies."

With these developments, Google's vision for the future of advertising is becoming clear: Targeted marketing based on user data will only get more targeted, and generative AI will be at the heart of it all.


"This technology is proven to have some of the most comprehensive capabilities in the industry, fast and accurate in some of the most demanding conditions," it said in a statement.

In one video, which has 30,000 views on TikTok, a young woman becomes increasingly exasperated as she attempts to convince the AI that she wants a caramel ice cream, only for it to add multiple stacks of butter to her order.


cross-posted from: https://awful.systems/post/1734913

another obviously correct opinion from Lucidity

  • Google Chrome’s history search will soon allow content-based searches using AI.
  • This “History search, powered by AI” uses everyday language to find sites.
  • Search data is sent to Google, but page contents are encrypted locally.

Google Chrome’s browsing history will soon get an important feature that could change how we browse the web: you can search for anything there, not just for the website’s pages but also its content, thanks to AI.

And now, what’s new is that Google has updated this feature’s description. It is now called “History search, powered by AI” and it lets you “use everyday language to search your browsing history and find sites you visited.”

But one thing to consider, as Google puts it, human reviewers may still be used “to improve the feature.” Search terms and page content of best matches are still being sent to Google for model training, but if you’re worried about your privacy, Google says that page contents are still “saved in an encrypted form” locally.

Google Chrome has added even more AI features in the past few months. Besides this, the popular browser also “borrowed” the Circle to Search feature from Android mobiles, and it may soon arrive for Chrome’s desktop version via Google Lens.

Ewww... no thanks for the AI features.


Edward Snowden wrote on social media to his nearly 6 million followers, "Do not ever trust @OpenAI ... You have been warned," following the appointment of retired U.S. Army General Paul Nakasone to the board of the artificial intelligence technology company.

Snowden, a former National Security Agency (NSA) subcontractor, was charged with espionage by the Justice Department in 2013 after leaking thousands of top-secret records, exposing the agency's surveillance of private citizens' information.

In a Friday morning post on X, formerly Twitter, Snowden reshared a post providing information on OpenAI's newest board member. Nakasone is a former NSA director, and the longest-serving leader of the U.S. Cyber Command and chief of the Central Security Service. He retired from the NSA, a position he held since 2018, in February.

Snowden wrote in an X post, "They've gone full mask-off: do not ever trust @OpenAI or its products (ChatGPT etc.) There is only one reason for appointing an @NSAGov Director to your board. This is a willful, calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on Earth." He concluded the post, writing, "You have been warned."

The AI War (ttrpg.network)
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/fuck_ai


I'm not complaining, I just didn't receive any notification. Not sure if it's a bug or if intentional.

Anyone else?

I do strongly disapprove of how AI is being leveraged currently, FWIW.


Today, Microsoft released a new Windows 11 Canary build under number 26236. Its changelog does not contain anything extraordinary except for the not-so-welcome "account manager" on the Start menu, but under the hood, hidden from the official release notes, lurk some AI-related changes, Settings improvements, and new features for Recall.

Hours after the release, users discovered that Windows Recall, the controversial AI feature in Windows 11 version 24H2, which was recently upgraded with additional privacy improvements, is getting a new option that lets you search the web for anything detected on the current snapshot. For example, you can click a word or phrase and look for it in the browser using your default search engine.

In addition, Alexander S (@alex290292 on X) discovered a new page in the "Privacy & Security" section inside the Settings app. Windows 11 will let you use it to manage access to generative AI features and review recent activity to see generative AI requests in the last seven days.

Privacy in M$ OS? Yeah it sounds right..

But nope thanks, just recall the AI stuff from their OS.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/17261222

While “AI” (language learning models) certainly could help journalism, the fail upward brunchlords in charge of most modern media outlets instead see the technology as a way to cut corners, undermine labor, and badly automate low-quality, ultra-low effort, SEO-chasing clickbait.


Well, it looks like games have systems called engagement based matchmaking. From my perspective, this is terrible, its being used to keep players playing and purchasing skins

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