It doesn't need to be overly insulated, just loose. My martial arts dobok used to have a similar effect (though for cold air, rather than hot). A dressing gown would work fine. It just needs to be open under the table, with enough room for air to circulate. The warm air will rise and vent out the neck and hand holes.
The pyramids were built by skilled labour. One of the options for paying taxes was to work on public works. It was also seen as a religious event, akin to modern missionaries.
Mathematically clean and tidy would be a better description. This system is particularly close to the natural harmonics that either occur when planets form, or that planetary systems tend towards.
It's akin to watching a group of metronomes move into sync. Mathematically, it's not that special. To us monkeys, that particular pattern feels a lot better and cleaner.
Scientifically, it's quite useful. By judging the age of the system, we can tell a lot about early formation and planetary movements. As the article mentions, it's likely that planets form in such a resonance, then get knocked into chaotic orbits. However that's not been tested. This system would let us test some of our models against reality.
Not quite what you're looking for, but a Japanese kotatsu type setup might be worth looking into. It's highly efficient at delivering heat where needed. It basically uses your clothing as a chimney, to funnel heat over your body. This includes your hands, via the sleeves.
The book makes it make a lot more sense. He actually reasons through what he is doing, and why. The line "I'm going g to science the shit out of it" is practically the mantra, and demonstrated again and again.
The film basically takes this and strips out all the 'boring science' stuff. What's left, while still a good film, is a shadow of the source material.
The initial incident was this one.
Unfortunately I got the inter governmental spat details from people involved. I work with big drones, and I've heard bits of it from both sides.
I'll see if I can track down about the fine itself.
It's likely a scale thing. A satellite gives full coverage, but it's working at a large scale, with a long time lag. A plane is more local, with less time lag, but still quite a large scale. A drone is hyper local, with almost no time lag. Depending who is asking, all 3 can be extremely useful.
I can unfortunately see where communication could break down. Local firefighters wanted hyper local information. They didn't coordinate with the larger effort, and so the accident could have happened.
I don't know about the states, but in the UK. A police force decided to operate a drone for their own use. The CAA tried to politely educate them on the rules, and were, effectively told to eff off. A £35,000 ($43,000) fine was quite an effective slap on the wrist.
Detailed fire tracking. From the ground, it's difficult to tell if the fires is wrapping around you etc. By getting a bit of altitude, you can see what's going on, and act accordingly.
Check if you have a local makerspace or hackspace. They tend to attract a similar crowd. My local one is definitely majority neurospicy.
I've got 1 dream check, that's fairly reliable, when I need it. I check my back pocket for "heavy weapons". Basically, think cartoon "hammer space". It's an almost unnoticeable check when awake, that doesn't do anything. In a dream state however, an ak47, or a bazooka is to hand.
This is particularly effective against nightmares. My subconscious happily accepts that I can pull whatever cartoon doodad I need out of my back pocket. This let's me jam nightmares. I've not had one since I trained myself to do this a couple of decades back.
The 1 trick to note, you need to "believe" on some level that it will work. It's akin to accepting a film. You know they are just actors and CGI, but you accept it as real. This belief gives it power in your dreams.
He's likely trying to throw down as many speed bumps as possible. Individually, they won't do much. Each will act as a distraction, a slight delay. Against most people in his position, they would be useless. Trump isn't most people however. He will bite and get distracted by the chew toy. It's likely about all Biden can do to limit the damage a little.