
joined 10 months ago
[–] Duamerthrax 1 points 1 hour ago

Just to add of awareness, people are underestimating the micro plastics from tires.

[–] Duamerthrax 4 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

He's been old for a long time. He just keeps sucking the youth out of his wives.

[–] Duamerthrax 15 points 7 hours ago

Cis kids aren't getting bullied and killing themselves for being cis.

They're being bullied for other reasons, but that's a different discussion.

[–] Duamerthrax 16 points 7 hours ago (4 children)

So? Not equivalent. There are deodorant ads also hung in the gyms of many schools. Do you feel threatened by the periodic table of elements or the multiplication table?

Pride flags are just to make lgbt kids feel welcome. If a cis student feels threaten by a pride flag, they have other issues.

[–] Duamerthrax 11 points 8 hours ago (3 children)

Can you share a long video of it? Not some edited down clip making the rightwing talking heads channels?

[–] Duamerthrax 11 points 8 hours ago (6 children)

Other then LGBTQ+ not being a monolith? You can find any crazy opinion online. Difference is, one group is large enough to push to have the ten commandants hung in public school classrooms and the other is a fringe of a minority.

[–] Duamerthrax 15 points 12 hours ago

Yeah, but you have to walk on eggshells when talking to office coworkers. If you're wfh, you don't have a commute eating up your schedule and have more free time for friends.

[–] Duamerthrax 2 points 13 hours ago

We did it guys! Video games have truly gone mainstream!

[–] Duamerthrax 28 points 14 hours ago (2 children)

What does that have to do with office hours?

[–] Duamerthrax 14 points 23 hours ago

pfft, ok. If the rich want to cook themselves, all the easier to eat.


Former Tsunderia talent, turned PC manager, turned PC talent, Dizzy also did a stream titled: Why You Should NOT Join Phase Connect where she explained what it means to go from being an indie to a corpo talent. What is expected of you, what groups success means, deadline expectations. I think one of the reasons for PC's success has been setting realistic expectations with their talents. I think part of the reason for this steam is to dissuade the people who previous would have misunderstood what PC can and cannot do you for.


Either I never belonged in the remedial classes, the GED is a participation trophy, or both are true.

Bonus, I tested out of community college geometry, but struggle with online high school geometry. I mostly wanted the college class to have classroom support for the online high school classes. They refused to let me take the class because I tested out of it.


I had a customer come into my garden center today and ask for "those mini sweet peppers. you know, the ones grocery stores sell". I have no idea what those peppers are. I suggested a sweet pimento, but they wanted the grocery store was selling.

I linked to what I think the person was talking about.


I was thinking of how people on the old internet would just create and share stuff for the simple sake of doing it, without trying to grind the algorithm. This woman in the mid 00's would bike through Chernoby, taking pictures and checking rad levels along the way.

Her anglefire page is defunk, but she has a youtube page now.

And for an added level of interesting, here's the slashdot page where I originally found it.



I'm creating a BoM for a youth group project. We're planning on building the Electromagnetic Ring Accelerator from Hyperspace Pirate. He's provided the 3d print files, but not the finer details on wire gauge, enamel wire gauge and ball size. I also want to confirm the photoresistor. Are there different photoresistors with with different sensitivities or ranges?

I've included the wip of the BoM.


I'm in a catch 22 situation. I want to go to a four year college, but I was previously placed in the remedial track and have a poor academic standing. If I go to a community college, I could improve my grades, but the material they cover is a replacement for high school classes and I'd be precluded from signing up for entry classes at the four year college. This seems like to would put me at a disadvantage when that finally happened and I would only be setting myself up for long term failure.

I'd consider CC if I could "transfer" in as a freshman to a four year, but the colleges I looked into all have rules against applying as a freshman if you have two years worth of credits. When I tried CC, the material was absolutely high school level just with smaller font in the textbooks.


I've been seeing a lot of usernames formatted "[lowercase][fourdigits]" or "user-[randomletternumbers]".

Normally, I'd assume that that just means the name was already taken and the numbers are manually entered to make it unique, but the formatting is too consistent. Is that something google is doing automatically?

The other one is real weird. Is that something some proxy sites are doing for anonymous posting?

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