
joined 10 months ago
[–] TootSweet 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm not sure why this has anything to do with FOSS per se. Proprietary software can theoretically be used by people the intellectual property owners hate as well.

I'm guessing you're thinking about it from a FOSS point of view because FOSS authors tend to be ideologically inclined toward making FOSS and perhaps think they're selflessly making the world a better place whereas proprietary software is made exclusively for money. (Not that FOSS can't be made for money.)

But, speaking for myself, a lot of bad actors just straight up blatantly violate FOSS licenses. I wish it wasn't that way, but it is. (Maybe the court case SFC v. Visio will make a difference. We'll have to see.) But it's not going to do the world any good to deprive the world of your contributions because some assholes will disregard your license.

I suppose it could theoretically make a difference if you used a license that called certain companies out by name, but a) then again maybe it actually wouldn't make a difference (they might just blatantly violate the license still) and b) you can't really anticipate all the companies that are assholes at the time you write the license. If your FOSS software actually has a nontrivial user base, somebody somewhere who you don't like is going to use your license some day and there really isn't anything you can do about it.

But I still see releasing your code under FOSS licenses as a big fuck-you to asshole companies. It subverts the whole capitalist foundation on which they stand. It denies them the full ability to own it.

And copyleft licenses do that better than so-called "permissive" licenses.

Be gay, do crime, write FOSS, donate to the SFC.

[–] TootSweet 77 points 8 hours ago (7 children)

Someone needs to teach me this trick of buying pizza with the pizza's own money.

"Dominoes hates this one weird trick."

[–] TootSweet 22 points 8 hours ago

Never have I acquired a bit of head canon so quickly and permanently.

[–] TootSweet 36 points 8 hours ago

I think that's just how every Rust developer learns Rust.

[–] TootSweet 15 points 1 day ago

Nope. But that's also not as big a deal as a lot of folks make it.

Also, he's far from the only important(?) historical(?) figure we can't prove ever existed.

[–] TootSweet 1 points 2 days ago

Here too. Weird.

[–] TootSweet 2 points 2 days ago

You could base a whole Mouse Gard campaign around this image.

(Disclaimer: I've never played Mouse Gard.)

[–] TootSweet 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

As soon as the front tire gets 1/4" deep in salt water, the entire truck just turns instantly to solid rust.

[–] TootSweet 20 points 2 days ago

Yes! It could be like Assassin's Creed where most of the story takes place in Civilization, but then there are interludes that take place in the modern world.

[–] TootSweet 8 points 2 days ago

And why not chew it off?

Last time I had sushi (about a week ago), I tried a place I'd never tried before. I ordered some sashimi and they were huge. If I'd eaten those in one bite each, it would have been like that game "chubby bunny". But then again I don't really know how authentic this particular sushi place was. Tasted great, though.

[–] TootSweet 64 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Someone needs to bundle up that network misconfiguration and put it on Steam as an indie game.

[–] TootSweet 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

What would you think of a show with basically the same premise superficially but it also just constantly and blatantly ridicules the flat earthers?


I linked to MSN because (at least for me) it wasn't paywalled. The original source for the article can be found on the Washington Post's website here but is paywalled.


If I had a nickel for every one I've seen, I'd have two nickels, which isn't much, but it's strange it happened twice.

And I have no idea what it means.

A couple of examples:

One and two.


This was on the Netflix login page until pretty recently. I can't be the only one who thought it was unintentionally... suggestive, right?

Animutations (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by TootSweet to c/[email protected]

Please tell me I'm not the only one still obsessed with these things.

Edit: Woah. I am the only one still obsessed with Animutations, aren't I? They're mine! All mine!


It bugs me when people say "the thing is is that" (if you listen for it, you'll start hearing it... or maybe that's something that people only do in my area.) ("What the thing is is that..." is fine. But "the thing is is that..." bugs me.)

Also, "just because doesn't mean ." That sentence structure invites one to take "just because " as a noun phrase which my brain really doesn't want to do. Just doesn't seem right. But that sentence structure is very common.

And I'm not saying there's anything objectively wrong with either of these. Language is weird and complex and beautiful. It's just fascinating that some commonly-used linguistic constructions just hit some people wrong sometimes.

Edit: I thought of another one. "As best as I can." "The best I can" is fine, "as well as I can" is good, and "as best I can" is even fine. But "as best as" hurts.


And if you disagree with any of my answers, you're just wrong.


"Vindaloo" is a running joke in the series Red Dwarf to which this song is the theme song.

submitted 2 months ago by TootSweet to c/fuck_ai

Apparently I'm banned from [email protected] now. That's a community for posting AI-generated images.

My feed is set to "all"/"new". So I see every post that comes into the Lemmy servers that federates with. Or at least those that come in while I'm on and browsing.

I downvote what I don't like. And I don't like AI-generated images. I downvote any that come across my feed. I don't seek out AI-generated images to downvite. (That feels too much like brigading.) So, I wouldn't, say, go to [email protected] and downvote every post there. Just the ones that "organically" come across my feed.

Today, I clicked "downvote" on a post from [email protected] and the down-arrow wouldn't change color to register my downvote. Lemmy's error messaging is lacking, so I had to go to my developer tools to find out for sure, but the server clearly indicated the reason why it wouldn't accept my downvote was because I was banned from [email protected] . (I can downvote posts on other communities.)

So, apparently one of the mods of [email protected] noticed I downvoted some posts from [email protected] and had never upvoted any posts in that community and decided to ban me.

I'm honestly not really sure whether I or they (or both or neither) am/are in the wrong here. But I was interested to see that just downvoting could get me banned from a community.

Anyone else been banned from any communities for similar behavior?


Over-the-counter diphenhydramine, for instance, at least in my country, says adults can take "1 to 2 tablets every 4 to 6 hours."

If you decide "my symptoms aren't so bad; I'll just take one" and then two hours later your symptoms are still bad (or worse), is it safe to take a second tab then? And if you do, should you wait until "4 to 6 hours" after taking the first tablet or the second to take an additional tablet? Does it depend on the drug? (Maybe it's fine for diphenhydramine but not for ibuprophen?)

I'd imagine blood levels of any particular drug tend to quickly spike and then exponentially decay back to undetectable levels. If you take two tabs, I'd imagine that graph is just twice as tall. If you wait a couple of hours between tabs, it's got two spikes and the second is a little higher than the first (but not as high as the two-tabs-at-the-same-time spike.)

If the concern is total concentration of drug in the bloodstream at any one point, a second tab a couple hours later is less of a concern than two tabs at the same time. If the concern is total area under the curve, then probably there's no difference between two tabs at the same time and a couple of hours between. If the concern is total time spent with a blood concentration of such-and-such, I could see there being more concern with taking a second tab just a couple of hours after the first.

And maybe there are other effects that I'm not aware of. Maybe if the blood concentration kicks up to two-tabs-at-once levels, the liver kicks into high gear, clearing the drug out quicker, but if you go a couple of hours between tabs, the liver neve kicks into high gear or some such.

And maybe this question hasn't even been well studied and maybe there's not really any good answer. But if there is, I'm curious.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TootSweet to c/fuck_ai

This guy's one of the few and the brave actually saying publicly that AI is a bubble. I think most other public figures are scared to be proven wrong and made to look foolish. Doctorow's not committing to the idea that AI will never have any use, but at least he's countering a lot of the ridiculous claims the "AI Industry" is making lately.

ac (self.test5677754)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by TootSweet to c/test5677754
submitted 3 months ago by TootSweet to c/test5677754
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