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[-] Son_of_dad 5 points 4 hours ago

-He really has an ugly face.

-He is certainly ugly.

-But, you know what, that's not really what bothers me about this. What bothers me is that he looks like an old woman.

-Right! Well, he is wearing a lot of blush on those cheekbones, but I feel like that was the look of the times.

-No, no, but it's not just that though, Mac, it's not.

-I mean, a lot of presidents somehow end up looking like women. I mean, look at Ronald Reagan, right?

-Now, why would you hang a painting like this on your wall?

[-] Son_of_dad 10 points 6 hours ago

Cause digital Games have always been kind of a scam. It costs them less to produce, less shipping cost, no middle man taking a cut. Yet the games are never cheaper, they cost just as much as physical. And they can be taken away from you at any time and there's not a thing you can you. I could wake up one day and find myself banned from the network and all my money is down the toilet

[-] Son_of_dad 9 points 6 hours ago

Who are these harassed women going to vote for? Cause I have a feeling they didn't learn

[-] Son_of_dad 1 points 6 hours ago

You PC gamers are such noise in the air, know it alls. Then you wonder why we all ignore you

[-] Son_of_dad 3 points 6 hours ago

You can't argue with reality my friend. I'm my lifetime alone, costs have gone up to the point where it felt like they teased us with the dream of being able to live comfortably before it was taken away. You can't tell me the economy improving is benefiting me when it's NOT. it adds nothing to my paycheck, it doesn't affect my industry. The only reason I'm not underwater is because I have a union.

[-] Son_of_dad -2 points 6 hours ago

Nobody does. Mods here are also way worse here than Reddit. They'll ban you without even telling you why, and usually it's because your opinion differed from theirs. And because the mods here have zero checks and balances, they can act like fascists at the slightest hint of power.

[-] Son_of_dad 9 points 6 hours ago

I think you just invented an issue to complain about. Literally have never heard of this aside from the regular "I don't get young people clothing" argument

[-] Son_of_dad 0 points 7 hours ago

Yet I keep hearing you guys talking about Bernie.

[-] Son_of_dad -1 points 7 hours ago

Lemmy: old white men need to stop running for office!

Also Lemmy: vote Bernie!!

[-] Son_of_dad 1 points 13 hours ago

My vague recollection is that the studio messed with Picard a lot

[-] Son_of_dad 1 points 13 hours ago

They can do that easily by just jumping into multiverses now.

[-] Son_of_dad 26 points 13 hours ago

According to Trump's lawyers arguments on immunity, Biden would be within his rights to assassinate him

submitted 4 days ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]
submitted 4 days ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago by Son_of_dad to c/news
submitted 1 month ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]
submitted 2 months ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]
submitted 3 months ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]

Dave Meltzer should never be regarded as a journalist. This is par for the course for him, running with a story as fact without doing so much as the most basic of research. Like reporting tommy dreamer as the new tna head of creative, without so much as a phone call to dreamer to ask if it's true.

submitted 3 months ago by Son_of_dad to c/lemmyshitpost
submitted 3 months ago by Son_of_dad to c/[email protected]
submitted 6 months ago by Son_of_dad to c/news
submitted 6 months ago by Son_of_dad to c/fakehistoryporn
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Son_of_dad to c/starwarsmemes
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