
joined 11 months ago
[–] hydrospanner 6 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Wouldn't the combo of the first amendment and the supremacy clause pretty neatly dismantle the new Louisiana law?

[–] hydrospanner 10 points 20 hours ago


Honestly for as much "woe is me" that they crammed into this piece, my takeaway was mostly just, "Hmmm...good."

Like...I love rural PA, I'm just not wild about a lot of the people who live there. They vote against my own interests (and theirs), disproportionately influence state government, and welcome corporations that proudly destroy the environment while taking a hostile stance toward anyone not like them.

This isn't down to every last person, of course, but broadly speaking, the ones who aren't fitting that template are also not the ones doing most of the dying.

So the piece is reading, to me, more as, "the people most responsible for keeping the shitty aspects of Pennsylvania shitty are dying faster than they're breeding"...which is good news for the more reasonable residents of the state.

[–] hydrospanner 1 points 20 hours ago

Are you from rural PA?

[–] hydrospanner 2 points 20 hours ago (2 children)

So you just don't work at all?

[–] hydrospanner 6 points 20 hours ago

Knocked it out of the park with this comment.


Someone originally from the same town as you, basically.

[–] hydrospanner 1 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

I'll assume that I'm just missing a reference or three because the alternative is that I'm having a stroke.

[–] hydrospanner 5 points 1 day ago

Hell, in the inter-war period, mainstream America was even generally pretty comfortable with...uh...if not actual fascism, at least things that looked and sounded a lot like fascism.

[–] hydrospanner 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Because they've also got the lie-a-beetus.

[–] hydrospanner 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

The Great Basilisk is displeased by your repeated misspelling of the word "falter".

Prepare your simulated ass.

[–] hydrospanner 41 points 1 day ago (11 children)

Better yet: on Lemmy it doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, support yourself with facts or have someone else do it, admit mistake or not...if what you post isn't in alignment with the overall masses, it's ~~jail~~ downvotes.

[–] hydrospanner 1 points 2 days ago

A few local places incorporate mayo into so many of their rolls that I actually avoid those places because with me not really liking mayo, I can only order from like 30% of their menu.

[–] hydrospanner 2 points 4 days ago

I hate making something like that mandatory, but another benefit would be to reduce the stigma of guns in general.

It always surprises me how frequently I hear from otherwise pretty open minded people some version of, "I don't own guns and I've never needed a gun. Therefore nobody anywhere needs one or should have one for any reason and I'd fully support completely banning them, and if that violates the constitution, so what, it's what I want."

Further, gun education would reduce the ideas and legislation to restrict guns based on nonsense. There's a lot of fear of "scary guns" based on little more than superficial appearance, and I even see a lot of ideas from people claiming to want compromise, but it usually comes down to one of a few things: some arbitrary delineation between guns they're okay with because they don't look scary, something that would do little more than make criminals out of otherwise law abiding people, or depriving law abiding citizens of constitutionally guaranteed rights without due process.


Just stumbled across this in my travels.

Obviously this isn't "confirmed" as in "it's definitely coming out and here's a release date", but rather, simply confirmation that time and effort are being spent on it.

We also got confirmation that expansions are planned for the next two years, so even at the earliest, GW3 would likely be a 2027 thing, possibly with the second expansion in the current pipeline serving as a sort of link/segue.

Shifting gears for a moment, though...while there's a lot of room to steer the current story over 2 more expansions, I'm not sure there's much room left in the current lore for much of any real significant game. Maybe GW3 sees a prequel game? Maybe we actually participate in...you know...the Guild Wars?

submitted 3 months ago by hydrospanner to c/fishing

Went 4lb 1oz on the scale, for a best fish of 2024 to this point, and likely one of my top 5 overall for the year!

She ate a black and blue jig (I think it was a Dirty Jigs compact pitching in Pay Day) with a Reaction Innovations Kinky Beaver in Blank Check color...in about 2 feet of water, up on shore under a bush.

It was also the first fish on my new rod! (A NRX+ 894C JWR...not the Mojo in the background lol).


I've been getting out when I can for the past several weeks...on my very first trip of the year I missed a nice one under a dock that just threw the hook. After that I fished for many many hours without a bite.

We had a local warming trend here the past few days and finally I managed to break the ice.

Went 2lb 2oz on the scale and is a very respectable fish from the small and heavily pressured lake I caught it on. Took a Vision 110 Jr. in Elegy Bone.

Christmas (self.fishing)
submitted 6 months ago by hydrospanner to c/fishing

So...what didja get?

submitted 9 months ago by hydrospanner to c/fishing

When the local discount store has their already cheap LC stock marked 25% off, you load up.


Basically the title.

I'm running some nice Japanese braid but I feel like it's a bit small/thin/light for the application.

Just looking to find out what others use!

Best of the Weekend (lemmy.world)
submitted 10 months ago by hydrospanner to c/fishing

2lb 5oz on the scale, ate a Megabass SV-3 spinnerbait in Wakasagi colorway, pulled along the edges of weed mats.

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