If someone has stuff about pedophiles written on their body, the details don't really matter.
Even without the hood, it's a pretty weird thing to wear and i can't think of any situation that it would be funny.
I think these are from JD Delay, a dude who left prison and got famous on YouTube talking about prison politics and reacting to general bullshit.
Some of it comes from people who were abused when they were kids. Others just love to talk about killing pedos.
Yeah pedos are terrible, but it sort of seems like guys with shirts like this just want to hurt someone, and pedos are a convenient target that won't be protected.
"Nuke the Whales?"
"Gotta nuke sumthin..."
Someone should check his hard drives. It's always the most outspoken
Exactly. Any normal person despises pedophiles. We don't need a shirt to let others know.
I'd be willing to bet money that this guy is a pedophile himself.
yep it's one thing to have violent thoughts and opinions about certain people you find abhorrent of whatever but if you're the kind of guy to advertise it unprompted I'm gonna assume you're projecting.
I'm gonna bet this guy votes for the party that regularly defends and elects child predators, opposes sex ed for kids to keep them clueless about abuse, and advocates for child marriage.
I advertise my support for that Nintendo character all the time and I swear to god I’m not denying anybody’s medical care
that's not the same as these moralizing bunch. yours is a class based argument. even if I disagree with a statement like that, for example the very openly evil people who are against homeless people trying to stay alive, I don't assume they're secretly homeless themselves. it's clear they just hate the homeless.
Nah I think he got it right.
Fkn weird either way imo.
Guessing it says "kill"? I feel people who are that vocal about pedophiles are usually compensating for their own internal demons. Someone should keep an eye on that man...
Yeah, who wears a shirt like this in public?
They could've moved the text down like 5"
Did they not do that on purpose as a joke on people who buy it?
Gosh, that would be amazing if it was the case. My buddy and I discussed the possibility of grifting idiot conservatives in ways that cause them to tell on themselves. This would have been a great one.
Must be campaigning for political office.
I wonder if he wore that while voting for one.
A lot of people that wear things like that are masking. Not all, but the ones that love to call Democrats & trans people pedos are often projecting.
These shirts work to self-identify as such
I'm speechless 😭
I struggle to come up with a first word that would salvage this.
That doesn't even make sense... Are they saying that pedos aren't assholes or that they are immortal?
I don't understand...
i looked it up, it's a variation of kill/shoot/maim, i'd say "kill" from the visible parts of letters under the hood
"Defrock" is the closest I've come to anything even close to salvaging it. It's honestly kind of a fun challenge