Translation: you'll become more conservative when you have children and own a home
Millennials: ๐
Zoomers: ๐
Alpha: ๐คฃ
Whateverthefuckcomesnext: ๐
Translation: you'll become more conservative when you have children and own a home
Millennials: ๐
Zoomers: ๐
Alpha: ๐คฃ
Whateverthefuckcomesnext: ๐
own a home
Too bad boomers ruined my best chance at that.
I have heard this my entire life and now that I recently have kids and a home, I find it to be an insane take. If anything, the greater my knowledge of the world becomes the MORE liberal I am. I'm significantly more aware of rigged systems and injustice as I age.
In order to be conservative you have to be afraid, irrationally. Afraid your guns will be taken, afraid the gays are going to out-breed you (not even kidding, they really "think" that), afraid what you want won't be what everyone does, afraid other people are smarter or more capable, afraid that when you die you won't get magicked somewhere to live forever. Basically afraid of everything whether it makes any sense or not. And afraid someone else will find out how afraid you are all the time.
They're pathetic and not fit to walk a dog much less run anything.
My old man has told me this my whole life and I always tell him no, because I'm not a cunt. 42yo so far and still going strong.
Boomers got more conservative as they grew older because they've been eating shovels of propaganda since reagan and never learned how to fact check like younger generations
Donโt forget the leaded gas fumes and rampant racism!
The older I get, the more liberal I get.
Just turned 38 and from an ultra conservative household, every since I broke the indoctrination I've just gotten more and more liberal
I remember a high school friend's father saying something to me like, "You'll get more conservative when you start paying taxes." This was around 1993-1994 or so.
I'm 45 now, modestly wealthy, and pay plenty of taxes. I can't envision ever voting for a Republican for any public office ever again...and the current circus of bullshit around TFG just seals that deal for me.
I was actually more right wing as a kid. Now that I've learned some things about the world that's when I became a left leaning liberal.
Went from voting far right in 2017 (fucking welfare abusers ) to far left in 2022 (fuckibg corporations costing three times more than welfare) kek
GenXer. I've gotten more progressive. I used to consider myself a moderate dem back in the 90s. On the other hand, the 90s moderate dem is now considered a commie woke libtard, so shrug? Shocking that I want justice for all, fair wages, end systemic racism, end homophobia, etc. So librul! I'm destroying Western society! Oh wait, I'm a POC immigrant woman, course I'm destroying America!
I've gained empathy as I've gotten older. The literal opposite of conservatives
I hate it when boomers, specifically, say this. My grandfather, who is Silent Generation, will tell you that heโs gotten more liberal as heโs gotten older. Whenever I hear a boomer say this, itโs used as a shaming, like โyou donโt understand now but you will when youโre olderโ. Turns out I havenโt gotten more conservative. I listened to minority populations and then came out and itโs turned me more leftist.
Boomers, in general, are a generation of spoiled children that, for the most part, have never seen the true hardships of any other generation. "Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times." Boomers are the weak men that created hard times for the following generations, yet they keep living and consuming as if our world wasn't dying. "Fuck you, got mine" I guess.
That might have been true decades ago, but now people have:
People in their mid to late thirties nowadays might have a fancier job title, but many of them are still struggling like they were before. It's hard to be protectionist when you have nothing but your life to protect...
Add Less Lead Exposure. Empathy is a function of the brain and lead damages it.
I think it's your third point, mostly. Maybe even as sharply stated as: boomers became more conservative as the system and status quo brought them wealth, comfort, and security, so naturally they wanted to keep that going. For the generations that have followed, the system and status quo have only continued to bring those benefits to the boomers, not to them, so they're less likely to trend conservative to perpetuate a system that has failed them.
Additionally, in the years since the boomers came of age, the political right has moved away from a traditional conservative platform to a very extreme and hateful version of itself. Even if many millennials had shifted slightly to the right as they aged, the party typically associated with conservatism has moved so much farther to the right that even with their gradual shift, these millennials are still far closer to the left, or at least to "not whatever the right is saying".
Eat the rich at any age
That's only if your wealth increases with age. If you had nothing in your 20s and still have nothing in your 30s and 40s, you'd stay mad
I'm 44 and my wealth has increased a lot with age, but I still understand I'm financially closer to a homeless crackhead than I am to someone like Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. I'm more mad than ever because I see how badly most people are getting fucked. And the whole destroying the planet for profit thing.
The older I get, the more socialist I become.
The older phrase used to be "You become more right wing when you get older", whereas it's quite likely it was missing the specific cause, which was "You become more right wing when you stop learning". [Edit] Typo
You become conservative when you lose ability to adapt and learn, thereby yearning for the days when you were you were younger and, as you mostly falsely remember, "times were simpler", which is a delusion caused by the different lifestyle and world perception you used to have. Now you're just older and scared because you forgot to keep up with the times.
51, still not a conservative
41, stable finances, kid, decent job, and still BETTER DEAD THAN RED!
And just to be 100% clear, since I know that phrase meant something completely different 50 years ago, Republicans can get ass-fucked with a spoon
"people get more selfish and small minded as they age, that's just a fact!"
My friends who have kids now did become more conservative. But most of them are very religious and grew up going to church every Sunday. So... I think they might have had a certain influence.
After I had kids I found Satanism and became a communist. I have no idea what your friends are doing but they're doing it wrong.
My afternoons at 18: sips tea reading Noam Chomskyโs Failed State
My afternoons at 30: sips vodka reading Unabomberโs Manifesto
People become more conservative once they actually accumulate wealth that they can use, and don't want policies passed that will reduce that wealth.
Millennials and younger generations have not the opportunity to generate the same amount of wealth by their 30's or even their 40's as Boomers had.
Therefore leftism and liberalism will be more predominant in these younger generations.
I'm 43. I keep moving further left.
First there would need to be something worth conserving.
Again, this is not a boomer issue. I was told the same thing by Silents. I've only moved left-er.
I'm still trying to get my own studio apartment
Have you considered cutting out the avocado toast or inheriting a shit ton of money? It's really not that hard.