
joined 1 year ago

It stands for "The (U)nited (S)oviet (S)ocialist (R)epublic (W)ill (R)ise (A)gain"

[–] VerbFlow 1 points 1 day ago

Thanks so much!

[–] VerbFlow 1 points 4 days ago

Well, I wasn't actually disregarding it, I thought it was something you said as a meme.

Regardless, I never liked Twitter, even before Musk purchased it. It was never worth going on, and I'd always hear from 2015 onward what was "going on on Twitter" in all sorts of non-Twitter stuff, like different social media sites, radio deejays, movies, the news, and billboards. I hated it so much. I was hoping for Twitter's downfall being something like, say, Twitter being taken offline, or a better site appearing, and I am not a fan of Nazis and billionaires, but since it's gone, I am now vindicated. Although I went to Bluesky afterward, and although it does embody what people liked about Twitter, I don't gel with what people liked about Twitter. It's for squares. It's for normies, for regular Joes, for the suburban wife with 2.5 kids who loves football and shopping for wine. It's for married couples who always follow the law and believe that Hawaii should remain a U.S. state, whose sole exposure to Marx comes from seeing counter-terrorist PSAs. It's simply not for me.

[–] VerbFlow 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Shit, I wasn't on here. Tell you what, make another Devil's Panties Blackout in six months. We encourage people to stock up on canned foods that can be eaten later, and bathroom items, soaps, whatever. Friend groups are established for the blackout just in case somebody loses something. It might last more than a week, maybe even a month. We should post this in streamers' chats to encourage people to spread the word; this will be on fun streams where it will not be intrusive. Make sure to target people who can remember to do things, or use it as an opportunity to help people to remember schedules. People will stay with each other to get along.

[–] VerbFlow 6 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Twitter user detected, opinion disregarded

[–] VerbFlow 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Fascism is rising because the bourgeoisie is funding it to keep out Communism, Socialism, Marxism, and other things that explain why most people globally cannot afford a house, or why England pays such low wages, or why groceries are so expensive in America, or why Germany is undergoing an economic collapse. Once you understand Marxism even simply, these quotes will start to make sense.

P.S. If you're going to say that fascism is rising in power, please just say that. I know that things are shitty because fascism is rising, but I hate when people are vague.

[–] VerbFlow 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Look, I hate NATO and the European Union, but Russia is not "defending against NATO". Capitalism IN RUSSIA caused this. It was the fall of the USSR that made Russia ultra-capitalist, and then ultra-imperialist. Russia is not a bastion of Socialism. It has a mercenary army, an entire military-industrial complex, and a barbaric mistreatment of actual workers. A lot of western politicians believe that Russia is communist, but that's just because they're idiots.

I have made some communities (self.communitypromo)

One is for Cascadian History, the other is anti-AI, which is dated now that AI is revealed to be a scam. I may need some more experience on Lemmy.

Looking for mods (self.cascad_hist)
submitted 2 weeks ago by VerbFlow to c/cascad_hist

If you want to become a mod here, please tell me. I will look and see if you are worthy of modding briefly.

[–] VerbFlow 1 points 2 weeks ago

Nvm, this is better.

Although Cuba ought to have its embargo lifted ASAP. Lift it. Long live all the enemies of the United States.

[–] VerbFlow 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] VerbFlow 4 points 2 weeks ago

Right here you can see capitalism collapsing in on itself. This is the result of a society that glorifies consumption and makes work undesirable to do.

[–] VerbFlow 2 points 3 weeks ago

I thought Hugh was pronounced Hyoog for some reason.

[–] VerbFlow 2 points 3 weeks ago

Cascadian here, we will protect each other

Counter-Drone articles (self.justpost)
submitted 1 month ago by VerbFlow to c/justpost

I haven't read these yet, but I will soon. This is in response to the United States using drones to enact ethnic cleansing. This was a breakneck search, but if anyone has a good in-depth article for countering drone warfare, please let me know. | Countering Drones: Looking for the Silver Bullet | Breaking the Shield: Countering Drone Defenses | Drone and Counter-Drone Warfare at a Tactical Level

A good idea would be for drone hobbyists to outfit theirs with weapons. It's incredibly important, too, to target factories, and develop chemicals, EMPs, and other technologies that can disrupt drone functioning (drones are quite fragile). Hopefully China, or otherwise industralized states, developing drones en masse can send some to resistance groups.


I'm trying to post any comments, but it endlessly loads. I'll check my internet connection

submitted 3 months ago by VerbFlow to c/cascad_hist

There's also the Oregon Encyclopedia if you're interested in the region as a whole.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by VerbFlow to c/nostupidquestions

I was just thinking about it after looking it up. What has it, in world affairs, actually done? What changes did it make to society that were worth making?

EDIT: I wanted to ask this because I had some thoughts on Critical Theory that I wasn't sure of. I thought it was just empty talk that would be repeated and repeated but never acted upon. Like, what would our world look like without Critical Theory being developed? How come such a "great ideology" couldn't actually stop the War of Terror, or the election of Donald Trump, or wealthy corporate executives becoming obscenely rich, or the Housing Crisis and Great Recession, or the Rwandan Genocide, or Russia's invasion of Ukraine, or anything? What does it do to actually help people?

submitted 4 months ago by VerbFlow to c/justpost

I wanted to show all these indie sites so that you guys could explore. These have really good ideas and aren't hindered by concision.



This is a really good read. If you have any crits let me know.


Sometimes, I'd scroll Reddit because something would link there, but in the case of making a new account, I can't post anything, even comments because there's a minimum karma limit on almost every sub.

The deal is that Lemmy doesn't have the number of users that Reddit has. I suppose I'll make new communities. That'll help.

After Harris/Walz Victory (self.politicaldiscussion)

What should we do after Harris/Walz is elected? I was wondering if you had some ideas. Here are mine:

  • Mass strikes in the workplace, demands being taxes for the rich and higher wages
  • Mass strikes in the military, demands being to end support for Israel, take away excessive military bases, shut down Gitmo, drastically reduce the budget, &c
  • Get as many people off the internet as possible
  • Get people arms and arms training so they can defend themselves without police, and heavily reduce police funding
  • Refuse to pay any landlords, lead attacks on real estate offices

Maybe some stuff would be extreme, but I ask you please to separate the wheat from the chaff, along with adding your own material. I may not be that smart, but at least I'm preparing.

(If you want to remember to vote, set yourself a timer like everyone else with memory issues. It should go ding on the day you get your ballot!)

I also feel kinda hazy


I'm not saying that freedom of speech IS a bad idea, or that the government should simply censor ideas that are harmful, but the idea to just silence people for misinformation seems to be gaining traction.

To be clear: I am NOT pointing fingers and accusing any political party (including the D-Party) of being censorious, or accusing censorship and its proponents as malicious, nor saying there is a conspiracy out to promote censorship. It simply seems that, due to a surge in right-wing terror attacks and the Capitol riots, people have become more accepting of censorship, from Popper's "intolerance of tolerance" to laws against homophobia and conspiracy theories, in search of a comfortable, safe state of society.

I also want to ask how censorship would be enforced. How would riots be dealt with? How would the police be handled? How would jails be prevented from overloading?

Also, this question is not directed at Anarchists. Some leftists don't like censorship, and others do, and I want to ask those that do.

If this question is stupid, tell me why. I may end up seeing myself that this question is stupid, and if so, I'll tell you.

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