...On the mental level of the voters who somehow believed a tariff would be good for Americans
You couldn't be more transparent if you tried
Flow was an incredibly beautiful film. Truly the only thing I've watched for a couple years that felt genuinely hopeful.
"haha the ruling class has their boot on your neck! Victims are hilarious!"
Yes I'm aware that people think nonvoters are helpless and then somehow find that better than being dumb
I see. There are enough pedophiles on the right that I can understand making that fucked up joke though
What's the actual point of reposting this? The very small percentage on Lemmy who actually approve of genocide are mad, people who know trump was far worse are annoyed because you're just seem to be appealing to the third group: people virtue signalling without taking any useful action
And I'm saying that would just be a 4chan clone and that's bad for a list of reasons I shouldn't even need to rehash
So this is how they tell us they sat at home and watched trump win so they could pretend to be superior. Cool
Gotta float your bullshit somehow
I have been accused of loving Democrats for saying things like "what are Democrats supposed to do about voters who would let trump win?" It's as though nuance was outlawed and people cannot understand that a problem can have multiple causes.
And yes I've heard all that about being inspiring. The reality is that educated people would've made very different voting choices. Americans are incredibly ignorant. Democrats can't hypnotize people into not being idiots
When I returned to a smaller phone, it felt small for like 5 days. Then it felt normal and fine. And it had better battery life and is easier to deal with all day long. I hate bigger phones